RtG: Kenjutsu Style
Futago no KyoufuuElegance. Persistence. Honor.  Description: Futago no Kyoufuu is a kenjutsu style mounted heavily in the idea that a sword can be as graceful as the wind it cleaves. In theory, or base concept, the style appears very similar to that of the Drunken First and the Gentle Fist styles, but with a sword. More specifically, two swords. Futago no Kyoufuu is never practiced with a single sword. That's not to say it can't be done with just one, but it is never practiced as such; beyond that, it's higher ranked techniques would be absolutely impossible to accurately, or effectively perform with a single blade.
Another important aspect to this style is it's strong ties to the wind element. One can learn some of the techniques without it, and even practice some that require it, but without it you could never call yourself a master. This style utilizes wind to either increase the strength of an attack, or keep distance between the opponent and the user. On occasion it will even use it for a type of defense.
The most common sword found in this style is also rather unusual; it's shapes much like a triangle, and bears a special design. Swords used in this style have a light engraving in them that is designed to ease the flow of chakra; as a result swords of this style are always custom made. This ease in the flow of chakra is no easy feat, however, and is not even taught until one of the later stages.
Futago no Kyoufuu originated somewhere in the Fire Country a long time ago and seemed to die out for a long time; but one day someone climbed high into one of the land's many mountains, several months later he returned with two new swords and began to teach the style to those he found suited. The people who began to learn this style came to be known as the defenders of the people; they were all very kind, and honorable people.
• This style is only to be taught by a kage, someone who has mastered it, or someone given the scrolls by one of the mentioned parties; it is strictly forbidden to teach anyone should you not meet these requirements. Anyone caught doing so will immediately be stripped of their swords, scrolls and exiled.
• Anyone who is caught harming innocent people without overwhelming reason will immediately stripped of their swords, scrolls and exiled.
• Training for this style is to be done in private so as to keep the style's secrets, secret. Live targets are forbidden until stage 5 of 7.
___S t a g e O n e [1]
[Skill name] Basic Stance [Simple] :: [Rank] C [Description] When learning Fuutago no Kyoufuu one must learn the basic stance in which to fight for this style. This stance is based heavily on evasion and as such whenever one mounts themselves into this stance a C rank or below technique is easily dodged regardless of what situation you're in, assuming there's room. This stance also increases the effectiveness of any simple block by 1 letter rank.
[Skill name] Basic Block [Simple] :: [Rank] C [Description] This block is performed with 2 swords and can not be done otherwise; this block is done by crossing your swords while the faces (Flat, not edged parts) are facing the oncoming attack. This block can handle any attack C ranked or below.
[Skill name] High Block [Simple] :: [Rank] C [Description] When the opponent is attacking from higher ground, the air, or simply tall enough this block can handle any taijutsu or kenjutsu that don't involve chakra up to B rank. It can not handle taijutsu or kenjutsu that do involve chakra unless they are D rank or below. This block can not be used on ninjutsu.
[Skill name] Swallow Tail [Simple] :: [Rank] C [Description]Swallow Tail is a basic concept applied in many sword styles, but is altered slightly in Futago no Kyoufuu. This attack begins with a cut on a sixty degree angle from one side of the body to the other with both swords, the second sword following just behind the first and is immediately followed by the same cut, but going in the opposite direction from whence it came.
___S t a g e T w o [2]
[Skill name]Kazemaku no Ha (Fang of the Rolling Wind) [Complex] :: [Rank] C [Description]By expelling very light amounts of chakra the user can use this technique to propel themselves much faster into a type of roll similar to that of a wheel; in doing so the force of the following slash(es) is increased greatly.
[Skill name]Kirisugiru (Too Many Cuts) [Complex] :: [Rank]C [Description]By focusing wind chakra into the user's sword they can release it in the form of a small flurry of stabs and cuts. Upon impact this will not only increase the pain inflicted on the target but also increase the overall lethality of the technique because the wind cuts and stabs can pierce over 2 inches deep. This makes it much easier to hit vital organs and cut open important arteries.
[Skill name]Arashi no Ha (Storm Edge) [Simple] :: [Rank]C [Description]The user will first invert their grip on the sword in their secondary hand (The one they don't write with) and generally leap into the air so they do not trip as they perform the technique. Once airborne (though unnecessary) the user will begin to spin at a rapid speed. With one sword inverted however, contact will likely result in a stab followed by a heavy cut from the sword in its normal grip style. This technique is generally used for decapitation. However, if the opponent is too far away from the stab, or gets cut first they may manage to avoid getting caught.
