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Elves; Elves are mainly forest dwelling creatures who, unlike humans, have a stronger bond to natural magic. Elves can be placed into two different categorizes; humanoid and mana bound.

Humanoid elves - these elves can often be mistaken for a normal human, if it were not for their longer ears. Some humanoids have a huge range of skin variety, from blue to purple, white to black, and fair pink to dark tans. Unnatural eye and hair colors are rare, but not unheard of. These elves are the most common class. Their culture is very similar to humans, although they're clearly a lot more 'religious' and 'peaceful'. A common trait is that they're all conflict shy. Their magic abilities vary greatly, from weak to unnaturally strong. Their rarely tower above the average human. Elf races that go under this category are Avalon Elves, Sun Elves, High Elves, Shadow (night) Elves and Arctic elves. These elves are well known for their handcrafted weapons and jewels. They're often looked upon as being wiser, as their lifetimes lasts two or three times longer then that of a human.

Sub species:

Avalon elves - Avalon elves all have fair skin, but hair and eye color varies like a normal human. Unnatural colors doesn't exist. They have the longest ears of the elves and the highest magic strenght rate. Physically they're the weakest, having delicate bones and bad imune systems. As long as one of the parents are an Avalon elf, the child will be a purebred elf. Due to a curse, they're currently inable to mate with their own species. They can only be found on the island of Avalon.

Sun elves - Sun elves all have darker skin colors, ranging from light tan to dark chocolate. Both natural and unnatural hair and eye colors are normal, although 1/4 of the population has black hair. They have the second longest ears. They prefer to keep themselves in desert areas.

High elves - Better known as Forest elves. These elves have skin tones ranging from fair to tan. Only natural colors. Unnatural colors are obviously a work of magic. They have the shortest ears. They're by far the most friendly race and regulary deals with humans and dwarf. They have the oldest living elves, some being around 10 to 12 thousand years old.

Shadow elves - Better known as Night elves. Their skin color is pure, coal black. The super rare albino shadow elves have pure white skin, and are hailed as Gods. Unlike the other elves, they have one King or Queen who rules them all at all times, instead of severeal leaders. They're all allergic to the sun, and is therefor only seen at night. Their eyes, natural born tattoos and teeth glow in the dark. Glowing hair is not unusual as well. The tattoos, eyes and hair all have the same color. The colors that occour are white, purple, pink, green, blue, yellow, orange and red. All have diffrent shades and no colors are identical. The tattoos change with age and time, so a shadow elf won't have the same tattoos that he did one or two years ago. The super rare albinos often have white eyes, hair and tattoos. They have slightly longer ears then the High Elves. Because of their 'demonic appearance', they're often shunned by others. They're also omnivores. They're often quiet willing to eat their dead enemies, and sometimes their own. It's in fact a part of their traditions and coulture. That is probably the biggest reason why nobody wants to deal with them. Physically they're the strongest of the elves and are well known for their ultra flexiable bodies. They specialize in dark magic and curses, although they never use it themselves but rather sell the information they have.

Mana bound - these elves often have human-like faces and hands, but tree trunk feet and odd colored skin. The range in looks vary just as much as plant life. Many of the mana bound elves rarely move away from the spot they're born. They survival depends entirely on the forests they live in. Unlike most races, they do not require to eat. Just like trees, all they need is soil, water and sunshine to be content. It's fairly normal for mana bound elves to have flowers growing from their heads. The nectar they produce is highly priced at the marked and is considered to be of the finest liquids there is. Their magic abilities are low, but their long life expectancy makes up for it. Some have been recorded to be over five thousand years old. Their sizes vary from 50 cm to 12 meters, depending on their age. Something that is also unusual, is that mana elf war has never occurred. Why is unknown.

Orcs; Human looking creatures, although larger, stronger and a lot more brutal. Their bodies are built up by almost pure muscles and their sizes are often that of one and a half man in height. Most have a heavy bone build. A skinny orc is rare, and often looked down upon. They commonly all have a heavyset jaws, slightly pointed ears and upturned noses. Some of the males develop tusks as they age. The skin tones vary from pale gray to a more deep green color. Red orcs only occur in extremely warm areas and are best to be avoided, as they're known to be the most aggressive. Their hair ranges from white to black. Despite their brutal and savage reputation, the orc culture is highly advanced and bound by strict traditions. Honor and strenght is the most important thing, so empathy and mercy is shunned by most as it shows weakness. Coming across a merciful orc is unlikely, unless this orc has a high status or a lone traveler. The men and women are seen as equals, and a woman is expected to do what a man can. Their magic abilities range from non existent to slightly above normal standards. The orcs biggest exports are iron, heavy armory and fur.

Trolls; often refereed to as ogers, are brute giants who feed on whatever they come across. They're very fond of meat, and humans and elves are easy targets. Some have been recorded to eat orcs, but only children as the adults are too difficult to deal with. Their skin tone is mostly a light gray, and their facial features vary greatly, depending on their location. Large, long noes and tails is something they all have in common though. Having more then a single head is not unusual. Almost invincible, going against a troll is among the stupidest things a person can do. Their strong smell is almost as bad as their upper body strenght. The normal height of these creatures are 8 meters. Something unexpected though, is that they're unable to handle sunlight. They either turn into stone, or explode. They're also not the most intelligent animals there is. They barely know how to use tools.

Dwarfs; Despite being the size of half a man, dwarfs are unusually agile and strong. Their small stature only makes it harder to hit them. They're relatively friendly people, and very fond of good liquor. Their hair grows wildly and twice as fast as a human or elf. Red heads are very common. All dwarfs reside in cold and rocky areas, preferring the safety the mountains and snow provides them. An oddity is that dwarfs can't produce with other races, like humans, elves and orcs can.

Unicorns; Appearance of a horse, with a lion's tail, a horn, cloven hoofs and sometimes a goat beard. The horn is to impress mares and warn off stallions and other predators. Against popular believes, unicorns do not possess healing powers and clues to immortality. Powdering their horns however, lets you grow back lost hair. Once a unicorns horn has been cut off, it grows back to its original size within two to three years. Unicorn meat tastes disgusting, but is seen as a delicacy among some races. They're a very rare species, as they're constantly being hunted down. They're quiet powerful creatures and are excellent for pulling heavy cargo.

Dragons; are quiet mysterious creatures. There are no dragons who are identical. Some look like lizards, others like animals. Some have wings, some have just limbs. Some has tails, others two heads. Some has leathery skin, some scales and others fur. Some are male, others female. There are even ones who has no gender. Some live above the high mountains, while others dwell well below the water surface. Some are as mighty as Gods, but there are ones who can barely hurt flies. Many prefer meat, but it's not unheard of dragons who only eat fruits. The only way to know it's a dragon, is by seeing it. The traits they all have in common though is that they all lay eggs, breath an element, can smell up rare metals and require a great deal of food.

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