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View User's Journal

Rosewhips and other happy things
This is a notebook of all my thoughts throughout whenever.I'm an idiot.Now that we've well established that you have can have no whining whatsoever about my Journal or Retardation.
Theosophy Heart and Tidbits all in one Place <3
Theosophy Heart chp. 1
BLAH BKLAH BLAH TYPOS AND STUFF OF DOOOM! Just getting it down and out after re reading my Story from forever ago XPP

It was Autumn, the leaves had just begun to change, there tinted green and orange colorations ebbing softly from edge to edge as the seasons changed yet again.Dusk drew closer,the silence of day was shattered by the chirrping of cicada and the ever running river that cascaded down into the tiny village where lights were beginning to pop up in the windows. Sighing heavly and staring back down at his watch Kojin tapped at the glass face a few times making sure the poor old thing was still ticking. Running his fingers dully over the worn leather and sighing yet again the boy looked down the cobblestoned path for the millionth time wondering where his travelling companion had wondred off to again. The shadows were getting longer and the night had never been a comforting thing to the small boy. Curling his knees up closer to his chest, back againt a tree. He waited. Taking time to think about how far he'd come since he'd started to travel with Evan. Three years since the fire,Three years since all that blood shead and violence...
"Ko-gee?" the sudden voice broke Kojin's train of thought making him jump and stutter,"Don't scare me like that!!" he hissed looking up at Evan Rhapsody. The older man simply chuckled and smiled.
"I didn't mean to scare you Ko-gee. You just looked so far off in your own world I was worried for a moment."
"Then you worry too much!" reaching behind him, Kojin grabbed his backpack,"What took you so long! I thought you had forgotten about me!" Slinging the light little black bag over his shoulder and adjusting his shirt (Which was three sizes too big since it was Rhapsody's) the boy marched past Rhapsody with a snort. Evan only chuckled again as he followed without a complaint.
"I would never forget about you Kojin. I told you I would look out for you and I will. I was just having some trouble getting a room is all,I had to try and get what we could with what little money we have left after last month." reaching his hands behind his head and stretching, his back popping in sevral places the dragon exhaled sweetly,"If you didn't need new clothing all the time we would have more you know." Kojin simply turned up his nose at the comment and huffed. His childish mannerisums showing through his mature act.
"If you,Evan, didn't make me wait all the time We would have more money."
Reaching forward Rhapsody ruffled the preteens hair lightly. The black and red tresses flying around wildly as he used his other arm to wrap around Kojin's shoulders.He didn't mind kojin's constant complaining and bullheadedness. He found it endearing on some level since the arguments he usually pulled up had no meaning to the current situation at all, they were just to have the last word on the topic.Leaning down and twisting his hair softly Rhapsody whispered in Kojin's ear. His deep voice soft and soothing"Maybe....If you stop dying your hair this reched coloration we would be able to buy some food now and again."
Slapping his hand over his ear Kojin blushed and pulled away.
"Freak! I like my hair like this! Now back off will Yas!"
Laughing and punching the ebony haired man in the shoulder playfully Kojin started back towards the village.

The room was small. Smaller then Evan would have hoped for with the money he had spent on it. Scowling as he placed his bags on the bedside he sat down and looked around the dingy place. He had sent Kojin off to get something for dinner with what little money they had left while he had stayed behind to get settled in.
"Something...Isn't right.." the dragon mused. His nose twitched as he looked around the room, his cold blue eyes darting from corner to corner, inspecting it was a criticing fashion.Suddenly it dawned on him.There was only one bed. His pale complextion light up to a bright red as he sat up and looked around again counting out loud,"One night stand, One desk, One Table, Two chairs,ONE.....bed...." counting it outloud had only confermed it. There was one, and only one, Bed in the room. He had remebered he had specificly asked for a two bed suite. Apparently the man at the desk had lied to him about the whole situation.
"Well s**t...." trying to distract his mind from the problem Rhapsody started to pull out Kojin's clothes (Which Half were shirts that Evan himself had given him because they didn't fit him any more) and fold them neatly before placing them into the nightstand. His movement fluid as he straightened the room like clockwork. Everything had a place to him. Shoes by the door, Shirts in the top drawer, Pants in the bottom. Socks and undergarments were folded and placed in the third drawer and all other accesories were to be placed o nthe desk sorted by size shape and color.Once everything was to his liking and the bed had been remade and the corners of the sheets refolded militry style the dragon relized his problem again. The throbbing sensation in his head heating up into a headache. Kojin would be back soon at this rate and there was no solution to the 'one bed and two people' problem.Scratching his head and trying to see the situation in a new light Rhapsody sat down on the ivory sheets. His long hair touching the crisp linen providing a beautiful contrast between the white cloth and his raven hair. Staring for a moment the dragon purred,"Nothing will happen. I can just sleep on one side and he'll sleep on the other.After all I'm not some ***** who....." shaking his head of the image of the thirteen year old boy in jsut a t-shirt and boxers ready for bed the ancient dragon growled and fell down on the mattress,"This isn't good...It's not...." his back tingled for a moment at the thoughts of blood and Kojin. His soft skin,his touch...It always made his inner demons stir horribly. The instinct to ruin something so pure and innocent still strong within him after 50 years of being trapped in this human body. Blue eyes changing crimson in the dim light at the thought of white sheets turning a beatuiful satin red accominied by a chorus of screams and moans. Closing his eyes, the dragon growled softly remembering what was a lifetime ago.
"I made a vow and I shall keep it...." he purred relaxing as his eyes flickered back to the steely blue they usually were,"I promised to take care of him like an older brother and I will do so...Even at the cost of my soul..." sitting back up at the sound of keys jangling itno the lock Rhapsody smiled.Kojin walked inside the small room his hands full of paper bags and a sack of oranges, the dragons favorite, hanging from his hip. His small figure almost feminine as he turned aruond to lock the door.
"Help me you dolt!" he muttered adjusting the weight in his arms.
"Why? You have it just....Alright." Rhapsody cooed getting up and taking the bags from the boy, lifting them over the teenagers head.
"I bought your favorite too so be grateful!!" Kojin fumed,"The clerk there was a real b*****d! I've never met a bigger ********' idiot then him! Seriously! I'm a kid but I know the diffrence between a pound of grape fruit and a ********' pound of ********' oragnes!! I-What?"
Rhapsody was laughing as he watched the boy pacing and ranting.
"It's nothing.....Just thinking."
"Your sucha freak....." Kojin said lightly joinging in putting up the items he had bought.

