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Addle Manor Residents
Corgi: Corgi used to be a servant boy in Addle Manor and lived a seemingly good life despite being of the worker class. He was of small stature, but not very frail as he had a great big stomach to make up for this short body. His signature trait is the sixpence cap he has well planted on his head. He was one of the first people to die in Addle Manor. The poor boy choked to death after getting a piece of chicken skin stuck in his throat. He mostly resides under the kitchen sink, where he can be left alone by the other ghosts haunting the Manor. Unlike the most of the other spooks, he doesn't do any mischief, but rather warns the new inhabitants of the others and gives useful advice... if you don't run away first. He's more then willing to give you information about the other ghosts, as long as you give him something sweet in return. He can be found lurking out in the tool shred at night time, but only if the Earless Man is walking about.

Carmina: Carmina was the fifth person to disappear without a trace from the Manor. While she was alive, she was known for her wonderful piano and cello playing, as well as her beauty. Dark hair in a bun, a long dress and a pair of huge earrings is what sets her apart from the others. It was a well known fact though that she lacked a pretty voice, and she was often hostile and green eyed towards singers and good actresses. Carmina's career and nature gave her a lot of enemies, and died after drinking an unknown gifted wine that she got before a premier. Obviously poisoned, claims Corgi. Carmina often plays instruments whenever she can, and it's not unusual to hear her at nighttime and early mornings. She also likes to frighten people by turning on televisions and radios, while playing the soundtrack backwards. When she's real angry, she'll turn on and off everything electric while bashing about on instruments. The best way to deal with her is to unplug everything, and break whatever she's playing on. Another tip is to make sure she doesn't cause trouble, is to leave out notes and compositions she can learn to play by herself. This way you don't have to ruin your piano or whatever else you have. Make sure though that you set up 'training sessions' or 'classes', so that she doesn't play in the middle of the night.

The Earless Man: The Earless Man was the second gardener of Addle Manor. He served the place for quiet some time, and was a well respected man. Unfortunately he stole from the lady of the house to pay off his son's debt, and got his ear cut off as a punishment. Although he was horribly mistreated and died of the blood loss, he swore to continue to protect the Manor in his last moments. He was a very friendly spirit, taking care of the gardens and the other coworkers, until there was a change of owners. The Earless Man couldn't accept his new masters, and keeps breaking windows in protest, as his way of telling them to leave. He's one of the most aggressive ghosts in the Manor, as he continuously tries to hurt people and possibly kill them. Fortunately, he can't get into the Addle Manor itself, as he made a promise to the lady to never step a foot inside again. The best way to avoid him, is by staying side or off the property entirely.

The Well Girl: Madeleine was unlucky enough to fall into the backyard well after getting into the Manor gardens without permission. The poor girl floated about for two days before she drowned. Although the well is now dried up and there's a ladder to the bottom, she can't seem to get up. What's more odd is that none of the other spirits can get down there either. This makes the well the safest place on the Addle Manor property. Her signature trait is her blue skin and snow white dress. She, like Corgi, is a friendly little ghost. The two of them seems to very good friends, even knowing each other before they died. Madeleine doesn't have a very strong voice, and whispers for the most.

"It": "It", as Corgi calls it, is the monster that dwells in the basement. It doesn't have a specific form, and is described as being shapeless and dark as the deepest abyss. It consumes anything it can come across, living and dead alike. According to Corgi, "It" isn't a spirit, but rather the demonic pet of the twisted first master of Addle Manor. This information hasn't been confirmed though. Since the entrance to the basement is in the kitchen, it's Corgi's responsibility to make sure it doesn't get out and eat everyone. "It" might be the reason why Corgi is left alone in the kitchen.

Kathrine's Closet: Kathrine's Closet is by far the most dangerous places in Addle Manor. Kathrine was the fourth master of the Manor's daughter, and was adored by all for her clever and friendly personality. One night, on her father's birthday, she was left entirely alone and was unfortunately horribly raped inside her own closet. Feeling ashamed and frightened that it might happen again, Kathrine spent more and more time inside the closet, thinking about her own misery. At some point she got so attached to the closet, that they became one. The Closet can only the found when one is completely alone in the house. It can appear anywhere in the Manor, no matter the room, simply as a door you've perhaps missed for some reason. Entering it is by far the most stupid thing you can do. Women who enter, get Kathrine's experience all over again, while men get scratch by Kathrine to death. If an especially evil man who mistreats a woman is left alone in the house, he might get dragged into the closet unwillingly. The only way to escape is by having someone forcibly open the door.

Hobbes and Jackson: Quiet a dynamic pair of friends there two. Hobbes is a rather short man, with heavy weight and a dandy hat who'll put a smile on anyone. Jackson on the other hand is quiet lanky and thin, with a top hat that almost reaches the ceiling. They used to be very good friends with the second owner of the mansion. In fact, they were there almost every evening to drink and gamble, which turned out to be their deaths. Hobbes died of alcohol poisoning, and Jackson lost at Russian Roulette with a real loaded gun by mistake the very same night. Death didn't dace them very much though, and they're still the very best of friends till this day. They're among the few ghosts in the Addle area that moves inn and out of the Manor as they please. They can also, at holidays, be found at the local pub and outside what used to be a cafe. Many people have mistaken the two for being well alive, and some of the owners of the Manor have partied with them without realizing that they were ghosts. They don't cause a lot of trouble, besides braking a few glasses and perhaps vases if the party gets too rough. They're considered neutral, as they don't help nor do anything wrong. If one get's on their good side, you might actually get some information Corgi doesn't have. This of course requires that you drink with them for long periods of time. The best way to avoid them, if you don't wish to have a pair of party lions dancing in the living room, is to tell them that the Master is feeling ill but is planning to come down to the pub later. This will make them leave without any difficulties. If you, for some reason, have made yourself enemies with them, offer them to play a game of cards with you with some good prizes. That will surely set their minds on something else.

