.........................» Dragana Eadgyo Drayce 
I prefer to be called Dragana
Not sure if you knew or not, but I'm female
I was born 25 years ago
I hail from the house of Drayce
I am a Whisperer
Secrets Known Only to Me
My father married a woman from the House of Phelan, who later became my mother. It was a marriage of convenience and alliance, since at the time, he wanted free access to Phelan's trade routes. I was raised according to my mother's wishes, since I was a girl. This, of course, meant I was trained to be a proper lady. I wasn't taught about economics, or business, or trade, with the thought of being my father's heir. Instead, I learned to sew, and manage servants, and embroider fine designs. It was only after severe arguing with my mother that I was allowed to take up singing lessons. She thought I would run away to become a bard or something.
Mother was absolutely horrified when she learned I was a Whisperer. Father was upset as well, since that meant I could no longer be a trade good to be married off on his command. I was sent to my uncle's household to learn from him. He was my father's brother, and believed that women should be subservient to men. As a result, he took every opportunity to remind me that I would never be as good as a male whisperer, and that I should never expect to rise above a certain expertise. I took it upon myself to prove him wrong and worked hard.
Finally, my uncle admitted that I had surpassed him and was ready to graduate from apprenticeship. After I returned to my father's household, a freak monsoon came and destroyed my uncle's lands. He became penniless overnight and now roams the kingdom as a beggar. My father refused to take him in, saying that he doesn't hand out charity.
When I came back, my parents announced that they were going to start accepting suitors for my hand in marriage. Now my days and nights are filled with meeting eligible bachelors and generally being nice to them, even if some are disgusting old lechers.
...But I Must Warn You:
My tongue is sharp, and my wit sharper. Very few people can come away unscathed in a battle of words with me. While I act like the lady I am, I'm not about to let anyone relax around me. There are only a rare few people I let my guard down around, and they don't include any of my suitors or my parents. I keep my emotions shut off, but sometimes they boil over and explode. It's hard for me to make friends, but rest assured, I am loyal to the few I have.
There's Somethings I forgot:
I dote upon cats. I currently have two that have taken up residence in my rooms. They come and go as they please, but I always make sure there is a bit of a treat for them.
I prefer to be called Dragana
Not sure if you knew or not, but I'm female
I was born 25 years ago
I hail from the house of Drayce
I am a Whisperer
Secrets Known Only to Me
My father married a woman from the House of Phelan, who later became my mother. It was a marriage of convenience and alliance, since at the time, he wanted free access to Phelan's trade routes. I was raised according to my mother's wishes, since I was a girl. This, of course, meant I was trained to be a proper lady. I wasn't taught about economics, or business, or trade, with the thought of being my father's heir. Instead, I learned to sew, and manage servants, and embroider fine designs. It was only after severe arguing with my mother that I was allowed to take up singing lessons. She thought I would run away to become a bard or something.
Mother was absolutely horrified when she learned I was a Whisperer. Father was upset as well, since that meant I could no longer be a trade good to be married off on his command. I was sent to my uncle's household to learn from him. He was my father's brother, and believed that women should be subservient to men. As a result, he took every opportunity to remind me that I would never be as good as a male whisperer, and that I should never expect to rise above a certain expertise. I took it upon myself to prove him wrong and worked hard.
Finally, my uncle admitted that I had surpassed him and was ready to graduate from apprenticeship. After I returned to my father's household, a freak monsoon came and destroyed my uncle's lands. He became penniless overnight and now roams the kingdom as a beggar. My father refused to take him in, saying that he doesn't hand out charity.
When I came back, my parents announced that they were going to start accepting suitors for my hand in marriage. Now my days and nights are filled with meeting eligible bachelors and generally being nice to them, even if some are disgusting old lechers.
...But I Must Warn You:
My tongue is sharp, and my wit sharper. Very few people can come away unscathed in a battle of words with me. While I act like the lady I am, I'm not about to let anyone relax around me. There are only a rare few people I let my guard down around, and they don't include any of my suitors or my parents. I keep my emotions shut off, but sometimes they boil over and explode. It's hard for me to make friends, but rest assured, I am loyal to the few I have.
There's Somethings I forgot:
I dote upon cats. I currently have two that have taken up residence in my rooms. They come and go as they please, but I always make sure there is a bit of a treat for them.
★Irako of the Desert--------------
Username: Irako of the Desert
Character Name: Richard Leonard Bayard
Age: 24
Animal: Friesian stallion
Description: He's well-muscled, though not bulky like some guys get. He's a cool six feet, and moves smoothly, despite his size. His hair color changes, since he dyes it a lot, but is currently a dark brown that is almost black.
Personality: Richard comes across stand-offish and socially inept. He's very blunt and straightforward, which often makes people think he's rude and purposefully mean. For those who endure this, they would also find that he shows loyalty through his actions rather than his words. He has a strong moral code, and follows it, often over what is deemed legal. He can also be a bit competitive, and wants to show that he's stronger than everyone else.
Biography: His parents were shapeshifters, so from the minute he was born, they impressed upon him the importance of keeping a low profile. Don't be outstanding, don't be above average, keep your head down, and everything will be fine. Unfortunately, this sort of attitude did not match with his desire to be thought of as excellent. As he got older, he became a great athlete. He was also fairly intelligent, and considered handsome. His parents ended up moving a lot in order to avoid the attention their son inevitably drew. At every school he attended, he soon became a favorite. Even though he enjoyed the attention, he tried to obey his parents and pushed people away, inadvertently adding to his "cool" persona. In high school, he never joined any of the cliques and, despite multiple attempts to convince him otherwise, he never participated in extra-curricular activities.
