I am 20.
I am a Male.
This is how tall I am: 5'4".
This is how much I weigh: 135 lbs.
People say I am Calm and generous. It was also said that I am kind and never rude. But those are also the people who have never seen me in a fight. While fighting I am very tactful and aware of my surroundings. I will also do anything to make sure I come out on top in a fight..
I use a Sword in pic.
I have or will obtain the power of Thitrias.
This is my life thus far: Zeek was born into a village that worshiped Thitrias and his father was the head of the village. As a boy he was often read scriptures and told legends of Thitrias but he never really cared. All he cared about was training to become a warrior or teach the young how to wields weapons. As he aged he grew closer and closer to his dream by training every day in multiple weapons. He was a skilled archer, spear-man, and swordsman. His favorite weapon was the sword especially two handed ones. Once he reached the age of 18 he was made the battle instructor in his village by his father and finally reached his dream. Then one night when he was nineteen years old he was teaching a class when a really bad lightning storm came. He was working on getting his students home safely with the lightning bolts being the only kind of light in the sky. A few of the bolts had touched ground in various spots in the village but when one went straight for his fathers house he thrusted out his hand as if to reach out to his father in one last desperate moment and the bolt suddenly changed course and hit the tree in the back yard lighting it ablaze. Now Zeek had gotten permission to go on an adventure and he left the village.
Other things you should know about me: No one knows of his abilities and he doesn't even believe it himself.
My master is zeek123abc.