Name: Chase
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 132 lb.
✘ Black curly hair.
✘ Sapphire blue eyes.
✘ Few freckles right under the eyes.
✘ Never wears clothes.
✘ Fashions a lovely blue fish tail, the same color as his eyes, for his lower body.***
Usually only seen as a head shot.
He has no origin. He was created when I felt most lonely. When I was lonely, he took over. He always became present in my darkest hours, present during every depression. When ever I felt in the mood for role playing while I was in this mood, he'd be the one to do so, and he'd be the better, more literal role player. He was once thought as my conscience during, and only during, my depressions. He was assumed to be a reoccurring voice in my head. But I felt a "voice" as important as he needed an identity, an existence.
***Similar to this but darker blue.