Once he had his diploma, his parents told him to find his own way in the world. They thought it was too risky for the three of them to stay together, and so Richard left. A month later, his parents were caught by the government and killed. Since then, he's drifted from place to place. He stays long enough to earn some cash, then moves on to the next place. You can often find him in libraries, reading voraciously.
Username: Irako of the Desert
Character Name: Harley Valentinus Johnson
Age: 30
Description: He's six foot five, and a very solid 250 pounds made up of pure muscle. Most of the time, he's clean shaven, but when deeply engrossed in his work, he might forget about shaving and get some stubble. Generally, he's very clean and neat, with a preference for sober black clothing.
Personality: He's very straight-laced and private, with a tendency to latch onto an objective with an almost obsessive grip. He's good at focusing on getting the job done, and doesn't care how he does it. A lot of times, he breaks ethics codes and laws when it comes to the treatment or extermination of supernaturals, but since he's so good at accomplishing whatever objective he's given, the government turns a mostly blind eye to him. He's got a sadistic streak, but saves it for the people he hunts. He has a deep-seated grudge against shifters and always manages to contrive ways of killing them instead of taking them alive.
Biography: Seven years ago, Harley and his bride were on a vacation to Yosemite National Park to stay in a cabin and enjoy the scenery. They had planned to go on a hiking tour with a private guide, but he came down with a case of food poisoning. After several hours had passed, his wife had still not returned, so he called the police. Soon after, a search party found the guide and his wife savaged by animals. However, there were no traces of the animals, and even the most skilled trackers couldn't figure out where the murderous creatures had gone. The autopsy revealed that his wife had been two months pregnant, and the news nearly broke Harley. He spent the weeks leading up to her funeral in a deep depression and had to be carefully watched so that he wouldn't attempt suicide.
At the funeral, a man with shades and a black suit approached Harley, saying he had information about his wife's death. It was murder, not a tragic accident, and there were more happening all over the country. If Harley wanted revenge, he should join an elite task force being assembled in order to hunt down this new class of killer, the shapeshifters. After a year of intensive training that was highly top-secret, he was put in charge of his own unit and quickly began finding and killing shifters. He rose quickly through the (admittedly few) ranks until he was appointed the commander of the task force, which goes by the official name of Team XX-192 and unofficially by the Hunters.
Lately, his agents are turning out to be unsuccessful in the hunt, so he's been thinking of organizing a new team of serious hunters. So far, he hasn't found anyone good enough.
Username: Irako of the Desert
Character name: Mara Robinson
Race: Human
Homeland: Sendaluan Empire
Affiliation: Sendaluan Imperial Navy
Appearance: {x}
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Personality: Cocksure, sensitive about her height, careless about social niceties, and not shy about her body. She loves to tease others and have fun. When it comes to a battle, though, she becomes focused and determined, with a bit of a stubborn streak. She tends to seek vengeance, especially when pirates injure or kill any of her crew.
Bio: Mara's father was a captain-for-hire. Her mother died while giving birth to her. After fostering her with a wet nurse for the first few years, her father took her along on his shipping contracts rather than be parted from her. She grew up learning how to follow timetables, how to coax more speed out of any airship, and how to negotiate a better contract. She also learned how to inspire a crew made up of many disparate peoples to work together. Soon after she turned sixteen, though, she decided to pursue a more stable career choice than captain-for-hire and joined the Sendaluan Imperial Navy. Her experience sped her through the ranks for the next two years, and for the next five after that, she distinguished herself in several battles against pirates. By her twenty-third birthday, she was given command of a battleship in Commander Airxon Zanfreed's fleet. It was named the Valkyrie and began to be known for its deadly accurate marksmen and her dependability. The Valkyrie could be counted on to be in the right place at the right time in order to support other airships.
Now, she wins enough prizes and makes enough money to support her father, allowing him to retire. He is constantly at her to get married and have grandchildren so that he has someone to spoil in order to keep him busy.
Skills and abilities: She has a deep sense of empathy for people, and is able to connect with almost anyone regardless of their origins. It makes her invaluable as a leader, since those under her command are extremely loyal to her because of this. It also helps her to coax more cooperation from her crew, and as a result, are noticeably more efficient than many other crews in the Sendaluan Imperial Navy. Her sense of fun helps her to make drills less tedious, and improves the skills of her crew above most other crews. She's a fairly decent shot, an above-average tactician, and a good hand with a sword. Her shield-saw and claw gauntlets deal a lot of damage in hand-to-hand combat as well.
Equipment: {shield-saw} {gear-blade} {claw gauntlets}
Other: The shield-saw and claw gauntlets were designed by her and made by an apprentice weapons-maker that didn't think she was completely crazy when she became captain of the Valkyrie. She saved up every scrap of prize money and salary ever since she joined the Navy and had enough to have the shield-saw and claw of her gauntlets made from the toughest metal alloy available in the Empire. They do not dent or bend when struck by swords or bullets, and both have incredibly sharp blades. She does not wear the claw gauntlets when wielding her gear-sword or a gun.
"Never take life too seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway."
[Dennis Saskia]
[Bisexual, as long as you're not a jerk.]
[Anika Karlsson]
[You probably want a sob story, right? Here's a good one for you. My mom killed herself when I was three, right in front of me. Blew her brains out while crying over the kitchen sink. Dad came home and went nuts, beating up her corpse and sobbing like a little kid. He was never right in the head after that.
