A little on massage and attraction, pleasure, psychology.
she: (having a bad day with lots of mishaps) me: ask your guy for a massage to make your day wonderful? not going to happen? ^^
her: ha. fat chance. was watching a movie and *almost* fell asleep
me: well... lets see... back rubs are a known good prelude to something else, they are very relaxing and nice. Personally, I find great delight in cute groans of enjoyment :] He is loosing out~
her: *nods* he is a taker, not a giver. no back rubs for me. (...)
me: Giving is pleasurable, very~ He can get to feel all strong and manly like from it :]
her: ha. i fell out of my chair.
me: *dusts her off, chuckling to himself* mmm? How did you manage that feat?
(her: fell out laughing ^^ )
(...)me: seriously though... giving massage is a very egoistical experience, or at least you can look at it in that way :] Could be compared to men's libido... sexual prowess... *shrugs* I think many men (given a degree of confidence to dare) would greatly love a satisfied look on their woman's face, or a dissatisfied (for a slightly sadistic man) "I want more" look C:
He is doing it wrong *snicker snicker*
Also, the receiver often wants to reciprocate some of the attention and care. Given mmm... appreciation is a learned behavior... many would agree to a favor... and often return it, or agree to more favors....
Also, with practice, you get better at it (massage), or you can be pretty good knowing what the other likes/ what is pleasurable and relaxing/ the principles of massage, etc. The point I was thinking of: men like to feel strong. Women like strong hands and massages and often return the favor. A necked woman under you, submitting to your fingers, moaning from pleasure is very .... hahaha.. I'm an evil scientist at part, but most men would love that, that of coarse, unless they are ... well ^^... most men. ... giving is not a practice of a weak person. It is a practice of a person confident enough to share of him/herself without crumbling down. It is not done to get something in return. You can make a random person smile, without needing anything back from them. That is not weak. Taking on the other hand ^^.... If you need to take to feel strong... true, an alpha male is attractive, on an animal level. Confidence/the taker. I suspect I know a little bit of why many women melt from pleasure of being taken by a man who is satisfying himself first, and not caring to satisfy his partner. It is pleasurable to be wanted, and it messes with your mind to be taken. ... ... When done correctly, the unsatisfied woman will either help herself or dare to demand some more attention, taking the man :]... It is a turn on for a woman to be around a man who can do to her what he wants when he wants it. Also, men who are good with women are those that love them. What I can say for massage in such a case is it is a special something he can do, just because. There might well be tolerance level in people for good and for bad. If too good, you get bored. If too bad, you pull out?.. (yeah, I wish women had brain enough for that). You need a bit of both to sustain that spinning factor in your head. To be crazy about someone. A little mystery, a little intrigue. Women love intrigue. In bed, when you don't know what he is going to do next~ ^^ hehehe. Back to massage. Yep. I just adore the cute groans :] ... am I speaking too fast? xDDD
her: noooooo
i happen to agree with much of what you've said. i also happen to reside with a chauvinistic sloth.