These tekteks are for art purposes, to give those who wish to draw my RPC(RolePlay Character) Loki Anigiro an idea of what he kind of looks like. Note that he does not always need to wear these outfits, nor these hair styles, and that he can change both his hair and eye colors at will. However, he prefers the combinations used herein. Thank you for your time in reading this.

Loki Anigiro: Form 1: Black Fur/Hair and Emerald Eyes.

Loki Anigiro: Form 2: White Fur/Hair and Scarlet Eyes.

Loki Anigiro: Form 3: Gray/Silver Fur/Hair and Golden Eyes.
A few other looks for Loki Anigiro, but not necessarily his chosen forms:
Winter Warrior.
Infernal Sorcerer
Dashing Gentleman
Party Punk

Loki Anigiro: Form 1: Black Fur/Hair and Emerald Eyes.

Loki Anigiro: Form 2: White Fur/Hair and Scarlet Eyes.

Loki Anigiro: Form 3: Gray/Silver Fur/Hair and Golden Eyes.
A few other looks for Loki Anigiro, but not necessarily his chosen forms:

Winter Warrior.

Infernal Sorcerer

Dashing Gentleman

Party Punk