Theosophy Heart Chp 2
Rhapsody is not a *****! I swar he's not! I dunno why He always sounds like it Gahhh!!! It's like....suppost to be wrong because of the age gap but it's not sexual XPP More....Like "I want your blood." the "I want your Smex" GAHHHH WHY RAZ WHY DO YOU SOUND SO WRONG!!! Also Only friends can see this because I worry about the content TT.TT
I both love and hate my characters and their epic fail XPPP
I hope Todd came across right....Creepy.

The sound of the shower made Rhapsody's heart beat a mile a minute. The steady patter of water rolling down the drain making him uncomfortable with each passing instant. His eyes flitting from the bathroom door to the window. He could go out for the night couldn't he? He'd been fine sleeping outside before right? Wanting to slap himself for being so insanely stupid the Dragon sat down at the desk to write Kojin a note. He would tell him he went to the bar and then he wouldn't have to deal with the horrible persistent feeling of, 'I want you dead.' His hand stopping and freezing in air as he thought the words, Evan sighed heavly. His other form liked to kill. It had been so much of his old life. Beatings and killing. Flesh and Bones the feeling of Marrow and bone cracking in his hands. It was a blood horrible way to be. He saw that now. He'd been human for the best for 50 years. It was silly now to have those urges brought back to the surface. Then again Kojin was the type he went for. Young and Naive. Easy to lure into whatever he wanted to do to him.....
"But.....Why is it that It transforms into something dirty in this form? It was never like that before....Not....like this...." Placing his hand over his heart Rhapsody tried to steady his pulse. He always was so protective of the boy. So Utterly attatched to him it hurt on a level he had never felt. It wasn't lust....It wasn't something like that. It was something stranger then he had ever experienced in his long life. Placing Pen to Paper the dragon started to write just as Kojin poped his head out of the shower.

Wrapped in a towel and soaking wet still the teenager grinned wrapping another wet towel around his wrist,twisting it into the dangerous frat boy weapon: the Rat tail. Slower and Quietly the teen aged boy stepped closer and closer. The older man busying himself with his writings and not noticing the advancing threat before it was too late.
With a loud snapping sound Rhapsody screamed and turned around his face red with anger and embarrassment,"Kojin! What the hell are you!!"
"Ha ha! I got you good didn't I Ya moron!" Red tindged black hair fell charmingly into a round face as the boy laughed so hard he ended up almost falling over. Unable to be angry for long Rhapsody stood and walked into the bathroom in silence.
"Uhhh...Hey Ol' Man I was only...."
"Vengence shall be mine!" The dragon cackled grabbing the sprayer from the shower and hosing down Kojin till they were both laughing on the floor. Kojin gasped getting control of his giggles as he used the desk to get himself up. Looking over into the watery mess that used to be the desk he paused,"Ya....Yas going out for the night?" he asked softly all happiness draining from his face,"I...I guess that's alright....When..Will you be back soon?"
"s**t....Kojin I..." Rhapsody had forgotten something. Something very important. Kojin didn't like being alone at night. It made his act funny....He was so afraid of the silence and the inability to see that he would curl up into a tiny ball and cry if Someone wasn't with him. Mentally slapping himself as Kojin crossed his arms and looked away Rhapsody tried to amend his mistake,"Ko-gee I just thought that...Well there's only one bed but I can sleep in the....Chair-KOJIN!" Before Another word could be said the boy had already grabbed his sweat pants had bolted out the door leaving Rhapsody alone in the water drenched room.

"Always! He always forgets!! I'm not a child! I'm Not! Damn b*****d!" Kojin yelled into the night running back towards the woods. The sound of the river bringing him some comfort as His sneakers, covered in dew and soaked to his socks, made little sqweaking sounds. Rushing ahead cursing and wanting to do nothing more then to scream. Running till his legs burned and his lungs felt like they would give out any moment the boy finally stopped. Tears getting in the way of breathing and thinking as they clouded over his vision. Hands on his knees, catching his breath he tried to fight the emotions away. the stupid pitiful emotions that made him feel so damn weak and useless. "I would be so much better if you had just left me there!" He yelled punching at the blurry shapes in front of him his fist connecting with the bark of a tree, to vent on. "I'm not a child! I don' need you! I don't need anyone! Stop being so DAMN NICE ALL THE TIME!!...Dumb...stupid dumb...." words caught in Kojin's mouth as he started to cry. His legs giving beneath him as he fell onto the ground, his fist bloody from punching into the rough bark. So much so that the skin was torn away and swollen.Through the whole haze something warm wrapped it's self around the boy.
Warm arms and a tender embrace swept Kojin up as he turned around. His face being wiped and his hands looked at. Something warm touching the battered skin.
"Poor Little lost Lamb.....So Far from the side of the shepard...."
soething suddenly stung Kojin's hand. His eyes flying open he screamed and kicked out at the man holding him.
"Who the hell are you!!!"
"I'm the wolf little peter." he cooed. dark brown eyes peered up towards the youth. His lips curled into a devious smile,"And I have to say little peter. You taste so good it's no wonder you could tame a wolf into being your little pet. Rhapsody must really covet you boy." before he could move the man started to chuckled and squeezed hard onto the boy's bruised and bleeding fingers.
"Stop it you Fa-" a hand flying up to his face the being held his chin firmly, his fingrs pressing into the sides of his mouth.
"Should I wash your mouth out little b***h!" He asked, his eyebrow raising,"Because that's a naughty thing to call someone."
"And your a nasty ********' Son of a-" pulling his leg up as hard as he possibly could into the man's pelvis Kojin scrammbled away leaving the pervert moaning and holding himself on the ground.
"Come back here you little....Ah! " holding what was left of his masculinity and counting to three, Todd stood and watched the boy running away. Wiping the boy's blood from his lips he smiled,"Oh ho Ho, I see. I knew you liked then young and spunky but man was he cute. Never thought it would be a boy either...That's not like you bro." checking himself again to make sure his knight and rooks were unharmed Todd grinned walking off after the young man,"Time to pay the piper Raz, and your little brat is gonna lead me Straight to you."

