Dreams Lately
So, last night I had a strange dream, following an even stranger one that took place in a grocery store...? It was like the last day of school, but they were offering marriage as a last day thing? It was said we could either marry someone there or not, and that it was normal to have people not want to. So my name got called, and I was given a gown, veil, and shoes, and told they would be back to escort me. So I started to get dressed, then stopped and realized there was no one I wanted to marry there, and the one I loved could not be found, so it was pointless. I remember leaving, just as the bell was ringing, and seeing all these kids with certificates... It's so weird talking about it, but it was such a weird dream. xd Then, I don't know if this was a continuation or not, but it was like I got home, and my mom was waiting in the living room, and she was like, "I've got a secret!" I was like "Okay..." And then she actually wakes me up. She's walking away from my door, making me look back at her and sleepily think, 'Well, aren't you going to tell me your secret?' It took me a minute to separate dream from reality. rofl
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