The LAPD came and took him and my mom's body away. They put me into foster care when it became certain that my dad was off his rocker. I got shuffled from foster home to foster home, and got a reputation as a troublemaker. I'm not really a troublemaker, I just like watching people look ridiculous. When I finally turned eighteen, I was turned out on the streets of Los Angeles with five hundred dollars in my pocket and wishes of good luck for the future. Not knowing what else to do, I went to the train station and caught the first one leaving. I made my way up the West Coast that way until I ended up in Tacoma, Washington.
That was when I first saw Anika Karlsson. She was shopping in a little boutique and looked like a friggin' angel. I couldn't believe there was anyone that perfect in the world. I followed her for the rest of the day until she finally left Tacoma to go back to wherever she came from.
I finally got a job at a warehouse shifting freight around. I worked there for a year until they transferred me to Seattle. I happened to run into Anika Karlsson again at a grocery store and couldn't believe my luck. We chatted for a little bit and I found that she was way smarter than me. The next day, I enrolled in Seattle Community College.]
[Guess I'm technically a sophomore, since I've been taking classes for a year and a half. I work at a warehouse loading and unloading trucks.]
[Only part of my backstory is true. Try and guess which parts.]
[Irako of the Desert]
[Dennis Saskia]
[Bisexual, as long as you're not a jerk.]
[Anika Karlsson]
- [Tea brewed well//Good books//Rollercoasters//Black//Talking about nothing//Pissing off religious people//Watching an orchestra play//Sleeping]
[Sports//Being approached by strangers//Donating money//Watching people suffer//Gore films//Overly sunny days//Listening to heavy metal or screamo//Nightmares]
[You probably want a sob story, right? Here's a good one for you. My mom killed herself when I was three, right in front of me. Blew her brains out while crying over the kitchen sink. Dad came home and went nuts, beating up her corpse and sobbing like a little kid. He was never right in the head after that.
The LAPD came and took him and my mom's body away. They put me into foster care when it became certain that my dad was off his rocker. I got shuffled from foster home to foster home, and got a reputation as a troublemaker. I'm not really a troublemaker, I just like watching people look ridiculous. When I finally turned eighteen, I was turned out on the streets of Los Angeles with five hundred dollars in my pocket and wishes of good luck for the future. Not knowing what else to do, I went to the train station and caught the first one leaving. I made my way up the West Coast that way until I ended up in Tacoma, Washington.
That was when I first saw Anika Karlsson. She was shopping in a little boutique and looked like a friggin' angel. I couldn't believe there was anyone that perfect in the world. I followed her for the rest of the day until she finally left Tacoma to go back to wherever she came from.
I finally got a job at a warehouse shifting freight around. I worked there for a year until they transferred me to Seattle. I happened to run into Anika Karlsson again at a grocery store and couldn't believe my luck. We chatted for a little bit and I found that she was way smarter than me. The next day, I enrolled in Seattle Community College.]
[Guess I'm technically a sophomore, since I've been taking classes for a year and a half. I work at a warehouse loading and unloading trucks.]
[Only part of my backstory is true. Try and guess which parts.]
[Irako of the Desert]
♠♡♣♢_◦_The Bad Mobster_◦_♢♣♡♠
Played by Irako of the Desert
Played by Irako of the Desert
☛ Character Name: James Gallo
☛ Age: 28
☛ Height: 6'
☛ Weight: 170lbs
☛ Physical Description: He's tall and covered with lean muscle that makes him look deceptively skinny. There's a tattoo on his right shoulder that shows what gang he belongs to and tiny scars cover his body.
☛ Personality: He's suspicious and wary of strangers, but is extremely loyal to his gang and friends. He's very competitive, which shows in his gambling habit. There is a hard edge to him that speaks to his rough life.
☛ Likes: Sweets, money, winning, expensive cigars, and good liquor
☛ Dislikes: Losing, spicy food, seeing a friend or gang member die, and being poor
☛ History: He was born to a prostitute and abandoned to eke out an existence on the streets when he was six. By age eight, a member of some gang took him in and began teaching him how to carve out a better life for yourself beyond just existing as a street rat. By age fourteen, he was inducted into the gang and officially started his life of organized crime. Over the years, he's cheated, murdered, laundered money, stolen, shot up bars, and generally been lawless. Through it all, he learned how closely people like him are to death. One stray bullet and his existence could end permanently. This mortality has driven him to become a brilliant shot with anything that has a trigger, extremely athletic and skilled in boxing, and earn a fearful reputation for ruthlessness. He worked his way up the ranks in his gang until he became their top assassin among the criminal community. He's never been outside the city in his entire life and has no concept of what life could be like without crime.
☛ Et Cetera: He knows what it's like to be desperately poor and to be a part of the city's underbelly, but he's learned proper etiquette in order to blend into high society when necessary. His acting skills are quite superb as well.
♘_⋄_Shining Knight Gallant_⋄_♘
Played by Irako of the Desert
Played by Irako of the Desert
➸ Character Name: Radan Taiser
➸ Age: 30
➸ Height: 5'10"
➸ Weight: 163
➸ Physical Description: He's well-muscled after years of wearing plenty of armor and keeps his hair cut short. His eyes are blue and often vary in shade according to his mood.
➸ Personality: He's good-natured, friendly, and honorable. He has a quick wit and a clever tongue, but becomes grim in the face of impending battle.
➸ Likes: Jousting, reading, storytelling, and riding
➸ Dislikes: Bloodsport, dueling, cowards, and braggarts
➸ History: He was the third of five sons and his lord father sent him to become a page in the house of Maddeson. Lady Fawne had just been born then. He then proceeded to follow the road to knighthood, serving as squire to Lord Maddeson before finally being granted the title of a Maddeson knight. Soon after, the lady of the house died from illness.
