Well as you can tell Spring Breaks coming, but late.. And well on to more imporant news..lol Lately I have been having trable.. Friends in depersion werse then I am. I can't tell if the pieces I am finding of my self are realy me, because I haven't been turly me in a very long time. It seems that my depirsion is getting wrose, then better, then back again. I'm just to confuzed right now, it may have to do with the fact that. the school year is endding, along with on part of my life. next year i'm on to high school, a hole new world! I don't even feel like I'm rea;y here, and I've never been here, that this is all a dream, that someone/me is having. Sorry to just pore out all my thoughts like this, but I can't help it, I can't tell any one else..(*laughs at self* I'm talking to a computer...) School work is..well theres a lot of it..lol Well i got to go it's 12 am right now..and I have school in the morning bye!
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