Name: Merina Hika
Age: 18
Height: 5'4
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair length: Long, up to the rear end.
Eye Color: Lavender
Body Type: Hourglass
Chest: C cup
Clothing and accessories: White spaggetti strap top with a blue jacket over it, jeans and boots. Always seen with a belt that has a duel box on it and wears a Duel Disk on her left wrist.
Deck type: Pyro-strategist
Personailty: Loyal but stubborn. Sticks to what she believes in but sometimes becomes to prideful and it is her downfall.
Flaws: Pride, and temper.
Info: Merina is tourment champ from her home country and upon moving with her father to Japan, for his job, Merina is a person who keeps to herself. At first, she only trusts her father and guardian phoenix, Torru. Upon meeting Yugi and his friends, she begins to trust them and becomes loyal to them. She is not a person to take insults and when dueling, she takes the meaning "If you do not want to get burn, stayed out of the kitchen" to a whole new level. She is mostly seen with her pheonix, Torru, who is always perching on her shoulder.
Age: 18
Height: 5'4
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair length: Long, up to the rear end.
Eye Color: Lavender
Body Type: Hourglass
Chest: C cup
Clothing and accessories: White spaggetti strap top with a blue jacket over it, jeans and boots. Always seen with a belt that has a duel box on it and wears a Duel Disk on her left wrist.
Deck type: Pyro-strategist
Personailty: Loyal but stubborn. Sticks to what she believes in but sometimes becomes to prideful and it is her downfall.
Flaws: Pride, and temper.
Info: Merina is tourment champ from her home country and upon moving with her father to Japan, for his job, Merina is a person who keeps to herself. At first, she only trusts her father and guardian phoenix, Torru. Upon meeting Yugi and his friends, she begins to trust them and becomes loyal to them. She is not a person to take insults and when dueling, she takes the meaning "If you do not want to get burn, stayed out of the kitchen" to a whole new level. She is mostly seen with her pheonix, Torru, who is always perching on her shoulder.
Art of Merina (collecting 90/100):
Miyobi (freebie):

MusicArtLifePoodle (freebie):

mothfang (freebie):

enenre (freebie):

Ape Man Zack (freebie):

Safaiako (freebie):

hiphopopotomous (freebie + tip):

the puffofluv(freebie):

SuperKeno (10k):

Late Night Habbit (Egg Hunt freebie):

Ixica II (freebie):

Moonlitshimmer (freebie):

Azaula Leonne (freebie):

Awesome Twin (freebie):

ReddPop82 (freebie):

x-Jitty-x (freebie):

[Haruka] (freebie):

kerryfox (freebie):

Anabel_eevee (freebie):

Tigla Kayta (freebie):

Lily-Dont-Care (freebie):

Sky3ly (45k + tip):

Orises (freebie + tip):

si silvertear_si lors (55k + tip):

Allatez (freebie):

Kelsey Helynn (freebie):

Queen Kianra (40k):

Sinister Love Letters (the ONLY pixel doll freebie):

Paper Biscuit (50k):

Flotus (freebie):

Violette Light (freebie):

Human Tail (freebie):

Rosa Kirkland (freebie):

hypercandy (freebie):

Lulei Uzumaki (freebie):

croagunks (freebie):

carcar435867 (freebie):

Niomo (freebie):

Toharuhi (freebie):

tina2FISH (freebie):

Sanosh (freebie):

Kazoo_Kazoo (freebie):

litomisskelly (freebie):

All In ADaydream (freebie):

[Backside_Kicker] (freebie):

Tickle-Me-Poni (freebie):

reithkuma (freebie):

x Second Setback x (freebie):

Fair Lady Luck (freebie):

Lady Alani (freebie):

Persais13 (freebie):

freedom_freedome (an AMAZING freebie thank you so much again!):

xx_CRiPTiiC assasin (freebie doll):

missysasha (freebie):

FlightWingGirl (Birthday Gift heart ):

Onta Uni Losse (freebie):

kclubz (freebie):

tooti [Frooty] Underpants (freebie):

Provocative Lemons (freebie):

Zuska Darling (freebie):

aelariin (freebie):