The king then raised a host to repel invaders from the east, and Sir Radan was sent to war. He spent the next five years in the king's army, becoming seasoned in battle and tactics. When the invaders were beaten back and the army able to return home victorious, Sir Radan was surprised to discover that Lady Fawne had grown into a beautiful young woman. He did not fall instantly in love, but after being assigned to be in charge of her small personal guard by her now overly protective lord father, he grew to love her. Whenever he could, he tried to lift her spirits with jokes or his stories, and only hoped that she considered him a friend.
He did not dare openly court her favor, however, having no inheritance or land to speak of. Instead, he began to compete in tournaments, and won purses in jousting and swordplay all over the kingdom. Lord Maddeson encouraged this, appreciating the glory Sir Radan gathered to his house. It took the knight away from his lady often, but every time he returned to her, she only grew more and more beautiful in body and spirit. He became determined to wed her, and once he has enough gold from the tournaments, plans to buy a landed title and make a bid for her hand in marriage.
➸ Et Cetera:His most faithful companion is his horse, Tobi. Tobi is a chestnut destrier with a lopsided splotch of a white sock on the off hind leg and a stripe with a diamond star on his face. His temper is sweet for a warhorse and
☁_◦_Seaward Princess_◦_☁
Played by Irako of the Desert
Played by Irako of the Desert
✧ Character Name:Va'laria'lutgur'lian to Moshi'ngor'nal or Valery Mosinn
✧ Age: 253
✧ Height: 5'2"
✧ Weight: 120lbs.
✧ Physical Description: She's small and lithe, oozes sensuality without batting an eye, and has dozens of minute scars all over her body. Her lush figure disguises the very real muscle underneath, and hints more at her extraordinary flexibility.
✧ Personality:She is quite aware of her seductive nature and enjoys exploiting it. Having lived for so long without morals, she now constantly struggles with differentiating between right and wrong. She has an insatiable curiosity and is constantly trying to learn more about everything. In this, she truly admires humans and their ability to build on previous generations of experience. As a former hunter of them, she is well-versed in human behaviors and how to manipulate them them to her advantage.
✧ Likes: Learning, books, sushi, warmth, and movies
✧ Dislikes: dry air, tangled hair, being kept in ignorance, and boats
✧ History: Her father was a merman, her mother a Siren. When she was born, her mother killed him for her to feed on as her first sustenance. Her mother then taught her all the secrets of the Sirens. One of the things that she learned is that a Siren's voice can do much more than lure men to drown. Depending on the songs one sings, a Siren can make anyone fall in love with her, despise their friends, hallucinate, or run willingly into death's arms. She just has to know how to sing the right song.
She learned fast and her mother became afraid of her. She tried to kill Valery with death songs, but the one weakness of the Siren's voice is that if it can't be heard, something can't be affected by it. Valery merely plugged her ears and ripped out her mother's throat. Then she went to other Sirens and learned their songs. Once she had gained all their knowledge, she killed them. Now, she is the most knowledgeable Siren in the world.
A human despot who lived near the sea heard of her and sent men out with offerings of treasures and a request for her voice. She killed the men and took the treasure, but was amused by the letter he'd sent with them. She appeared to him as a naked women in his throne room and sang a death song to him. He had been prepared for her, though, and was unable to hear her. Instead, he wrote her notes saying that he would pay her to kill a troublesome noble stirring up rebellion. She accepted, impressed by this human's cunning and curious about the human world. With her voice, she sang songs of love and seduction, making the rebellious noble fall in love with her. When she had gained his trust, she lured him to water and drowned him.
Her reputation grew and she became a sought-after assassin by those who wanted to frighten their enemies. With so many requests, she became rich. She began to experiment with creating her own songs and would test them on targets.
For a long time, she continued in this fashion. Her obscene wealth gained her whatever she wanted in the way of entertainment and lovers. It was fun for a few decades, but she began to feel something missing that no amount of death, wealth, or companionship could fulfill. She began to roam the world, no longer accepting contracts of assassination, driven by the emptiness to find something that would fill it up.
✧ Et Cetera: She's vain about her hair, and loves wearing it loose when on land. Normally, in the sea, she has to keep it bound or risk it turning into impossible snarls.
God or Goddess: Athena
Name: Brianna Palles
Age: 17
Sexuality: Female
Personality: Brianna grew up on a little horse farm and could ride practically since she could walk. Her mother often volunteers to rehabilitate various wildlife, and usually takes in abandoned owlets or injured owls. Her father is a famous martial artist and often travels to work as a consultant for stunt production or to give demonstrations and hold workshops. She became a bit of a tomboy as a result, and has a deep sense of what is right and wrong. Brianna has a lot of common sense and a calm demeanor, and is often sought out for her advice on many matters by her peers. She likes to defend the underdog, and has gotten in trouble before for using her martial arts skills to do so. Hard physical work around the farm is no burden to her and has made her strong. She's also become very good at handling all the domestic chores, giving her mother a chance to focus on her rehabilitation efforts.
Likes: Owls, horses, being outside, tea, crocheting, and Italian food.
Dislikes: Being cooped up, jerks, girls with exaggerated opinions of themselves, senseless violence, and wearing super-complicated outfits.
Username: Irako of the Desert

Christoph Aiolos
gender: Male
age: Appears 23, but in reality is much, much older. He's as old as the Haunted Music Box.