Theosophy Heart Chp 3
A soft tail brushed past pale skin tentive hands reaching out and moving blond hair from blue eyes."Why do you always have to sleep outside? Your gonna catch a bug you know? Sniffles for yas Bad." Saint smiled laying down next to Pen. The sun had long past set and the fireflies glittered around rhythmically lighting and disappearing into the twilight once more.
"What do you care. Your out here too." Pen muttered rolling over, his white t-shirt sticking to his torso slightly as the heat from the day settled into the earth,"You don't even have shoes on."
"Don't Need Em' " the red head replied happily his voice ending on a high note as he sprewed out on top of his friend affectionately,"You've....Gained some Poundage..."he mewed pressing a hand into Pen's side pulling at the cotton cloth before giggling.
"Get off me ya moron." Pen muttered not really attempting to get the other off,"If anything yas the heavy one." Saint sat up letting his tail ruffle in fake irritation as he pouted folding his arms at Pen's comment.
"Your just asking to make me an-her-rex-Iac arn't you!" he kidded his irish accent slipping as he tried to pronounce a word a little outside his vocabulary. Sitting up as well Pen sighed scratching the back of his shaggy head and looking at his companion.
"Saint. Yas such a idiot."
"Glad you noticed."
Grinning at each other the teenager simply ruffled Saint's hair and got up stretching his legs and looking over his shoulder at the cabin on the hill.Moss hanged from the eves as the little cabin sat softly in the shade of a willow. The broken shingles and shutters made it look almost delapatated but it was home none the less. Without Treegon around to do the house work Saint and Pen has been neglecting it. They weren't even sure how to fix half of the things.Sighing again, his shoulders falling as he looked at his childhood home his ears also drooped thinking of all the things that had happened in the same little home since he was little.Saint's hand landed on Pen's shoulder turning him around so that they faced each other."Cha d'dhùin doras nach d'fhosgail doras (No door ever closed, but another opened-Gaelic) He'll come back..."
"What? Next Month? Or the next?We've been here for almost a year......We know he's not coming back!" Pen pushed Saint's Hnad off his shoulder and hugged himself. He knew that his words where making Saint upset but he needed to hear them,"You read the letter too. He's not coming back. We need to..."
"No! I want to Stay Here!! Gra, Dilseacht, Cairdeas!!"(love, loyalty, friendship) Saint yelled getting emotional as Irish Gaelic started to come from his mouth. He always started speaking different languages when he was angry or stressed. It just made Pen have more of a headache.
"Saint! Will Yas stop! I mean It! Come here!" Wrapping his arms around the other man Pen tried to keep Saint from sobbing. Treegon had been called off to the council a year ago and had never come back. Months later they received a letter and a small package containing Treegon's Possessions. He wasn't coming back and Saint wasn't taking it well at all.
"Saint I miss him too....But we need to move on okay? What Would the old Man Say if he saw yas all Snotty and Gross like this Huh? Come On. I haven't cried yet.Just calm down."
"I cry enough for both of us then! Ciamar a tha thu...How are you. How do you do that?" Saint was caling down sine he was speaking english again.
"I just...Don't think about it okay?" Pen said the red head turning around in his arms and snuggling against him. He found it so odd that he towered over Saint, the thirty something year old barely reaching under his chin as he pressed his forehead to his chest.
"But why don't you think about him? Don't you care?"
"Saint....Just Breathe for now. It's gonna hurt like hell but you know what he would say to see us like this huh? Come on. Don't yas cry like that." Pen felt his face blush when Saint was cuddling against him. It was always so awkward around the older man. They were friends, brothers even, but Saint....Was always so Affectionate and emotional it made Pen wonder if the other Demon thought diffrently of there relationship. Then again it was in the other's nature to be over affectionate. He always had been.....
"Pen....Pen....Penster.....Ello?" Saint's voice brought Pen back to reality. He didn't even notice the small kiss that was placed on his check. Rubbing the place that something had touched Pen looked down into green eyes still red from crying.
"Saint. Come on. We'll go tomorrow."
"Go? Go Where?"
"I dunno....Somewhere different. It' not healthy for us to just stay here. The house will be here when we get back anyways."
"Welll....Alright I guess....But...Does that mean I have to leave me button collection?" Pen shot Saint a look and Smiled, his blode hair falling back into his eyes.
"Sit boy. They'll be fine without you for a little while." walking into the tiny cabin his tail wagging softly behind him Pen laughed,"besides, Imagine all the buttons outside waiting for you."
"DUDE! SERIOUSLY!" Bouncing slightly Saint followed his ears twitching Happily as he followed Pen into the Cabin and started to pack,"So that means no on the buttons right?"

Theosophy Heart Chp 4
Another Quicky. I changed this Chapter a tiny bit from the original. I wanted to make Todd not so "LUCY! I'm HOOOME!" And a little more tactful XDDD Oh well.

Kojin's breath was rasping as he ran back through the woods, his sneakers catching on the dense underbrush as he took off almost completely blind into the darkness.Where was Evan when he needed him!! Stumbling and gasping the boy made his way back to the path he came from only wishing that the stranger wasn't right behind him ready to attack.

