"Call me Zell."
"Call me Zell."
Hello! I participated in NaNoWriMo for the second time this year, and came out with something wholly unexpected: a serious story. I named it The Phoenix and the King. It's about what the title suggests, but with a twist: the Phoenix is a human. It's a sort of Beauty and the Beast-esque story. Please take a moment and meet Zell, one of the two main character.
Brief Description

Age: Twenty
Build: Tall, slender, and lithe
Skin: A dusty rose color
Eyes: Blood-red
Facial Features: A long, elegant face. Thin, with a long, straight nose. An expressive mouth. Defined cheekbones and jawline (not in a crazy action movie hero way, though)
Hair: Shaggy, slightly iridescent black (kind of like raven feathers). Long enough to cover most of his ears.
Personality: He grew up living in fear of his father. He killed him when he was fourteen, and took his throne. He is considered ruthless and cold-hearted. Views himself as a monster and hates himself, though he doesn't really realize it. He's weary of his life. Longs for human contact, though he is unaware of it. Has built very high walls around himself. Quick, decisive, sometimes cruel, unaware of others' feelings, and usually deep in thought. Intelligent and trusts no one. Had had nightmares every night of his life.
Clothing: Shirt and pants. That's about all I have. He's the King, but he doesn't go around in velvet or anything. A lightly-colored silk shirt and dark pants, maybe leather would be alright. And boots. A small silver knife, used for things like simple whittling should be hanging around his neck like a pendant. You can choose what it's hanging from (i.e. leather, a chain, a ribbon, etc.)
Theme Song: N/A
Description from the Book
"Zell was twenty. He had been a king for six years, and had already left his marks on his nation’s history, beginning with his means of having taken the throne. He was known to be cold-blooded and ruthless. Some called him a tyrant, where others saw that there was some reason, however strict, to his methods. He did not give second chances, and many were executed or taken prisoner. He had made himself clear about how he intended to rule from the day he was crowned, however, and his people had mostly grown accustomed to the new set of laws he had set into order. There were fewer lapses in longevity. He expected that by the time he was twenty-five, there would be barely any necessary executions.
He was born into the name Azazel, which was what his mother had named him. He had shortened it to Zell when he had first began to contemplate his father’s demise. He had taken after his mother in many ways, he had been told. Instead of being thick and muscular like his father, he was tall and slender and lithe, like his mother. Rather than a shaggy blond or light brown mane with sharp sapphire-like eyes, he possessed slightly iridescent black hair and eyes like blood. And he was a dusty rose color instead of golden like the rest of his family. His mother had been an exotic beauty, captured by what were essentially poachers for his father’s bedchambers. Little had anyone known that she would insinuate herself into the position of Queen. Just as no one had expected to see Zell live to claim the throne, much less take it from his living father"
Thank you very much for reading this and I hope very much that you will not only take this on, but also enjoy it.