~ Good-humored
~ Mysterious
~ Friendly
~ A little patronizing
~ Show-off
~ Working the bar
~ Meeting new people
~ Music
~ Riddles
~ Showing off
~ Mistreatment of his customers
~ Bad musicians
~ Drinking
~ Drunkards
~ Idiots
Christoph (not short for Christopher, in case you're wondering) is the owner of the Haunted Music Box, though he's often seen tending the bar more often than being a manager. His easy manner makes people feel comfortable around him, and there's nothing he likes better than seeing happy customers. He enjoys music of all kinds and welcomes musicians to his bar. There are rumors of a dark past, but Christoph hasn't told anyone anything yet.
He is quite the showman and can do incredible tricks not thought possible. His employees all suspect that Christoph hides many, many talents, but he pays them well and treats them fairly, so they never complain. Many odd people pass in and out of his bar, some who have business with Christoph. Musicians who have been spoken to by him often credit him with their success or their utter failure. He, of course, won't admit to anything. His employees and customers trust him implicitly, no matter what trouble they might be in.
.........................» Anput"Lady Night"Neaht 
I prefer to be called Lady Night
Not sure if you knew or not, but I'm Female
I was born 17 years ago
Secrets Known Only to Me
I don't know who either of my real parents are. According to the orphanage I used to live at, I was fished out of the Thames in the middle of the night on a new moon, in a basket. The orphanage nurses that had heard my screams were surprised that anything had survived in that cesspool of a river. One of them called me Anput as a joke. She's supposed to the "Lady of Magic" and the nurse claimed that only by magic could I have survived. That, and I have an ankh-shaped birthmark on my back. I lived in the orphanage and grew up spoiled by the bigger children. Something about me makes people want to do that, I guess.
At age four, I was adopted by a middle-class family from Colchester. My parents worked hard, my mother as a secretary for the chairman of the local public transport system, and my dad as a freelance computer technician. They did their best to raise me well, sending me to Holmwood House School, a private academy. I attended school there up to the eighth grade, and live a normal, ordinary, boring life.
After the eighth grade, I attended Colchester High School. In my freshman year, I met a girl who was really into Egyptology. She got me interested in anything having to do with Ancient Egypt, especially the gods. I loved the tales about Anubis and his wife, Anput, with whom I share a name.The girl and I became good friends, and I was happy. She nicknamed me "Lady Night" because, as it turns out, the goddess Anput is known as Queen of the Starry Heavens. I can also see quite well in the dark, especially during the new moon. Everything was normal, and boring had been taken care of with my new interest in Ancient Egypt.
Then came the transfer. My dad got a permanent job as a manager of computer techs like him at some big company. We had to move away from Colchester and I had to leave everything I knew behind. Now I go to this new school where everybody treats me really weird. I thought it would be cooler, seeing as how the name of the school is Osiris Academy, but now I really wish I was home in Colchester. I mean, I'm at the bottom of the social ladder thanks to the student council or Azure Guard or whatever. For some reason, they've gone out of their way to persecute me.
...But I Must Warn You:
I might look like a boring Brit to you, but I'm actually just shy. If you could hear what I'm thinking, you would probably punch me or hug me for it. I have a deep sense of honor and respect for those who deserve it, and a wicked sense of humor for those that don't. While I don't mind what happens to me, do anything to my friends or badmouth them in front of me and I'll go ballistic on you.
There's Somethings I forgot:
For some reason, I see things that others don't. Maybe it has to do with my name. Anput was supposed to be "great in magic", and names are supposed to have power. I don't know, do you think it's a coincidence?
I prefer to be called Lady Night
Not sure if you knew or not, but I'm Female
I was born 17 years ago
Secrets Known Only to Me
I don't know who either of my real parents are. According to the orphanage I used to live at, I was fished out of the Thames in the middle of the night on a new moon, in a basket. The orphanage nurses that had heard my screams were surprised that anything had survived in that cesspool of a river. One of them called me Anput as a joke. She's supposed to the "Lady of Magic" and the nurse claimed that only by magic could I have survived. That, and I have an ankh-shaped birthmark on my back. I lived in the orphanage and grew up spoiled by the bigger children. Something about me makes people want to do that, I guess.
At age four, I was adopted by a middle-class family from Colchester. My parents worked hard, my mother as a secretary for the chairman of the local public transport system, and my dad as a freelance computer technician. They did their best to raise me well, sending me to Holmwood House School, a private academy. I attended school there up to the eighth grade, and live a normal, ordinary, boring life.
After the eighth grade, I attended Colchester High School. In my freshman year, I met a girl who was really into Egyptology. She got me interested in anything having to do with Ancient Egypt, especially the gods. I loved the tales about Anubis and his wife, Anput, with whom I share a name.The girl and I became good friends, and I was happy. She nicknamed me "Lady Night" because, as it turns out, the goddess Anput is known as Queen of the Starry Heavens. I can also see quite well in the dark, especially during the new moon. Everything was normal, and boring had been taken care of with my new interest in Ancient Egypt.
Then came the transfer. My dad got a permanent job as a manager of computer techs like him at some big company. We had to move away from Colchester and I had to leave everything I knew behind. Now I go to this new school where everybody treats me really weird. I thought it would be cooler, seeing as how the name of the school is Osiris Academy, but now I really wish I was home in Colchester. I mean, I'm at the bottom of the social ladder thanks to the student council or Azure Guard or whatever. For some reason, they've gone out of their way to persecute me.
...But I Must Warn You:
I might look like a boring Brit to you, but I'm actually just shy. If you could hear what I'm thinking, you would probably punch me or hug me for it. I have a deep sense of honor and respect for those who deserve it, and a wicked sense of humor for those that don't. While I don't mind what happens to me, do anything to my friends or badmouth them in front of me and I'll go ballistic on you.