"Ouch!" sticking his thumb into his mouth Rhapsody sucked on the small cut the pocket knife had made. His dark eyes flitting from the wooden bird he was carving to the clock and back. Kojin was late, it made him nervous.Getting up he placed the carving down and looked out the window into the inky night. The sun had set more then an hour ago and there wasn't any sign of the small boy. Dragging calluses fingers through raven hair the dragon began to pace as he did so often when Kojin wasn't around. It was hard for him to do anything but think negative thoughts about what had happened to the poor boy. He was far to naive and trusting to be out on his own!Making up his mind to go fin the brat Rhapsody turned and grabbed his jacket, slipping it on as he opened the door to find Kojin sitting just outside Sobbing.
"I.....didn't wanna wake you up..." Kojin said softly. His jeans torn and tattered as he shivered against the railing on the small porch,"I thought that....You were asleep...I-" before anything else was said Rhapsody had already scoped Kojin up into a hug stroking his head and wrapping his arms around him so tight that the boy couldn't breath for a moment.
"Don't EVER do that again!!" Rhapsody scolded wanting to punish and at the same time lavish affection on the boy in front of him,"I thought....I thought....What..What happened to your lip?" wiping blood from the boy's mouth Rhapsody begain to act more like a mother hen then usual,"Come inside Now. We need you to get out of those clothes and to take care of that cut."
"Your....Your not gonna yell at me?" Kojin asked his eyes huge orbs of sadness. Shaking his head the dragon sighed.
"Come on. Inside. We'll talk later. I need to take care of that first."

Once inside the room Kojin sat down on the edge of the bed, his Large T-shirt and PJ pants rolled up to fit." Rhapsody....You don't have to worry about me so much..." the dragon was already coming back with Peroxide and bandages for the boy.
"You know I'm gonna worry about you...This is gonna sting so hold still..."
Kojin pushed the other man away and curled up on the bed,"Kojin! Come here and let me treat that! What did you do anyways?"
"Kojin?...."Rhapsody froze hearing little sobs coming from Kojin. The boy was...crying again....

"I hate you!!" he muttered sitting up and flinging his arms around Rhapsody crying his eyes out as he let the events of the night spill from his lips. Hiccuping as he finished Kojin set back on his knees and looked at the dragon as he wiped his face off on the extra long sleeves of his night shirt."Evan....He....I...He kept touchin' me and stuff. I was so freaked out! Why didn't you....I...I can't be mad at you though I...I'm...so stupid...."Rhapsody wasn't listening anymore though His face was red with anger and his long hair was like a curtain hiding his features.
"Kojin.....Stay here."
"What?" the dragon stood and pulled the window open stepping up into the open night Rhapsody turned and placed his hand along Kojin's Chin,"Stay here for me okay?" he said softly before dropping down into the night with a roar.

Todd flinched under the window when Rhapsody dropped down and Pinned him to the wall.His fangs glimmering as he spat at the other man,"How dare you show your ******** up face around Here!" the younger growled, his eyes smoldering in there depths. Todd slicked back his mousy hair and grinned,"Oh I didn't do anything too traumatizing to that little one. He wasn't even a mouthful though so It was tempting to just pop him into my mouth like a marshmello-GAHH!" Rhapsody had picked his older brother up by his neck, his nails extended into claws as they held his collarbone in place. Todd grimaced and chuckled.
"He must mean a lot to you if your all protective like some mother dragon."
"Go away. I won't have you doing any...any...Anything! To Kojin!"
"Evan?" Kojin's soft voice floated down from the open window,"Evan what's going on!"
"I said Stay There!" Rhapsody spat letting Todd down and slapping him across the face as hard as he could,"Come near the boy again and I'll make DAMN sure you regret it!" he hissed his features relaxing and becoming more human once again.
"PMS doesn't suit you Little brother...." Todd hacked rubbing his collar and neck,"You have my word I won't touch your little love...errr.....thingy."
Rhapsodyy glared once more before jumping back up into the window coming face to face with Kojin. Picking the boy up he placed him into the bed, dispite his struggling and yelling to be put down, and tucked him in.
"Sit down and sleep." Rhapsody said kissing Kojin's forehead,"We're leaving in the morning." Rhapsody turned off the light and sat down in the chair facing it towards the window while the boy didn't make a sound for a long moment.
"Evan....Who was that.....?"
"A nightmare. Now go to sleep." Rhapsody said steely as he watched the window in front of him,"Please try and Sleep Ko-gee."
"Alright..." Kojin said rolling over in the bed and pulling the covers over his head.

Tidbit ending
The hospital waiting room smelled like piss and vomit. Pen sighed wondering if the later half of that sentence was mostly because of him or not. Saint paced softly back and forth down the stark hallway. His sneakers squeaking sharply at the end of each turn before he continued down the other way. Pen growled softly watching the man pace was making him dizzy and he would like to hold onto the crackers that had finally made it past his lips with the sprite from the vending machine. Grabbing Saint's hand and pulling him softly to sit with him Pen looked down at the floor. The red head continued to fidget, his legs bouncing up and down with anxiety. Pen kept looking at the floor wanting it to morph into his rug n his room. Wanting this nightmare he was in to finish and allow him to wake up. Placing his head in his hands he let the tears ball up behind his eyelashes. Watching them well and tremble down his cheeks softly not allowing Saint to see him crying.
"This is bullshit!" Saint finally said,His voice monotone and shaken,"How can someone ********!" standing up and grabbing the trashcan to his left Saint heaved the stainless steel container across the floor. It's contents scattering across the floor, Paper cups and candy wrappers. The nurses in the corridor stopped what they were doing and gawked in silence as the small man kicked the trash receptical across the way and into the wall, the steel buckling and crushing the container in half from the impact.Sitting back down and rocking while tapping his feet against the floor Saint growled,"What the hell are you ******** looking at!" he hissed at the nurses in warning,"Go back to work you-"
"Saint...stop..." Pen grabbed Saint's hand to stop him from going after the young nurses who were now shuffling away as quickly as possible from the rabid fox." Yelling won't fix it." coming to sit by the blond's side Saint felt his shoulders slump forward and he joined his friend in staring at the floor.
"What did the Doctor Say?" Pen said meekly. His voice far away and wounded. Saint sighed and brushed his bangs back, blood still on his shirt from carrying Rhapsody.
"They said, They don't know what happened.They said..." sighing levelly Saint tried to regain some composure as to not upset Pen anymore then he already was. Lacing his hands together with his elbows on his knees he lowered his voice so that the noisy nurses back for round two wouldn't hear.
"He said that the trauma to his chest was pretty sever and that without Rhapsody being there that...It would have been a lot worse." trailing off Saint watched as Pen fell into the back of the seat crying hysterically.
"Worse! Worse then what! Worse then a gun shot to the ******** head you ******** f*****t! Worse then some psycho military branch ******** shooting up the whole god damn apartment!"Blue eyes clouded over with rage and pain. looking down at his shirt and noticing the blood stains on his shirt Pen wiped his hands across the pattern thinking back on how unreal it was. His brother's blood splattered across his shirt. running his hands over the stain he noticed something sticky and white, He stopped Grabbing at his bloodstained shirt and tearing the fabric off over his head and tossing it to the ground Pen gagged realizing what it was and vomited onto the floor. Not only was he covered in blood but there was also pieces of flesh still clinging to his clothing.
Saint knelt besides Pen and Held him close, Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and trying to somehow make sense what was happening himself."Pen..Please...I don't know....I just...don't know...."