Magical White Fox (freebie):

plaiin (freebie):

Lightning Dragon Kuriqa (birthday gift heart ):

-Lolita_Kana- (freebie):

Dorkosaurus (freebie):

Sheiko (freebie):

Scheie (freebie):

taptothebeat (freebie):

littlepawprint (freebie):

Flyseer (freebie):

shakefrost (freebie):

Kero-Fly (freebie):

JuicyInDaSkull (freebie):

xXxAjGirlxXx (freebie):

Vahlre (freebie):

The Garden of Eatin (freebie):

joongki (freebie):

Ally Shaz (freebie):

Tanken-chan (freebie):

uh whatever (freebie):

Rubya (a BEAUTIFUL freebie heart ):

Zombie Ovaries (freebie):

Faux Lune (freebie):

misshollow (freebie):

Miramelle (freebie):

Mothxo (freebie):

baby_pinkett (Contest freebie):

I liek pudding (freebie):

starlight_of_ur_heart (50k + tip; It's sooo sexy!)

Miyobi (freebie):

MusicArtLifePoodle (freebie):

mothfang (freebie):

enenre (freebie):

Ape Man Zack (freebie):

Safaiako (freebie):

hiphopopotomous (freebie + tip):

the puffofluv(freebie):

SuperKeno (10k):

Late Night Habbit (Egg Hunt freebie):

Ixica II (freebie):

Moonlitshimmer (freebie):

Azaula Leonne (freebie):

Awesome Twin (freebie):

ReddPop82 (freebie):

x-Jitty-x (freebie):

[Haruka] (freebie):

kerryfox (freebie):

Anabel_eevee (freebie):

Tigla Kayta (freebie):

Lily-Dont-Care (freebie):

Sky3ly (45k + tip):

Orises (freebie + tip):

si silvertear_si lors (55k + tip):

Allatez (freebie):

Kelsey Helynn (freebie):

Queen Kianra (40k):

Sinister Love Letters (the ONLY pixel doll freebie):

Paper Biscuit (50k):

Flotus (freebie):

Violette Light (freebie):

Human Tail (freebie):

Rosa Kirkland (freebie):

hypercandy (freebie):

Lulei Uzumaki (freebie):

croagunks (freebie):

carcar435867 (freebie):

Niomo (freebie):

Toharuhi (freebie):

tina2FISH (freebie):

Sanosh (freebie):

Kazoo_Kazoo (freebie):

litomisskelly (freebie):

All In ADaydream (freebie):

[Backside_Kicker] (freebie):

Tickle-Me-Poni (freebie):

reithkuma (freebie):

x Second Setback x (freebie):

Fair Lady Luck (freebie):

Lady Alani (freebie):

Persais13 (freebie):

freedom_freedome (an AMAZING freebie thank you so much again!):

xx_CRiPTiiC assasin (freebie doll):

missysasha (freebie):

FlightWingGirl (Birthday Gift heart ):

Onta Uni Losse (freebie):

kclubz (freebie):

tooti [Frooty] Underpants (freebie):

Provocative Lemons (freebie):

Zuska Darling (freebie):

aelariin (freebie):

Magical White Fox (freebie):

plaiin (freebie):

Lightning Dragon Kuriqa (birthday gift heart ):

-Lolita_Kana- (freebie):

Dorkosaurus (freebie):

Sheiko (freebie):

Scheie (freebie):

taptothebeat (freebie):

littlepawprint (freebie):

Flyseer (freebie):

shakefrost (freebie):

Kero-Fly (freebie):

JuicyInDaSkull (freebie):

xXxAjGirlxXx (freebie):

Vahlre (freebie):

The Garden of Eatin (freebie):

joongki (freebie):

Ally Shaz (freebie):

Tanken-chan (freebie):

uh whatever (freebie):

Rubya (a BEAUTIFUL freebie heart ):

Zombie Ovaries (freebie):

Faux Lune (freebie):

misshollow (freebie):

Miramelle (freebie):

Mothxo (freebie):

baby_pinkett (Contest freebie):

I liek pudding (freebie):

starlight_of_ur_heart (50k + tip; It's sooo sexy!)