Al Araten
The Next Hokage!
Basic Information
Village: Konohagakure
Rank: D ranked Genin
Gender: Male
Birth Date: August 2nd
Age: 13
Chakra Color: Red
Squad Information: TBA
Headband: Al's headband is tied around his arm pinning down the lower end of his left sleeve.
Nindo: "Al by day, cashier by night, I will be the next Hokage!"
Strengths: Al is very determined and persistent. He is also great with swords.
Weaknesses: Al's attention span is rather short and he's very spontaneous. He's rather naive as well, or perhaps just a little stupid.

Physical Information
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 103 lbs.
Al is actually rather muscular for his age though he's not the most flexible in the world. He has great stamina though, as far as muscle strain and keeping his breathing stable. He has a small scar on the back of his right hand that his brother put there when Al and him had a fight.
Clan Information
Clan Name: Araten
Though rooted in Konoha, the Araten clan has long since been good friends with Joukigakure as they share similar beliefs. Both are rooted deeply in building close relationships with as many friends as possible. Little has happened historically within the clan but they have fought on Joukigakure and Konoha's sides in several wars. Should the two ever find themselves facing each other, well, let's not look into that just yet.
Kekkei Genkai: Seishintomo (To be linked later)
Stage Obtained: Awakening (B ranked, 4 pts.)
Awakening - B Ranked:
The first stage of Seishintomo is awakened when the user develops the need for a friend. Once this has happened the user will receive their first Seishin, a special type of summon.
A Seishin is a summon that will last for 3 posts and can be summoned once per battle; a Seishin is in every essence another character but with limitations. A Seishin at this stage has 33% of the summoners max jutsu points and can only have one element (This element can not be a special one such a sand or boil release). Only one Seishin can be summoned at a time and there is a 4 posts cooldown before a second one may be summoned after the first is unsummoned.
When a Seishin is being summoned and currently active the user's eyes will vibrantly glow a color specific to the user; this is the only real give away to the abilities. However, during an eclipse (Either kind), a full moon, or at dawn or dusk the user's eyes will start to switch in and out of the two colors or even mix.
For a Seishin to learn new jutsu it has to train as well, but a Seishin can not earn jutsu points or learn jutsu without spare jutsu points. A Seishin only receives jutsu points when its master does because its jutsu points are directly related to its master's as previously mentioned.
A Seishin can not be killed but can be forcefully un-summoned if any limb removal would occur, any normally lethal injury is received or if they are struck with an S rank or higher jutsu. Seishin can learn movement based jutsu but can not learn defensive jutsu. A Seishin can also only learn one type of medical jutsu and its medical jutsu can not exceed A in rank.
Advanced - A Ranked:
The second stage of Seishintomo is achieved when the user finds a good friend and then loses them for one reason or another. When this happens one of two things can happen to the user's powers.
The user's first Seishin will either receive a boost, or he will receive a second one with the same restrictions. If the first one receives a boost he will now have 50% of the users max jutsu points and can receive a second element.
If you receive a second Seishin it can not have the same element as the first.
Mastered - SS Ranked:
The third and final stage of Seishintomo is achieved when the user finds a friend that they would gladly die for. When this happens several things may change in the user's powers.
One possibility is that the user can receive a third Seishin with the same restrictions as mentioned in the first stage.
Another possibility it that if the user had two Seishin they will remain at 33% of the user's max jutsu points but will receive a second element.
A third possibility can effect you if you only had one Seishin. It would still only have 50% of your max jutsu points, but it would now have a third element.
The fourth and final possibility can effect you if you only had one Seishin as well. In this case it would still only have 50% of your max jutsu points, but it would now trade in all of it's jutsu and elements for one of the special releases such as sand or boil release.
Technique Information
Primary Type: Kekkei Genkai
Secondary Type: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu
Tertiary Type: Fuuinjutsu, Taijutsu, Doujutsu
Primary Chakra Element: Lightning
Secondary Chakra Element: N/A
Tertiary Chakra Element: N/A
Kekkei Genkai Techniques:
Seishin: Abel ⇨ D - Rank ⇨ Summon ⇨(0 pts.)
Al's first Seishin is the legendary Abel. Abel's mini profile is located at the bottom of this page.
Ninjutsu Techniques:
Taijutsu Techniques:
Genjutsu Techniques:
Fuuinjutsu Techniques:
Crest Maker ⇨ A Ranked Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (5 pts.)
When using this jutsu Al can take a special material (provided as a mission prize) and turn it into a crest based on the material given. Each crest is then forged into a necklace or wristband at the buyers request. These crests will increase the letter rank of the corresponding elemental jutsu by one during battle at only a small cost; the user must funnel the chakra for the jutsu through the crest first and this takes one post. The user is free to use A rank and lower jutsu during this charge time. Should the bearer ever be separated from the crest, the effects will immediately wear off. *For more info see actual crests.*
Juin Jutsu Techniques:
Doujutsu Techniques:
Kenjutsu Techniques:
Thunder Barret ⇨ C Ranked ⇨ Offensive ⇨(3 pts.)