The walk home was silent. Pen walking ahead of Saint by a few feet. Saint dragging his feet behind him with the paper work he needed to fill out for the emergency room. The Doctor had told them to go home. There was nothing they could do but wait now. A gunshot wound to the head was pretty sever as was the condition that Rhapsody was in due to trying to stop it. Both of them having been shot at least twice.Getting back to the apartment Todd had rented Saint sighed as he slipped the key out from under the mat. Todd told him he would be gone for a while, Rhapsody had broken his oath for killing and he had to explain it to the elders. He hadn't said much else and had hung up the phone rather abruptly after explaining."Come on Pen." Saint said as the blond walked slowly past him and into the room,"I think we both need a shower." the boy said nothing and disappeared into the dark room without turning on a light.Saint flipped on the light switch and watched as the younger man sat down on the single bed completely drained. Sitting down at his side Saint sighed,"Well, I'll go first okay?" he smiled weakly and tried to pop off the bed and head to the shower only to have Pen grab his hand.
"Stay." he said softly, his head downward as he spoke,"Stay with me. Tonight." Saint smiled and sat back down feeling like Pen had finally begun to act like himself. sitting back down and swishing his tail softly the red head pulled Pen to his shoulder and cuddled against him. Purring to comfort him he kissed his cheek and muttered softly in Gaelic to him.
"It will be okay,I promise."
Saint suddenly shivered, something soft and warm pressed against his neck. trailing across his shoulder to the back of hie ear."Pen?"
A hand reached up and traced across Saint's face,"Promise me Saint." Pen said softly,"make it okay." Pen leaned forward and pressed his lips against the older mans. his hand holding his chin in place, keeping the other fox from pulling away from the contact. Gasping at the sudden intimacy,Saint opened his mouth only to have Pen slip inside to explore him. Moaning deeply as the kiss continued to progress Saint grasped at the bedsheets trying to keep from throwing Pen down onto the bed.
"Shut Up." Pen grabbed Saint's Hands and pushed him down onto the bed. straddling over Saint's hips and pressing down against them with his own while making sure to not break away from what he was doing to the other's lips. Saint growled and tried to push away the Blond.
"Get off me! You're boney!" he said weakly trying to keep up his face of being happy and childish. that was shattered when he felt the top of his pants undo and Pen's hand shoved into the front of his pants.
"Pen!" pulling free and pushing Pen away, the blond hit the wall. "What the f-"
"Promise me!" Pen screamed before Saint could ask him what was happening,"Promise me you won;t leave me! Promise me you won't disappear! Like Dad! Like Kojin!" stored up tears ran down Pen's face, ribbons of sadness and fear released into one giant emotional spill."Don't leave me alone!"
Saint sat frozen. His body still feeling he warmth from Pen's sexual advance. Placing his hand to his lips he traced were Pen's had been moments before. He wished that it was all different. that all of this was different. that he could take Pen away and this would all end with them together. As a family.
"Pen....I..." at a lose for words the red head sputtered like an idiot watching Pen sob and cry.
"Then I wont ask you! I'll ask your body! This is what you wanted anyways right!?" Pen blinked feeling something hard and stinging hit his face. Saint stood in front of him panting having slapped him.His chest heaving with the effort to not do it again.
"Not like this." Saint shivered softly,"Never like this..."
Saint sat quietly next to pen allowing himself to slide down the wall and come to rest at his side."I never wanted it to be like this."
Pen watched him carefully, each movement from Saint making him jump.
"Come closer. I won't bite." Saint purred softly and smoothed his hand over Pen's. He felt warm and soft like he always did but to Pen somehow he felt so foreign and new. Without even thinking he followed Saint's instructions and found himself seated on the man's lap. His face leaning towards his into a soft kiss that only lasted a moment.
"I promise, I will always be with you-" trailing off into another kiss Saint purred feeling Pen sigh into him. his hands rubbing circles into his back as they embraced. Saint moaned as the younger boy started to deepen the kiss. His soft body pressing against Saint's and rubbing against him without thinking. Saint pulled Pen's hips down and grinned against him slowly wanting nothing more then to be closer to him.
"S-Saint" Pen arched his back as he felt waves of pleasure rack through is frame. He had never admitted how much he loved this. This touch, This feeling of having Saint against him, touching him. Crying out softly he looked down at the other man. Who had been with him for everything in his life and he wanted to be with for the rest of it." Saint, I think I...."
Saint kissed Pen roughly cutting him off from saying what he wanted to say.
"Don't talk right now okay? I just....I just want to enjoy this...." he said softly nuzzling against Pen's neck.


Tidbit in private
It was hot, Ungodly hot even with the windows open. Sweat trailing down his body Pen stood in his room in front of the window in his boxers trying to cool down. Saint slept peacefully behind him in the bed as Pen tried to get the thoughts from earlier that day out of his mind. Saint had done something to him... he had to have done something to make Pen feel like this. His embarrassed hot flesh trembling as cool breezes blew in from the window.

