
| 2g
•Nyan Cat Desu:
Sweetie Delight | Froufrou Francé | Princess Kaguya | Ritzy Dame | Mint Dander Bunny Ears
•XiuMaii: Strawberry Cream Bubble | Verde Vixen
•Miosichan: 3Ok+ & [♥]
•Crunchyleavesx3: Gothic Butterfly
•Attack_Of_The_Cupcake: Summoning Tome
•Cookies_n_Dirt: Cecil
•i B r a n d o n w: Cute Devil Mask
•The Empress Amani: Pinky Summon
•IAndrea PaolaI: Ascended Demon |
•Ritsmi: [♥] [♥]
•Bedtime Panda: Monthly Collectible Letter for January 2012
•Jahooliah: 227,846g+ & [♥]
•Dogz178: 4Ok+
•Tati153: 2OOk+ (2OO9 zOMG buddeh ♥)
•Bunneko: Strawberry Milk Carton
•Cute-Kookie: July Birthstone Cape
Deluxe: Ghi Amp, Superchargers | Revives | Deadman's Shadow Powerup Bundle
IAndrea PaolaI

These donations started when I joined Gaia back in 2OO9. Got a bit lazy with the list...
Nonetheless, thank you for your donations♥ Oh and thanks Chitandaa for letting me borrowing your items *cough angelicpendant coughcough* xD.
Sharing is caring. Tehe~

•Nyan Cat Desu:

•XiuMaii: Strawberry Cream Bubble | Verde Vixen
•Miosichan: 3Ok+ & [♥]

•Crunchyleavesx3: Gothic Butterfly
•Attack_Of_The_Cupcake: Summoning Tome
•Cookies_n_Dirt: Cecil
•i B r a n d o n w: Cute Devil Mask
•The Empress Amani: Pinky Summon
•IAndrea PaolaI: Ascended Demon |

•Ritsmi: [♥] [♥]
•Bedtime Panda: Monthly Collectible Letter for January 2012
•Jahooliah: 227,846g+ & [♥]
•Dogz178: 4Ok+
•Tati153: 2OOk+ (2OO9 zOMG buddeh ♥)
•Bunneko: Strawberry Milk Carton
•Cute-Kookie: July Birthstone Cape

IAndrea PaolaI

These donations started when I joined Gaia back in 2OO9. Got a bit lazy with the list...
Nonetheless, thank you for your donations♥ Oh and thanks Chitandaa for letting me borrowing your items *cough angelicpendant coughcough* xD.
Sharing is caring. Tehe~