Hi guys! I'm posting this in my journal because this is just a random spur-of-the-moment thing I thought I would put together. No real planning here. Also, it's somewhat incomplete.
I'll mostly be dealing with the Night Patrol here since that's the one that people seem to have the most problems with.
Anyway, if you're reading this, thanks! I hope this may prove helpful.
To start, what are Flying Giftboxes?
Flying Giftboxes are an Animated monster found in the Bass'ken Lake area in zOMG! They look like your average Pink Magical Giftbox from afar, but get too close and they will bite. Assuming, that is, you are of the correct Charge Level ( CL ).
Okay... what, exactly, should I look for?
If you're looking out for Flying Giftboxes, you should probably start where they appear: Bass'ken Lake.
Here are some visuals to aid you in your search:
*Note: These are images from zOMG! Wiki. I only uploaded them to my Photobucket for ease of use.
The most common form of the Flying Giftbox which is usually guaranteed to occur, is the Night Patrol. This group of five CL4.8 Flying Giftboxes appears near the Windmill between about 9:00 PM - 9:45 PM Gaia Standard Time ( GST ), shouting "FILL THE BOX!" at anyone within earshot. These can disappear anywhere between 12:00 AM and 3:00 AM GST or even respawn as a second Night Patrol. Only players CL5.0 and below can attack these.
Another slightly less common form of the Flying Giftbox are what are usually referred to as Quest Boxes, even though they are not labeled as such in-game. This is a group of four CL4.5 Flying Giftboxes that appear at the Windmill whenever a user with the "Logan's Wailing Windmill" quest attaches the "device" to it. These Boxes will disappear after a short time if no one kills them first. A player of any CL can attack these.
The rarely sighted Ring Box is technically not a Flying Giftbox and therefore does not count towards the badges, but I'm still mentioning it because it does roam the Bass'ken Lake map. This CL4.5 Box flies solo. Any CL can attack it and it always grants a CL1.0 Ring to the user that lands the last hit.
I will also provide a map of the flight paths of all the above Box varieties so that you may find ( or avoid ) these areas.
I found the Boxes! How do I go about fighting them?
If you're anything like most people I see hunting these suckers, you're probably going to head to the Null Chamber, buff yourself with every single buff in the game at Rage Rank 4 ( RR4 ), then head off straight into the middle of the Night Patrol and spam all of your Area of Effect ( AoE ) rings. This is not how I would do it, but it works... I guess.
How do I hunt them, you ask? This depends. Am I soloing the Night Patrol and risking getting brutally murdered by the quest-spawned Flying Giftboxes, or am I sharing my kills with some friends?
Either way, I tend to favor this Ring setup, or something very similar:
Iron Will // Bandage // Rock Armor // Divinity // Meat // Hack // Mantis // Solar Rays
Iron Will is a must, along with Divinity and Bandage. Solar Rays can be switched out for Hunter's Bow. Honestly, I used to use Slash instead of Hack. You could probably use Improbability Sphere instead of Rock Armor. It all depends on your preference, but I generally trust the above set.
For soloing the Night Patrol, I buff myself with Iron Will at Rank 4 first, and start picking off the Boxes one at a time until there are two left. At that point I have Rank 4 Divinity and Rank 4 Rock Armor applied as well. That's when I run up and take on the last two boxes. That can be tricky at times, which is why I keep Meat at Rank 1 in case I need a large boost of health.
Soloing method in action!
Location is very important if you're going to be hunting these Boxes. If you decide you're going to buff yourself in the Null Chamber, then you can probably get away with walking straight into these guys. If you're like me, though, then you're going to get mobbed from walking straight into them. You're going to need to camp out to the left of the darker tree in the below pictures.
This location works wonders if you're hunting Boxes with your buddies. See, when I hunt Flying Giftboxes with my buddies, we all camp out to the left of that tree in the middle. One person will lure a Box from the Night Patrol, we will all hit it once, mention that we've gotten a hit in, and once everyone has gotten a hit, proceed to defeat the monster.
If you're hunting with friends, I recommend leaving Teflon Spray and Improbability Sphere in your bag. Simply because Reflection could defeat that Flying Giftbox before all of your buddies get a hit in.
Having more people around can be useful in case you get ambushed by Quest Boxes. Even though it can get a little chaotic.
Example of hunting the Night Patrol in a group!
Plus, a little tip for those pesky Quest Boxes. They won't attack you if you're CL6.0+. Unfortunately, if you're hunting the Night Patrol solo like I would, then you're pretty screwed if you run into Quest Boxes. All you can really do is run away and hope that you don't get Dazed.
That's all I can think of for now... I hope this might come in handy to some!