Earlier that night Saint had dragged Pen out dancing with Todd. It had been a fun night granted the outfit that Pen had to wear, his body exposed far more then he ever liked. He had gotten over it though seeing how much fun everyone seemed to have at these raves,understanding the need to move and enjoy it in large groups making sense to him. As the night raged on, Pen had had a few drinks that Todd had slipped to him. The giant Black X marking him as underage but not stopping Todd from grinning and offering it to him anyways. Pen had objections to drinking but took the little shots anyways, Living in the moment and enjoying the feeling it created in his body. His already over sensitive form Becoming hot and fuzzed with the dulling affects of alcohol. Feeling warm with the buzz Pen had sat out a few songs, enjoying the booming baseline streaming through him, as if the beats where really that of his own pulse pounding in his ears. Purring out loud Pen didn't even notice Saint sit down next to him. Closing his eyes he simply felt something caress his shoulders gently. Saint pulling him towards his bare chest. Pen didn't fit the movement and leaned his head against the older man's shoulder, shivering feeling how cold his skin was despite all of the activity. Saint smells good-Feels good. The tiny intimate touches across his skin making his fuzzy brain spark and jolt. Soft lips suddenly whispering something into his ear and pulling him closer,"Pen...." Saint's voice soft and breathy,His lips gently brushing past Pen's ear and kissing his neck.He’d gritted his teeth and carried on, pushed worry and pain to the back of his mind until now. He had no idea what Saint was doing,The sensations of it all foggy making it hard for him to reject them. Saint was only touching him...He wasn't hurting him.Impulsive touches, heated lips.keeping him there, Pen hissed. The feeling of Saint's lips against his neck making him feel funnier then the burn of the whiskey still in his mouth. He allowed it still making no objections,Curiosity to why it feels so good but not so much inside his bubble as before, allows the leg wedged between his knees and the hands that move with little finesse down his body, until they are pushing and pulling away layers of fabric, until they’ve found that heat and hardness they were looking for.
Gasping Pen couldn't find his legs,His body pressed firmly against Saint's in the dark secluded benches that he had come to rest at. He was touching him somewhere Pen didn't wanna be touched! He wanted to run,Scream,Hit him like he usually did but the feeling was so soft. It was hypnotizing feeling Saint's large hands stroking across his upper thighs under those tight pants. the alcohol must have done something to him...His mind wouldn't let him say he didn't like it. The tender caresses over sensitive places. Places Pen thought where reserved for lovers and himself only. Moaning desperately wishing he could move away from the intoxication Pen gasped. Light touches caressing over his chest now, touching each curve and dip in his frame work. His muscles tightening as trusted hands touched him, slowly dragging over his skin like hot kisses. Everything was fuzzy now, Hot a fuzzy. the feelings growing inside of him, knotting and coiling as Pen felt pleasure from another person's hands for the first time. He could barely hear Saint against his neck asking him things. Asking him things Pen knew he needed to reply to but could only get out soft sighs and moans. Clapping his hand over his own mouth as he did so, He had never heard himself make those kind of noises. His voice hitching higher and shivering like his body was starting to do. The sweet pain and mystery mixing together in his body. Not even registering that it was a dear friend who was molesting him in the shadows of a club.
"Where Pen...."Saint's voice was deep,Soothing. It caused goosebumps to ride up Pen's neck. When had he been pulled into Saint's lap? How had they gotten pulled so that they where facing the wall? Where nobody could see them unless they looked for them. It was so hot. so damn hot.Something touches Pen's cheek making him flush,"Saint...I...feel funny...." shivering and feeling dizzy Pen mewed gently trying to make sense of what was happening, Saint's palm cupping his face as the red head leans forward.His eyes looked so bright in the darkness, the green being vivid and burning like Pen's body felt like right now.Wt heat kisses the side of Pen's ear accompanied by Saint's purr and voice,"You're so ******** hot and hard right now." he said biting Pen's neck. The sudden brilliant pain sobering Pen up enough to make a feeble attempt to get away. Saint was touching him more then what he liked, Something wasn't right. Saint would never say something like that too him, where was his gentle Saint? Pushing at the red heads shoulders meekly Pen gasped and cried out softly feeling sick and afraid.
"S-Stop....Ugh..." Pen suddenly became aware of the situation he had allowed to start. Saint pressed against him and pulled him into a kiss. His tongue sliding into Pen's mouth with bruising force,Exploring his mouth and claiming it despite any struggles from the blond,"Saint S-"
Another kiss cutting off the protest. Sweat sliding off his body Pen started to cry. Scared and drunk being tainted by his best friend.
"Shhhh...You'll felt good, It's alright." Saint growled biting Pen's lip and continuing to touch him though Pen sobbed softly, Saint's finger undoing his pants and shoving his hand down the front to grab him.
"Saint....please...." hiccuping softly Pen grabbed Saint around the shoulders confused. He always ran to Saint when he was scared, not run from him. What was happening. Why was it happening?
It stopped suddenly, the hot air that had been pinned to them because of Saint being so close escaping as the red head was pulled away and punched across the room. Someone touching Pen's face and trying to get him to uncurl and stop crying.
"Pen....Pen look at me..." the Blond's eyes snapped open looking into gray as Todd cupped his face. His leather shirt ripped off his shoulder and bouncers taking interest and making there way over though a somewhat stunned crowd of dancers looking at him."Are you okay?" Pen looked past Todd and at Saint, sitting across the room with a look on his face of shame and confusion. His lip bleeding as he tried to stand, scratches down his arms and back.
"Todd....Saint....I..." Crying Pen wrapped his arms around Todd's neck. Not caring anymore and needing comfort. Glaring over his shoulder at the red head Todd picked the boy up and carried him out of the club,pushing Past Saint as he tried to touch Pen's head.
"Go home and Sober up Boy." Todd said shoving his shoulder against Saint's before leaving,"I'll handle this."