There's Somethings I forgot:
For some reason, I see things that others don't. Maybe it has to do with my name. Anput was supposed to be "great in magic", and names are supposed to have power. I don't know, do you think it's a coincidence?
★Irako of the Desert--------------

Richard Braxton, The Transporter
"History is rarely made by reasonable men [or women]."
From the day I was born everyone called me, Richard Gerard Braxton and I've decided to stick with that.
Our world is still in the levels of peace, but that was 21 years ago.
Those closest to me say I can be rather absent-minded while working, awkward in social situations, and an absolute genius at times. I couldn't agree more.
If I were a book it would be much easier for you to know who I am, but I suppose I can give you a brief summary of my life. It all started when I made my first magically-powered mechanical toy at age seven. My parents immediately saw potential in me and began pushing me to take all sorts of classes that involved magic, math, and anything to do with making anything. They pushed me to succeed, and it's really thanks to their support that I am where I am today.
I became the Transporter kind of by accident. Some rich guy asked me if I could make a flying gondola that didn't require fuel and offered me ridiculous amounts of money for it. That's how my balloon gondola, the Curious Silk, came to be. It has a magical navigation system that can guide the balloon anywhere in the world, regardless of which way the winds blow. I liked it so much that I didn't want to give it to the guy, which ended with him suing me, unfortunately. He won, so in order to pay him off, I give rides to people in my balloon gondola for a fee. I also deliver stuff.
I was doing well with the gondola rides, but there were some people who were afraid of flying. Some silly notion that my balloon would fall out of the sky or something in a fiery ball of death, can you imagine? Anyway, I began developing my Beetle Bus, a land-based transport that has a similar navigation system to the Curious Silk. It can handle almost all terrain, and its thick, beetle-like carapaces protect it from assault and disasters. I also charge a small fee to people who want to ride it.
My crowning achievement to date was the creation of my Black Transport Sheet. It's this black piece of paper that, when you stand on it, will take you to the place you're thinking of. I haven't come up with a good name for it yet. It has a lot of drawbacks, like the fact that it takes an enormous amount of power, or that it can only be used once a day. I've been kind of working on it to make it more energy-efficient, but I keep getting distracted by new ideas.
My purpose in life? I am the Transporter. It's sort of a volunteer gig where I send people where they want to go. I believe that is what it is.
Something else important you must know is that you should never, EVER touch anything in my lab. There are things that can and will explode at the slightest provocation. Other than that, that is all you really need to know.
My enchanter is Irako of the Desert.
"History is rarely made by reasonable men [or women]."
From the day I was born everyone called me, Richard Gerard Braxton and I've decided to stick with that.
Our world is still in the levels of peace, but that was 21 years ago.
Those closest to me say I can be rather absent-minded while working, awkward in social situations, and an absolute genius at times. I couldn't agree more.
If I were a book it would be much easier for you to know who I am, but I suppose I can give you a brief summary of my life. It all started when I made my first magically-powered mechanical toy at age seven. My parents immediately saw potential in me and began pushing me to take all sorts of classes that involved magic, math, and anything to do with making anything. They pushed me to succeed, and it's really thanks to their support that I am where I am today.
I became the Transporter kind of by accident. Some rich guy asked me if I could make a flying gondola that didn't require fuel and offered me ridiculous amounts of money for it. That's how my balloon gondola, the Curious Silk, came to be. It has a magical navigation system that can guide the balloon anywhere in the world, regardless of which way the winds blow. I liked it so much that I didn't want to give it to the guy, which ended with him suing me, unfortunately. He won, so in order to pay him off, I give rides to people in my balloon gondola for a fee. I also deliver stuff.
I was doing well with the gondola rides, but there were some people who were afraid of flying. Some silly notion that my balloon would fall out of the sky or something in a fiery ball of death, can you imagine? Anyway, I began developing my Beetle Bus, a land-based transport that has a similar navigation system to the Curious Silk. It can handle almost all terrain, and its thick, beetle-like carapaces protect it from assault and disasters. I also charge a small fee to people who want to ride it.
My crowning achievement to date was the creation of my Black Transport Sheet. It's this black piece of paper that, when you stand on it, will take you to the place you're thinking of. I haven't come up with a good name for it yet. It has a lot of drawbacks, like the fact that it takes an enormous amount of power, or that it can only be used once a day. I've been kind of working on it to make it more energy-efficient, but I keep getting distracted by new ideas.
My purpose in life? I am the Transporter. It's sort of a volunteer gig where I send people where they want to go. I believe that is what it is.
Something else important you must know is that you should never, EVER touch anything in my lab. There are things that can and will explode at the slightest provocation. Other than that, that is all you really need to know.
My enchanter is Irako of the Desert.

Darena No'kroi'toshroi
There is no such thing as pure good or pure evil, least of all in people.
From the day I was born everyone called me, Darena Sut'kitokir'i va Sug'itoutsuk'shi No'kroi'toshroi and I've decided to stick with that.
Our world is still in the levels of peace, but that was 72 years ago.
Those closest to me say I can be rather boisterous to the point of annoyance as well as a little vain about my hair and sensitive about my half-breed status,and I couldn't agree more.
If I were a book it would be much easier for you to know who I am, but I suppose I can give you a brief summary of my life. It all started when I was born to an elven mother and a human father. My father had somehow managed to find his way to this world from the regular world and fell in love with my mother. They lived together for a little while, but he missed his home too much, so he found a way to return there. My mother refused to go with him, knowing that she would never be able to blend in there.
