The reveal

Detective David looks around the scene. His partner detective Julia is shocked by what she sees."I haven't seen anything like this before David. They chopped off their head and stuck them on the falg pole and the fence....Like a warning."David frowns"I've seen this a million times. This is the same killer I've been chasing. His name is still a mystery to some but I learned his first name. His first name is Nathaniel."He drinks some of his coffee and tries to think."We'll catch him if we just knew his last name."Julia is shocked to see her partner not trying to cheer her up for once."This is so serious you didn't even tell a joke to lighten up the mood. Just how many people has this guy killed?"Detective david frowns and thinks of all of them."100. A hundred good honest people over the years."He then sees the note written in blood. He reads it."Detective David. You should know my first name by now but not my last. I am Nathaniel Vorhees. The real life version of Jason Vorhees. Find me if you can!"He runs off with Julia."It gave us our next clue. Lets catch this punk."They enter the Vorhees house and see all he's done."This freak is awfull."
Julia looks angrily at him."You call me a freak. You never looked at your files for a victim named Julia."She rips off her suit....Her entire suit and reveals herself not to be a girl at all but instead it was Nathaniel."I thought you were better then this detective. Oh well. Time for the hockey mask and scythe treatment."He puts his hockey mask on and grabs the scythe and lops off Detective Davids head."Another victim. If only he suspected it."
In the hobbes Nathaniel Vorhees The vamp and her new love and William and Jennifer will all meet up in a battle to defend their land against the hobbes but first....The hollow men part 2 will come. Hollow men versus the Balverine hero. A must see moment.