Todd had taken Pen home and been gentle with him. It was confusing to have the roles switched. Todd was never this gentle and it made Pen Jumpy,"Hush Kid...Just let me see alright?" Running his finger over Pen's split lip from Saint biting Him too hard Toss whistled and dabbed a wet wash cloth at it as they sat in the bathroom of the rented apartment.Pen looked at the floor as much as he could, Still feeling like he was going to cry the moment he tried to speak. Todd sat there quietly re-wetting the towel as needed and dabbing at the little bites and bruises that covered Pen's neck and lips. Some of them bleeding from Saint's canines.
"You shouldn't be mad at him.." Todd finally said after a few moments as he wrung out the extra water before placing it to Pen's eyes-Trying to clean his face off and reduce the redness from crying,"He just...lost himself is all..."
Pen started to cry again leaning against the shower trying to get away from Todd and the memories of Saint touching him.
"******** that Fairy Fagot! ******** all of you ********! I hope you all Die!" Pen chocked hyperventilating with his conviction.
"Shut it." Todd said firmly pulling Pen too him, holding hid hands and pulling them over his neck so that Pen as around his neck,"You ******** enjoyed it till it got out of hand. So Shut the ******** up you ******** princess." Pen looked at Todd dumbfounded a moment trying to pull a hand away to slap him but not finding the strength to do so.
"He loves you.He just had a few too many just like you." angry gray eyes stared into tear stained blue ones for what seemed an eternity,"You have a right to be upset but you don't have the right to hate everyone because of it." blinking Pen started to cry again and pulled Todd close.
"Alright...Alright...Stop crying Babe-You need to clean yourself up and talk to him about it alright?" smoothing back Pen's hair Todd cooed and rubbed the blond's back hoping to make him feel more comfortable.
"How Can I?" Pen hiccuped softly, nuzzling into a firm shoulder,"I...He..."
"Babe-" Tilting up Pen's face and wiping his tears away Todd smiled,"Tell me truthfully. Did you like what he was doing to you? Before you told him to stop?"
Pen nuzzled back into Todd's shoulder not wanting to answer, a blush creeping into his face.

Random s**t?
Clenching his teeth against the sensation Saint moaned inwardly, his nails dragging down the soft cloth covering of the couch. It was inhuman, Torture, an unbearable feeling of lust and passion raking through his mind like hot coals. His eyes darting over the supple curves, the damp hair clinging delicately to sweet, sweat soaked flesh around delicate ears and neck. So Sensitive and untouched by such sinister unclean thoughts. The smell of lavender and soap filling his senses like an intoxicating pheromone. Clinging hard to the horribly colored floral couch and pressing his stomach and now enraged neither regions taunt against the stuffing he managed to bite back a mew of sexual frustration.

Pen watched the red head rolling around on the couch in the mirror as he blew his hair dry, the dryer drowning out all sound leaving the younger man wondering what his friend was muttering behind him and making him look like he was so embarrassed,"Saint I told you not to drink all that soda." he yelled over the machine he held in his right hand still watching the red head in the mirror,"Yas'll just have to wait till I finish getting ready, Ask Rhapsody if yas can use his Bathroom, It's probably cleaner anyways." Blue eyes rolled as Saint sank deeper into the couch at his yelled comment. If he needed to take a damn leak that badly he should have not drank all eight sodas in the fridge in a matter of minutes. He was like a twelve year old trapped in an older man's body, The words 'no' and 'Don't touch' being a particular problem with his selective hearing.Shaking his head Pen continued to finish primping. Flipping his head over to dry the underside of his hair he took his eyes off his companion knowing that with all of Saint's flaws and inconsistencies he would at least have the acknowledgment and control to not piss all over the living room floor like an ill trained puppy dog left in the house too long.

Saint hissed watching the blond flip his hair about drying it, the pale nape of his neck exposed and naked. Letting his eyes drink up the delicious flesh buffet, Saint sighed biting his lip and dragging his canines across the pounding flesh. His mind becoming more and more vivid and perverted as he watched.Imagining Pen in a school uniform or suit with his hair cut short exposing that unblemished skin made him growl grinding gently against the couch like a dog in heat.
"My my...Seems you have quite the problem there boy-o." the sharp sound of an apple being bit into next to his ear made Saint jump, his mind immediately reset back to 'stupid and cute'.
"EHHH!!!" he said louder then he should have as if he had not just been half dry humping the couch into the floor. Frowning at Todd as he chewed on the apple with a cocky grin on his face Saint whined playing dumb to his actions,"What are you George Washington?"
the Brunette laughed, "That's a cherry tree and the only person I see here wanting someone's cherry is you." the dragon said resting his face on his open palm and sitting down across on the matching love seat nodding his head towards the bathroom,"Why not just push him down and lock the door. I won't tell, and drop the act Love. You and I know you're not an idiot."
Saint smiled flatly, his tail thumping with irritation at the blunt man talking to him.
"Because-I......Don't want to confuse Salt for sugar in my Cherry Pie and I ain't no Peter Piper." he said smiling while he talked. Each word dripping sarcasm and venom looking at Todd with contempt for his ever existance,"I'm not you, Mister Jack Horner." fixing the pillows he had messed up Saint looked away, checking to make sure Pen was still busy in the bathroom.
"I'm gonna take that as a compliment that I sit in a corner 'eating his Christmas pie.' all night long." taking another mouthful of apple chewing thoughtfully Todd grinned even more, used to Saint's round about way of referencing random things to get a point across. If anything it only lured Todd into talking to the fox demon more. His childish antics and hidden thoughts making teasing him quite fun. Also Todd enjoyed the puzzle in it all, it was always fun to work to wrap his mind around the different directions Saint took. Refreshing after all these centuries of being alone."So? Why not ask then. Honey and Vinegar don't you know Love."
Saint blushed and faltered in his way of speaking,"Because I don't want him to be afraid of me...Not like before....mauvais souvenirs." he muttered softly relying on another language to mask his fading resolve to hide himself and his fragile emotions.Todd's eyes lit up recognizing the signs of Saint giving into his questioning, his tongue clicking the lateral piercing against his teeth making the metal ball reverberate musically inside his lips.
"Well now, Best ways to undo those bad memories is to make sweet new ones", smiling seductively and slinking over towards the bathroom Saint could only watch as Todd stood in the doorway behind Pen," Brand new memories of...sweet....love making all night...." grabbing the blond's slender waist and jerking him back Todd pivoted his heels and pulled Pen around quickly, picking him up and dropping him confused and kicking into the shower tub.
"What the ******** is Yas Problem! Prince Fagot Freak!" Pen yelled flailing around being taken off guard and tossed into the shower,"You have a death wish!"
Todd only giggled and held the apple in his mouth with his teeth,holding Pen down and turning on the shower with his elbows.The faucet immediately streaming out water and soaking both the offending party as well as the offender. Pen let out a garbled scream only to get something smooth and delicate slipped into his mouth. The apple juices running down his chin as he bite down hard looking at Todd who now sat on the edge of the tub splashing the water coyly at the fox demon.
"You look cute like that.....Better when you can't open you're mouth and destroy that image of you being sweet."