About three years after (elven gestation periods are way longer than human ones), I was born. My mother raised me as an elf, but we tended to stay isolated from other elves all the way until I was twenty-four years old (that's equivalent to the human age of twelve). She was summoned to appear before her family and ordered to present her child to them. Everything was all hunky-dory until they actually saw me for the first time. Then everyone was appalled at the abomination I apparently was and berated my mother for allowing me to exist. They decided to test my magical skills, since they'd never come across someone like me. That ended with an elf turned inside out and another trapped in a bubble of airless space. They determined that I had very little control over my magic and decided I was too dangerous to keep alive. My mother tried to reason with them and convinced them that she would teach me to control my magic. They agreed to let me live, with a few conditions.
1. I have to be retested every century. If I don't show improvement, I get a warning. If it looks like I've regressed in any way, I get killed.
2. I'm not allowed to live in any elven settlements, nor am I allowed to call myself one of the elven race. I have to refer to myself as a half-breed always.
3. My mother would have to take full responsibility for any accidents that might happen because of my lack of control over magic. She would be punished with death if I killed someone, in other words.
When I turned forty-eight (equivalent to a human's twenty-eight), I decided to try to find my dad. I figured that I might fit in better over there with him. I quickly found out that the people over there were even less accepting of my half-breed status than they were here. And to top it off, when I found my dad, I was shocked to see him a gray old man. I had known humans aged faster than elves, but to see my father looking so old when my mother was still so beautiful was heart-breaking. It was a shock to him as well when I told him who I was, but once we got over that, we hit it off really well. It seems I ended up with my mother's looks and elven traits, but I have his human stubbornness and openmindedness. He was the only person over there who didn't think I was a freak, and that really meant a lot to me.
When I came back, I found out that my mother had been imprisoned for allowing me to leave. When I tried to go plead on her behalf to her family, I was immediately banished for entering an elven settlement. Not knowing what else to do, I wandered around the world for twenty years, generally being a good-for-nothing. That is, until I met Vircia. She basically got really pissed when I tried to steal food, and put me to work scrubbing floors and dishes. For the last four years, the Inn has been my home, and I've become good friends with Vircia. She's so nice, even to a worthless half-breed like me.
Recently, this girl from the other world has shown up. Her name is Scarlet, and she's looking for her dad. I kind of know what that's like, and I think I'll help her out. At least as much as I can.
My purpose in life? I am the half breed. I don't quite fit into the regular world, nor do I fit into this one. People from both worlds shun me because of my looks, or my lack of control. I believe that is what it is.
Something else important you must know is that I can't read or write English. I only ever learned to read the elven language, which for some reason is darn near impossible for other races to learn. On my travels, I picked up a smattering of other languages, and I understand animals pretty well. English is the language Vircia uses in the Inn, so I've become pretty fluent in that. I just can't read it or write it, that's all. I've also maintained a pretty good control over my magic. There's been a few minor accidents here and there, but nobody was hurt, and it was easily fixed. I'm never going to be on the level of the greatest magic-users, that's for sure, but I don't mind. It's not like I'm going to be saving any worlds, right? Other than that, that is all you really need to know.
My enchanter is Irako of the Desert.
There is no such thing as pure good or pure evil, least of all in people.
From the day I was born everyone called me, Darena Sut'kitokir'i va Sug'itoutsuk'shi No'kroi'toshroi and I've decided to stick with that.
Our world is still in the levels of peace, but that was 72 years ago.
Those closest to me say I can be rather boisterous to the point of annoyance as well as a little vain about my hair and sensitive about my half-breed status,and I couldn't agree more.
If I were a book it would be much easier for you to know who I am, but I suppose I can give you a brief summary of my life. It all started when I was born to an elven mother and a human father. My father had somehow managed to find his way to this world from the regular world and fell in love with my mother. They lived together for a little while, but he missed his home too much, so he found a way to return there. My mother refused to go with him, knowing that she would never be able to blend in there.
About three years after (elven gestation periods are way longer than human ones), I was born. My mother raised me as an elf, but we tended to stay isolated from other elves all the way until I was twenty-four years old (that's equivalent to the human age of twelve). She was summoned to appear before her family and ordered to present her child to them. Everything was all hunky-dory until they actually saw me for the first time. Then everyone was appalled at the abomination I apparently was and berated my mother for allowing me to exist. They decided to test my magical skills, since they'd never come across someone like me. That ended with an elf turned inside out and another trapped in a bubble of airless space. They determined that I had very little control over my magic and decided I was too dangerous to keep alive. My mother tried to reason with them and convinced them that she would teach me to control my magic. They agreed to let me live, with a few conditions.
1. I have to be retested every century. If I don't show improvement, I get a warning. If it looks like I've regressed in any way, I get killed.
2. I'm not allowed to live in any elven settlements, nor am I allowed to call myself one of the elven race. I have to refer to myself as a half-breed always.
3. My mother would have to take full responsibility for any accidents that might happen because of my lack of control over magic. She would be punished with death if I killed someone, in other words.
When I turned forty-eight (equivalent to a human's twenty-eight), I decided to try to find my dad. I figured that I might fit in better over there with him. I quickly found out that the people over there were even less accepting of my half-breed status than they were here. And to top it off, when I found my dad, I was shocked to see him a gray old man. I had known humans aged faster than elves, but to see my father looking so old when my mother was still so beautiful was heart-breaking. It was a shock to him as well when I told him who I was, but once we got over that, we hit it off really well. It seems I ended up with my mother's looks and elven traits, but I have his human stubbornness and openmindedness. He was the only person over there who didn't think I was a freak, and that really meant a lot to me.
