Anger Management
Today should have been a good day. Today was momentous. Did you feel the earth shattering moment? The words that brought it on are over, but the scars still remain. They've been etched into the groundwork, forever marking the spaces we've bleed for this is never ending. It's the same old conversation going on for ages. Why does my heart cry? Feelings I can't fight. You're free to leave me but just don't deceive me and please believe me when I say I love you. When did feelings of love turn to feelings of hate? How could you say "I don't want you here?" What if I don't want him to go? I want him to stay with me, but you can go. Leave us be, take your lies and your hallow goodbyes, disappear like you've been saying for years, stop screaming like you know what your saying, don't drag me down into oblivion, use your own two feet don't borrow mine. Get it right, say it with me now, you need help. You say you've been wanting a vacation and your right. You need to take a 72 hour vacation full of medication. Shut up your complaints and suck it up. Don't tell me to not be sensitive when you can't hold a conversation for twenty seconds without turning it into a fight. Don't keep looking for reasons so leave us. If your going to go then go, don't draw it out and make us suffer, but when it's all over don't say you want me. You lost that privilege the moment you said, "I don't want you."