By gathering lightning chakra into his sword all can channel it into a sort of whip like attack that behaves very oddly. By swinging his sword this jutsu sends out a line of chakra that breaks off into 3 orbs of bluish lightning. The third and farthest activates first and sends down a small lightning bolt. The bolt is angled so perfectly that it will pull the opponent in closer upon impact and push them into the second one where the jutsu repeats itself. By the end of the jutsu the opponent should be within five feet of the user. The beam will travel up to 20 feet at roughly 10 f/s. Each bolt travels at about 15 f/s from a hight of 15 feet. Each impact will result in a light burn on the area it hit.
Summoning Techniques:
The Tenma Sword ⇨ A Ranked ⇨ Weapon ⇨ (5 pts.)
The legendary Tenma Sword has once again been found and now rests in Al's hands. He's still currently unaware of how the sword works, but knows what it does. When the user is fighting to protect something other than themselves for reasons that could be considered just the sword unleashes a great power.
This power allows the user to teleport to this person once a battle and imbues the sword with one of the user's elements; the sword also becomes weightless to the bearer only during this time. It's boosts don't end here though; now comes its best ability of all. The Tenma Sword can also be moved without being held by the user from up to 10 feet away; there is no loss in strength, if any a gain and the user is free to use jutsu while this is happening.
Lightning imbued: The 4 and a half foot sword now has a 5 foot reach do to extra reach added by the sparks constantly generated and will stun the opponent upon contact stopping them from using taijutsu for the next 2 posts.
Thunder Crest ⇨ A Ranked Rank ⇨ Technical Weapon ⇨ (5 pts.)
One of the crests made by Al Araten it can increase the letter rank of any lightning based jutsu the wearer uses by 1. This becomes beneficial when attacking a shield or colliding with an opponent's jutsu as it can help your jutsu overpower theirs. This boost comes at a small cost, the user must charge chakra into the crest for one post but is free to use A rank and below jutsu during this time; the jutsu also takes up 5 jutsu points. This boost will immediately wear off if the user is separated from the crest.
Total Jutsu Points: Kekkei Genkai (4) + Jutsu [8] + Weapons (10) = 22/22 (22/125)
Father: Naiz Araten; Relationship: Neutral
Mother: Meu Araten; Relationship: Close
Brother: Zelos Araten; Relationship: Very Close
Background Information:
Al grew up in a rather stable family; his father is a bit strict and his brother used to be a very mean spirited person, but after the war things just got quiet in the house and everyone got much nicer. Perhaps it's because of the fight he and his brother had as he was leaving to fight the Kyuubi. Al was screaming to let his brother take him with him so he could help because Al was scared to death his brother would die and that's when his brother drew a kunai and cut Al's hand and yelled back, "This is what war is! You will get hurt, end of the story! You're staying here." Al got quiet; he did not even cry. He simply went to his room and stayed there for three days.
Eventually his brother returned home as one of the few survivors and brought with him the Tenma Sword, which he gave to Al who had rushed out the window to greet him long before he made it home. Ever since the two have been the best of friends and are rarely apart.
Roleplay Information:
Al runs a small shop with his older brother where they create special crests that can be used to increase a shinobi's power if they provide Al with the right materials.
Al is a very rambunctious youth and is rather stubborn; if he thinks it, he'll say and do it, no one will stop him. He is tremendously friendly and a rather curious child as well. All in all he's my take on Naruto. xD
Seishin: Abel's Mini Profile!
Primary Type: Kenjutsu
Secondary Type: Ninjutsu
Tertiary Type: N/A
Primary Chakra Element: Light
Secondary Chakra Element: N/A
Tertiary Chakra Element: N/A
Seishin: Abel's Jutsu:
Total Jutsu Points: 5/7
Kekkei Genkai Techniques:
Ninjutsu Techniques:
Taijutsu Techniques:
Genjutsu Techniques:
Fuuinjutsu Techniques:
Juin Jutsu Techniques:
Doujutsu Techniques:
Kenjutsu Techniques:
Summoning Techniques:
Abel's Sword ⇨ A Ranked ⇨ Weapon ⇨ (5 pts.)
Abel's sword is very special in that every swing made with it has the option of sending out a crescent shot of energy following that exact angle of the cut. Each crescent can travel about 15 feet in distance at about 15 mph.
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=#B50B0B]The Next Hokage![/color][/size][/i]
[size=10][i][color=white]xx[/color][color=#D64A18]And all the while I tell myself to just believe,[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=#D64A18]'Cuz no one can give so much and never get anything![/color]
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=#D64A18]Everyone I know says they don't know what I've become,[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=#D64A18]But I'm still the same, not much has changed, I still know where I came from![/color]
[size=10][i]Roze stared blankly when the robot drew it's blade; just what was it doing? And then her eyes went wide as the blade began to drop. Roze hadn't enough time to move, but thankfully Miyuki was already ahead of the game. Flowing with Miyuki's motions Roze landed safely in the chair and watched the flash of the sword clashing go down.
It was marvelous, truly marvelous. Laughing, strangely, and clapping, Roze stood up from her chair in great joy. [color=crimson]"Amazing, simply stunning!"[/color] Slowing down, slowly but surely, Roze got ahold of herself and finally grasped the situation. Bowing lightly, Roze moved to thank Miyuki, [color=crimson]"Thank you, you needn't worry about apologizing after your heroic acts."[/color] Roze tilted her head up and smiled at the girl.