[Skill name]Futago no Hari (Twin Needles) [Simple] :: [Rank]D [Description]When performing this technique the user with throw both of their swords at the opponent, there is however, a small catch. Because of their mass, the swords have a much greater velocity and force of impact then kunai or shuriken. This also enables much, much more damage. However, it is because of all of this that this technique takes practice; accurately throwing something of this size takes practice, and to even think of using this comes at the risk of being unarmed until later stages.
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[Skill name]Kazemaku no Chikara (Power of the Rolling Wind) [Complex] :: [Rank]B [Description]Though similar to Kazemaku no Ha, this technique has a very different ending. Through the same start up, a type of roll, the user will expel a larger amount of chakra than before and send out a very powerful gust that will likely push or slam the opponent into something; it may even lift them into the air. The reach of the wind from this technique is about 10 feet. Trying to perform a slash during this technique will throw off the dynamics and render the gust of wind it creates useless.
[Skill name]Nibui Tsuriai (Blunt Balance) [Simple] :: [Rank]D [Description]Around this time practitioners of Futago no Kyoufuu start to develop a strong sense of balance with their swords and as a result develop the ability to strike with the faces (Flat, un-edged sides) of their swords, or use them extremely well in terms of maintaining leverage over the opponent. This can be used for a heavy smash type attack, to flip the opponent, or simply to maintain awkward grips on their swords more easily.
[Skill name]Hayai Nobotte (Rapid Climbing) [Simple] :: [Rank] C [Description]Though simple, and not common, this technique can become very useful to users of dual swords; this style especially due to the wide bases of the swords involved. The purpose of this technique is to use one's swords as a ladder, if you will, to climb surfaces without expending chakra; it may also help if the surface being climbed is resistant to the Wall Walking Technique. This technique can easily scale a 20 foot wall in roughly 5 seconds if you know where you're going.
[Skill name]Takurami Ha (Trick Blades) [Complex] :: [Rank]D [Description]When performing this technique the user can create afterimages of anything that could be considered a sword of some kind. The main purpose of this is for throwing or barrage type combos. With the many afterimages being created it would make it seem as though the user is swinging or throwing weapons at a much faster rate both alarming and pressuring the opponent into a weakened state.
___S t a g e F o u r [4]
[Skill name]Dual Block [Complex] :: [Rank] B [Description]By adding chakra into both of the user's arms and swords to increase their strength the user will hold out both of their swords with the face (Flat, not edged parts) are facing forward to block two oncoming attacks. This block is intended to be used when being attacked by multiple opponents and can defend the user from taijutsu and kenjutsu up to A in rank and ninjutsu up to C in rank.
[Skill name]Toushou (Sword Summoning) [Complex] :: [Rank]D [Description]By focusing on the mental image of the users sword(s), as long as their was a trace amount of chakra placed in the swords beforehand the user can summon their sword(s) back to his or her hand(s).
[Skill name]Kaze no Ha (Wind Fang) [Complex] :: [Rank]B [Description]When using this technique the user first implants some wind chakra into their swords and then swings them as fast as they can, releasing it in the form of a projectile slash. The blast from this technique can cut through a tree with a nearly 2' diameter. The slash will cover about 20 feet of ground at a speed of ~6/s. This technique can emit up to 2 slashes per use.
[Skill name]Inazuma Kougeki (Lightning Attack) [Simple] :: [Rank]B [Description]One can use this technique after successfully performing any kind of block. Immediately following the block the user will step off of the "line of attack" and follow up with an attack of their own. This follow up is very, very quick but can not require chakra. Because of the speed involved in this technique the user needs extensive practice before they can accurately counter.
___S t a g e F i v e [5]
[Skill name]Totemo Kirisugiru (Way Too Many Cuts) [Complex] :: [Rank]A [Description]An upgraded version of Kirisugiru, this technique poses a much greater threat. Instead of a large barrage of smaller cuts and stabs being released from the user's swords a large "diamond" shape will first stab it's way into the opponent around the area of impact. This diamond shape will be comprised of 4 stab woulds created from the chakra based "stabs" of the technique and pierce over 4 inches deep, killing almost anyone expect from the luckiest man alive. Aside from the diamond an even larger barrage will be unleashed around the area of impact, though these attacks will only pierce 1 inch deep this time around.
