~Character Data~

Personal Information
Name: Alistair Demonique
Nick Name Keeper of Time
Actual Age: 312
Age Appearance: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Zanpakuto: El tiempo Roto(Broken Time)
Reiatsu Color: Pale White with black tendrils
Reiatsu Appearance: His riatsu flows of his like steam, consuming and ever flowing. If angered, it can shroud his figure leaving him with a black silouette.
Orientation: Las Cincos Dios
Personality: Life if meaningless unless you can live it worth while. He believes that if you want it you should take it. If you desire it you should strive for it. He is greedy, selfish and only helps or aids another if its beneficial to him. If it doesn't interest him then he will rip from the world that he claims as his own.
Aspect of Death: Avoric/Greed
Mask Remnant: His mask takes the appearance, of a choker around his neck, and two earings on his left ear.
Hollow Hole: His hole is on left pectoral
Numero Location: Is tattooed on his back of his left fist.
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 235lbs
Hair: White and Black
Eyes: Light Brown
Physical Appearance: As slim, lean figure
History: A loss of time. That one factor made Allistair crazy, he wanted so much in this world, he wanted the world. So for life to me limited, which mean his time in this world was limited he couldn't bare it. For all that he could remember Allistair had always been Avorice. The money hungry, the male hore, the thief, the killer. Everything you can think that meant getting what he wanted he did. In his short existance as a human, he grew up in poverty. The slums of Germany knew no mercy for him. Having to fight for every cent he had, for everything he love. He became twisted and obseessed with what he had, and what he could obtain. He wanted more never being satisfied which ultimately led to his death. Not able to keep his Greed in check, he ended up robbing the wrong person. Which led to his execution. The rest well, the sad tale of the Plus, who couldn't let go of his Wordly desires, couldn't ascend to Soul Society. So on Earth is where he stayed for about a year before he turned into a hollow.
From there his Greed flourished and became his way of life. He wanted more power, he wanted more fuel for his soul. He devoured everything and everyone that got in his way. Eventually leading him down the evolution cycle of becoming Gillian. He feasted on his on kind, and snacked on Pluses that got in his way. His Greed knew no bounds. Then finally he'd reached appoint to where his hunger was satiated, his body was as humane as possibly. To the average hollow he was a pipsqueak. Those fool would learn that his Greed and hunger for power would lead him to being something that most hollow dreamed of. His was an Arrancar.
Allistair would later become a Las Cincos Dios Arrancar, through the belief that this Superior Being that they followed would lead him to gaining all that he desire. Through that sole goal is why he follows the Termino Muerte with true loyalty. A relationship that benefits both.
Hobbies: Taking from others, becoming more powerful, and taking the last of something.
Likes: Money, Power, and Women
Dislikes: Loosing, not getting what he wants
Relatives: n/a
~Zanpakuto Information~
Zanpakuto Appearance: El Tiempo Roto
Zanpakuto Name: El Tiempo Roto
Zanpakuto Type: Guantlets and Greeves
Resurrecion Appearance: Resurrecion
Resurrecion Release Command: s**t, El Tiempo Roto
Resurrecion Abilities: Time: He uses the refraction of light, from the build up of heat in the air or the overload effect of the brain to create invisibility and temporary paralysis via quick and precise nerve attacks. Thus giving the illusion of controlling time. Also, utilizing the momentum of high speed movements to create devastating attacks.
Resurrecion Attacks:
-Time Freeze: The first technique of this name manipulates light to bend around him using heat, rendering him invisible to give the illusion of controlling time.
-Over Rev: The second technique he uses causes an "over rev" phenomenon, where the victim's brain is using it's resources solely to process vision, and cannot respond to an imminent strike.
-Show Stopper: After "stopping time", he executes a spin to get underneath his opponent and then transfers all of the resulting momentum into them, sending them flying.
-Burning Mirage: By using an updraft of heat created by the friction, he causes the light to refract in the area, creating an illusion of a projected image when the actual object or person isn't actually there at all. Very good for deceiving opponents or for counter tactics.
-Time Barrier: By applying the principles of the Time technique, rapid quick movements, to defense, Allistair is able to create a shield capable of slowing down attacks and lessening impact of blows that do connect.
Segunda Etapa Appearance: Awakened (Note: He doesn't have the scythe and both arms resembles the left)
Segunda Etapa Abilities: Time Shifter: A hightened form of Time, where Allistair's techniques are dramatically increased.
Segunda Etapa Attacks:
- Clock Stopper: He uses advanced speeds to "freeze the opponent in time". This can be done in two ways. The first is to strike the opponent in multiple nerve points to ultimately stop the opponent's freedom of movement. This move is often seen as stopping time to outside watchers, while the rider will feel a burning sensation where they were struck. The second is using the advanced principles of the phenomenon known as "Over Rev". When the eyes witness something moving faster than they can comprehend at the normal capture speed, they automatically speed up. The human eye is capable of collecting information at an incredible speed, but the human brain cannot process this information nearly as fast as it comes. Because of this, the brain is forced to process the information from the eyes at a faster pace than usual. This causes the brain's ability to control the body's movement to be hindered, usually to the point of virtual paralysis. This can be set off by the Allistair doing anything from dashing across the opponent's field of vision, to waving a hand in front of their face at seemingly impossible speeds.
-Zero Time: Allistair uses incredible speed and seems to disappear for a varying amount of time. But in reality, he's actually circling the area that he, and anyone around him, arre in to generate great amounts of frictional heat in the air. When enough is created, the opponent, naturally, will start to slow down and their timing is decreased. This is due to the brain reading this synthetic heat as real heat. The heat fatigues the opponent and makes them believe that everything around them is faster, when they are actually slowed down.
-Flame Clones
Allistair accelerates pushing his body a bit further. Releasing a steady stream of heat in his wake and conjure clones of himself. The clones is just Allistair accelerating at such a high level that he creates heated after images. If used in combination of attacks, it makes it increasingly difficult to dodge or evade due to the clones. Clones are created unless the opposing opponent is significantly faster than him.
-Time Rondo
By making use of the technique Flame Clones, and moving across the battlefield at high speed, Allistair puts a spin on it. Making use of the time techniques, Allistair, dashes around the enemy, striking pressure points harshly, injecting his heat and warping light. While doing this causes paralysis, nausea and pain in the joints of the opponent. However this technique is so fast, and makes use of the air in such a way it's considered a mid range technique. Unlike the clock stopper, this version does not consume nearly as much stamina, nor hit nearly as many targets.
Hollow/Arrancar Techniques:
- Cero
- Bala
- Gran Rey Cero
- Cero Oscuras
- Garganta
- Hierro
- Sonido