The Old Maid: The Old Maid was the First Master's personal maid and currently has the record of living the longest in the Manor. Whole 65 years, and considering she was 14 when she started working isn't all that bad. Her signature traits are her black gown and large apron. She doesn't do much besides wandering up and down the stairs at night with a small candle light. If something goes missing, it's most likely her fault. While she was alive, she had the habit of taking items that were in the way, and placed them on the commode besides the stairs so people could pick them up again later. Almost all missing items can be found there, with the exception of books, cigars, toys and clothing, which will most likely suddenly appear in the washing room or library. If you don't keep things in order, you might find the things you don't clean might have permanently disappeared or become broken. So make sure you don't throw your pillow on the floor, if might not come back. The Old Maid might put other odd items out, but take them away later that day, so don't be surprised if you suddenly see some of unknown papers that goes missing again a few minutes later. The best way to keep her happy, is to keep your own space clean. The Old Maid rarely gets angry, but is more then willing to push you down the stairs if you get on her bad side. she sometimes opens the windows in the middle of the night and there's been one case where someone has frozen to death.

Marley: Humans weren't the only thing that were living within the Manor walls. There was also this Irish Terrier walking about. He was an excellent guard dog, and his bite was quiet feared by the servants. At some point, a burglar tried to sneak into the house through the Library, where Marley hold place. While trying to protect the Manor, Marley was beaten to death with books and the room became his resting place. He can be heard at night, snarling angry and howling at all sounds. If one is unlucky enough to spend the night in the Library, you might wake up to something biting your leg furiously. If you don't close the door behind you when you escape from him, he'll follow you through the whole house and won't give up till it's daybreak. The best way to deal with him is to simply stay away from him. Leaving out bones, toys and food is of no use. Corgi and some other Manor owners has tried several times, but failed.

Danny Boy: The attic of Addle Manor was used for more then storing items. In the middle of the 1870s, it was a small doctors clinic. Danny was one of the locals and spend almost his whole life stuck up there. His twin sister was healthy though, and from since one can remember he's always hated her for being better then him. He was very attached to his mother, but at some point she left the family as she no longer wished to take care of a sick child. At the age of 7, Danny only got worse and one of the doctors murdered the child so he no longer had to suffer. This only made Danny's hate spread and grow, and he became a vengeful spirit haunting the attic. He was able to chase the doctors out after possessing his sister's doll and has been doing it ever since. He can't get out of the attic as long as it's closed. Danny is one of the aggressive ghosts, especially towards older men and children. He often tries to get positive contact with the 'woman' of the house, as a way to replace his mother. The best way to spot him is by looking for objects that shouldn't move, but are. The best way to get away from him is to take the object he's possessed and throw it back into the attic. This is however very dangerous, as Danny often leaves out traps and arms himself with sharp objects.

The First Master of Addle Manor: The first master and builder of Addle Manor was John William Addler, a man who got quiet wealthy through some questionable means. Besides his hobby of seducing women, he has a passion for black arts and magic. He was no man of the Church, and was never seen outside on Sundays. He was a charmer back in his days with dark hair and bright blue eyes. Many girls fell for him straight away. He was a bit of a Sadist though, and often gravely injured the women he was attracted to. Some of them were even brutally murdered. His wife had enough at some point and pushed him down the basement where he snapped his neck and died. Addler had already laid his curse on the property though without anyone noticing, and didn't care much over the fact that he was dead. After all, his wife just made him, in a sense, immortal. He's still wandering around the Manor, collecting up new people to join him one by one. The First Master is the least active ghost of the house, and is rarely seen unless he desires so and then it's most likely inside the master bedroom. He does give clues that he's around, by leaving scratches and bruises on the women who lives in the house. If you suddenly get pinched and start bleeding, it's probably him poking fun at you. He's particularly fond of young red heads.

The Bogeyman: Who this creature is and how he came to be is unknown, but it's a well known fact that he likes to hide within closets and under beds to scare. He has glowing green eyes and fingers like snakes. He usually makes a lot of grumbling noises and also smells a little burnt. According to Corgi, the Bogeyman likes to eat naughty children, so one has to watch over their young ones carefully. It's very possible to talk to him, but he often talks cryptic and hints that he's hungry for you. He's very afraid of lights, so just lighting a candle or flashlight should make him go away.

Anastasia's Portrait: Anastasia was one of the First Master's lovers, and the last one of his victims. He was actually so fond of her, that he requested a portrait painting of Anastasia, much to his wife's distress. Anastasia was the first person to disappear from the Manor, and no one really knows what happened to her. What makes the Portrait special, is that it slightly changes from day to day. Her hands can be in one position, and then a completely different one the very next morning. She sometime even changes her dress and hairstyle, like you'd think she's just sitting there to mock others into believing she's a painting. A lot of the ghost roaming about don't like the picture very much either, not even the First Master can look at it without making a face. Anastasia's Portrait hangs above the fireplace in the living room.

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