Do not use, steal, or claim this art.
It's mine, it was made for me, enough said.
I joined in '05 and have gone by the names:
The Vespa Woman, Rocket Samansa, Samii Panda, and Samiji.
Some of this artwork is avatar artwork, some of it is personal.
I got tired of linking and finally make a photobucket to showcase my artwork.
xx Gallery xx
Currently waiting on artwork from:
Schmami [ x ]
Neutral Player [ x ]
Rika Mayumi (art trade) [ x ]
Chocolate Flan Lover [ x ]
Silvyen [ x ]
Questions and Answers:
Q: I drew you art, but I'm not on this list.. What should I do?
A: PM me! I might have just overlooked your work by accident.
Q: Is there any art that you buy that isn't shown here?
A: I don't post mass produced pixels. (Ex: Hell Hurts Hospital's Products)
I also don't post my own artwork.
Any questions? Just ask!