When I came back, I found out that my mother had been imprisoned for allowing me to leave. When I tried to go plead on her behalf to her family, I was immediately banished for entering an elven settlement. Not knowing what else to do, I wandered around the world for twenty years, generally being a good-for-nothing. That is, until I met Vircia. She basically got really pissed when I tried to steal food, and put me to work scrubbing floors and dishes. For the last four years, the Inn has been my home, and I've become good friends with Vircia. She's so nice, even to a worthless half-breed like me.
Recently, this girl from the other world has shown up. Her name is Scarlet, and she's looking for her dad. I kind of know what that's like, and I think I'll help her out. At least as much as I can.
My purpose in life? I am the half breed. I don't quite fit into the regular world, nor do I fit into this one. People from both worlds shun me because of my looks, or my lack of control. I believe that is what it is.
Something else important you must know is that I can't read or write English. I only ever learned to read the elven language, which for some reason is darn near impossible for other races to learn. On my travels, I picked up a smattering of other languages, and I understand animals pretty well. English is the language Vircia uses in the Inn, so I've become pretty fluent in that. I just can't read it or write it, that's all. I've also maintained a pretty good control over my magic. There's been a few minor accidents here and there, but nobody was hurt, and it was easily fixed. I'm never going to be on the level of the greatest magic-users, that's for sure, but I don't mind. It's not like I'm going to be saving any worlds, right? Other than that, that is all you really need to know.
My enchanter is Irako of the Desert.
Name: Keldra Strongsword
Race: Half-elf
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Background: Keldra's mother is an elven slave and her father is the nobleman who owns her mother. She was a very unexpected child, as her mother was believed to be barren up until she got pregnant. The nobleman allowed the child to be born and sent the child to be raised by a liegeman who wanted a daughter, but who had not been able to conceive with his wife. The nobleman did not want it getting out that he had a half-breed child, and provided the liegeman with a modest estate very far away from his circle of influence.
She grew up knowing that she was adopted, and who her real father was. She knew by the age of ten that she was an embarrassment to her real father, and decided that she would prove she was worth something to him. This led to her begin learning how to fight. Her elven heritage gave her marginally faster reflexes and slightly greater strength, enough so that she is capable of taking on a man twice her weight, though with considerable difficulty. Whenever she became skilled in one style of fighting, she would quickly move on to learn another one. By the time she was sixteen, she was working as a freelancer guarding small merchant caravans. This line of work suited her real father, since it kept her traveling and away from him.
She has received a monthly fee ever since she was twelve in order to pay for her silence about her parentage. Most of it is saved until she wants to buy a new weapon or piece of armor. For the past seven months, she's been taking a year for herself and used her considerable savings in order to travel and test her fighting abilities. Everywhere she has been was for the purpose of testing herself or learning something new. She heard about how dangerous Dimwood is supposed to be and traveled to the tavern there in order to pick up a guard job as a sort of ultimate test of her abilities.
She prefers using blades and bows, though sometimes she'll buy alchemic bombs. She can use a light mace or axe, and is a fairly good marksman with any thrown weapon. She's also skilled in unarmed combat and mixes together all the styles she's learned with great abandon.
Role: She's an all-around melee fighter that's fairly experienced in a bunch of fighting techniques, but has never been in an honest-to-god full-on pitched battle. Most of her fighting experience is from defending against bands of four to eight bandits with a couple of other guards, with the goal of capturing or driving them away empty-handed. She's learned a little about woodcraft, and could function as a scout if pressed, but she's better off defending a specific target.
Appearance: {x} (I'll update this when you find a good one)
She is five foot one, weighs one hundred and ten pounds, and usually keeps her hair tied back in a braid. Most of her clothing is plain, sturdy stuff, and she keeps some soot on hand in order to dull whatever metal she's wearing to keep it from flashing in the sun if necessary. Her boots are extremely sturdy and expensive, so she wears cloth coverings on them to disguise them. The weapons she carries with her now are plain, but high-quality, and consist of a longsword, and several knives of varying sizes hidden on her person. Other weapons she owns are currently stored at her adoptive parents' home. Any fancy clothes or jewelry she owns is also stored at home.
【Name】: Kendra Drayce
【Age】: 50
【Gender】: Female
【Species】: Monster (Centaur)
【Race】: Andalusian
【Sexuality】: Asexual
【Powers】: Precognition of up to three seconds. Normally sees only up to a second in advance and rarely in situations where the knowledge would be useful, such as in a fight. Creates small illusions that can be sustained for up to an hour, which she normally uses to pass herself off as a human riding a horse.
【Biography】: She used to be an elf, but when the world was destroyed, she happened to be near one of the sites that the humans blasted with their destructive missiles. Nearly a year after that, she became violently sick, with her magic going haywire in an attempt to repair the damage that had been done by the missile's radiation. When she finally made it to a fellow elf to beg for help, she was told she had two options. She could either use all her magic to transform into another being and rid her body of the illness or be killed in order to avoid a life of crippling illness and magical instability that could threaten the lives of others. Her choice to live left her in an unfamiliar body with no magic. The elf who helped her with the transformation and rehabilitation gifted her with a small boost of magic that fuels her powers. She turned mercenary and currently travels with a dragon who has radiation sickness and his unicorn physician.
【Skills】: Axe-wielding, trailblazing, reading the situation, and cross-country treks
【Flaws】: Can't track except the most obvious of trails, is terrible with any sort of long-range weapon, can no longer creep silently anywhere, least of all a forest, and is vulnerable if caught off her hooves.
【Likes】: A good fight or other strenuous physical activities, being brushed, and hot food.
【Dislikes】: Gravel, human settlements, constructions that don't accommodate her shape, her nickname, jokes about being ridden, and getting shod.
【Appearance】: {x}