Here's a little evil for you folks today.:
A shadowy figure walked through moonlight.
Gruesome was this tall dark
Horns protruded from through the rice hat, it's head.
The smile widened as it was long past fed.
An dark chuckle enimated from the creatures mouth.
Speaking to the victum, the creature did boast.
"What a night this is for a feast,
many souls will feed this hungry beast. My eyes cast down apon your weary form. From life and luxury you limbs will be torn. Devouring your saddened state, knifing through with your shadowed fate. To eat a soul and devour the concious I take much delight. To have the victum scratch and scream with fright. It is a delicious thing, think you to stay and not to spring?"
The creature claws wrapped around the victums neck, holding tightly yet it did not break. Crimson glow was seen through the darkness, the eyes of the creature was far pass less. The victum screamed as the creature sucked in, eating it's soul and all within. Silence loomed throughout the night, always lingering...the creature...far from the light.
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