[Skill name]Kaze no Keiro (Path of Wind) [Complex] :: [Rank]B [Description]By channeling wind chakra into one's swords they can create a predetermined path for them to travel; ie, they could throw the sword and have it veer right and cut left at a sharp angle.
[Skill name]Kaze no Tate (Wind Shield) [Complex] :: [Rank]A [Description]This technique starts as usual, by channeling wind chakra into the user's swords. This technique does require two swords. Once prepared the user will begin to spin and release the chakra creating a protective barrier around them in the form of a tornado; this barrier will block any attack B ranked or below as the user moves. Once close enough the user will compact the wind onto their swords and deliver a devastating slash that will likely cut the opponent in half if they are not guarding.
[Skill name] Boukun no Ha (Tyrant's Fang) [Complex] :: [Rank]S [Description] This jutsu begins with the user channeling the necessary amount of chakra into their swords. This technique does require two swords. Once the chakra is gathered they will generally slash or thrust theirs swords in the desired direction to create two funnels of wind, something of a tornado, if you will. These funnels will be under the user's control for up to the middle of the user's next post. The goal of this jutsu is to merge the tops of the funnels with the opponent inside them. From here the user's swords will be pulled from their hands and sent flying at the opponent from within the funnels at a speed of over 20 f/s. Once the swords hit, and or miss, the funnels will begin to constrict and crash into the opponent knocking out any shinobi B rank or below, assuming the swords did not kill them.
___S t a g e S i x [6]
[Skill name]Hakaiken (Destruction Zone) [Complex] :: [Rank]A [Description]The user starts this technique by channeling chakra into their blade(s). From here they perform a heavy vertical cut that releases the chakra in such a way that it essentially increases the length of the blade to 20 feet. The chakra will appear almost like a blue flame sword crashing down along the line of the cut; if it makes contact with the ground it will shred almost a foot deep, if it connects with a non-guarding opponent, it would almost surely cut them in half. If one is using two swords of equal size and weight they can pay an additional 10 points of chakra to create this same effect with the second sword at the same time.
[Skill name]Sora Ya (Sky Arrow) [Complex] :: [Rank]S [Description]By channeling a mass of wind chakra into the user's blade(s) they can use this technique to unleash a devastating attack. The attack begins by funneling chakra out of the user's blade(s) in the form of a tornado and using it to propel themselves into the sky, or at the opponent, at blinding speeds (an excess of 20 f/s). Once the user nears their target the wind can be compressed into something similar to a sword itself and used to unleash a very powerful cut that will be about 8 feet long. Unless the target has some sort of guard up, it will be cut in half. The speed and force generated by this attack are great enough to throw a surviving opponent 20 feet back and uproot small trees near the area of impact.
[Skill name]Ha no Kagami (Mirror of Blades) [Complex] :: [Rank]S [Description]This technique is Futago no Kyoufuu's ultimate block. This technique is performed by channeling chakra into one's swords and then performing a block styled technique with them. Upon impact the user's swords will be able to reflect any projectile chakra based attack A rank or below at twice the speeds it came at. This technique costs an additional 25 points of chakra every time it is used per battle. After the battle it will return to its original cost.
___S t a g e S e v e n [7]
[Skill name]Tengoku no Hasu (Heaven's Lotus) [Complex] :: [Rank] SS [Description] To begin this technique the user builds up a very large amount of their chakra into their swords; this chakra is always of their primary elemental affinity. This technique requires two swords because of the number of doubles; one sword would not produce an efficient amount of doubles. From here as they begin to release the chakra their swords will duplicate and fly out in all directions from the user expelling the added elemental chakra at incredible rates devastating all who dare cross their paths. The "explosion" or "trail" left by the many swords will spread out about 60 feet in diameter and be shaped very similar to a lotus. This technique takes two posts to prepare and jutsu of any kind higher than C rank may not be used. Jutsu below C rank may be used but can not require chakra and only one may be used each post.
___T r a i n i n g __S i m p l e ___Rank (E) ○ 2 Posts ___Rank (D) ○ 4 Posts ___Rank (C) ○ 6 Posts ___Rank (B) ○ 8 Posts ___Rank (A) ○ 10 Posts ___Rank (S) ○ 12 Posts
__C o m p l e x ___Rank (E) ○ 3 Posts ___Rank (D) ○ 5 Posts ___Rank (C) ○ 7 Posts ___Rank (B) ○ 9 Posts ___Rank (A) ○ 11 Posts ___Rank (S) ○ 13 Posts