******** this s**t!
so yea... since i've gooten the internet working, there are a few things that have begun to annoy me for no particular reason. i hate, on here, when i'm booty grabbing, and someone has a bitchen, expencive tank but a cheep shitty as ******** avi i know, its probably a mule, but stilll.... put a little affort into it! god knows they can afford it also, when people comment on a music video on youtube by just typing some of the lyrics to the songs. "jaaaane! became! insane!" oh, really? no s**t? thats only part of the courus, and the name of the song. thanks for sharing anyway! by the way a*****e, where do you live? i think i might stop by and show you how insane megan is by cutting your face off good times. i also hate when outfits work/glitch one way on tektek, then work/glitch a different way here. well, that sort of is a legit thing to get frustrated with, but yea. that too.