"Get away from me!" Pen's face turned red as he pushed the demon away, Taking the half eatten apple out of his mouth and sitting into the half full tub. Determined to not swallow any of the foul fruit,"You're nothing but a perverted mind ******** you know that!"
"Oh why thank you! Didn't know you cared!" Todd said giggling as he put on his best Southern Belle drawl and held his hands up to his chest with his pinkies out as if he was holding up his petticoats and moved out of Pen's strike range.
"You...You b***h!"

Saint stumbled into the bathroom growling, one hand on the door frame and the other on the floor,"What did you do to him! ******** tú breoite-" freezing and looking at the situation Saint started to stutter and Blushed.Pen sat in the bottom of the tub completely wet, His slender muscles clinging desperately to the over-sized white band shirt that had somehow hitched it's self up to just above the blond's navel. Downy fine hair lead down from his navel to the edge of his blue boxers. His Jeans skin tight with water. His hair mused and matted like he had been tumbled around in all the right ways,
"Saint get me out of here." Pen mewed looking helpless and embarrassed,"Todd's being a creeper again."
Saint looked at Todd who sat Cheekily on the counter now eatting the rest of the apple that Pen had tossed aside.
"Come on Saint!" pen said again struggling in the tub and Unable to get up from the weight of the water suctioning him to the bottom of the granite tub.
Looking over at Todd as he crossed his legs and slowly looking back at Pen and Swallowing Saint helped the younger man out of the tub and Slapped Todd hard across the face before helping Pen to his room. Closing the door and whirling around to see Todd Grinning still.
"Agus mé ag feiceáil aer le mo shúile féin ...." Saint said breathing heavy and swallowing before laughing and kissing Todd on the cheek and Patting the other side of his face,"And it was good..."
The two smiled and laughed a moment before Todd stopped,"There's still a chance for you let Boy-o."

Tidbit in private
It was hot, Ungodly hot even with the windows open. Sweat trailing down his body Pen stood in his room in front of the window in his boxers trying to cool down. Saint slept peacefully behind him in the bed as Pen tried to get the thoughts from earlier that day out of his mind. Saint had done something to him... he had to have done something to make Pen feel like this. His embarrassed hot flesh trembling as cool breezes blew in from the window.

Earlier that night Saint had dragged Pen out dancing with Todd. It had been a fun night granted the outfit that Pen had to wear, his body exposed far more then he ever liked. He had gotten over it though seeing how much fun everyone seemed to have at these raves,understanding the need to move and enjoy it in large groups making sense to him. As the night raged on, Pen had had a few drinks that Todd had slipped to him. The giant Black X marking him as underage but not stopping Todd from grinning and offering it to him anyways. Pen had objections to drinking but took the little shots anyways, Living in the moment and enjoying the feeling it created in his body. His already over sensitive form Becoming hot and fuzzed with the dulling affects of alcohol. Feeling warm with the buzz Pen had sat out a few songs, enjoying the booming baseline streaming through him, as if the beats where really that of his own pulse pounding in his ears. Purring out loud Pen didn't even notice Saint sit down next to him. Closing his eyes he simply felt something caress his shoulders gently. Saint pulling him towards his bare chest. Pen didn't fit the movement and leaned his head against the older man's shoulder, shivering feeling how cold his skin was despite all of the activity. Saint smells good-Feels good. The tiny intimate touches across his skin making his fuzzy brain spark and jolt. Soft lips suddenly whispering something into his ear and pulling him closer,"Pen...." Saint's voice soft and breathy,His lips gently brushing past Pen's ear and kissing his neck.He’d gritted his teeth and carried on, pushed worry and pain to the back of his mind until now. He had no idea what Saint was doing,The sensations of it all foggy making it hard for him to reject them. Saint was only touching him...He wasn't hurting him.Impulsive touches, heated lips.keeping him there, Pen hissed. The feeling of Saint's lips against his neck making him feel funnier then the burn of the whiskey still in his mouth. He allowed it still making no objections,Curiosity to why it feels so good but not so much inside his bubble as before, allows the leg wedged between his knees and the hands that move with little finesse down his body, until they are pushing and pulling away layers of fabric, until they’ve found that heat and hardness they were looking for.
Gasping Pen couldn't find his legs,His body pressed firmly against Saint's in the dark secluded benches that he had come to rest at. He was touching him somewhere Pen didn't wanna be touched! He wanted to run,Scream,Hit him like he usually did but the feeling was so soft. It was hypnotizing feeling Saint's large hands stroking across his upper thighs under those tight pants. the alcohol must have done something to him...His mind wouldn't let him say he didn't like it. The tender caresses over sensitive places. Places Pen thought where reserved for lovers and himself only. Moaning desperately wishing he could move away from the intoxication Pen gasped. Light touches caressing over his chest now, touching each curve and dip in his frame work. His muscles tightening as trusted hands touched him, slowly dragging over his skin like hot kisses. Everything was fuzzy now, Hot a fuzzy. the feelings growing inside of him, knotting and coiling as Pen felt pleasure from another person's hands for the first time. He could barely hear Saint against his neck asking him things. Asking him things Pen knew he needed to reply to but could only get out soft sighs and moans. Clapping his hand over his own mouth as he did so, He had never heard himself make those kind of noises. His voice hitching higher and shivering like his body was starting to do. The sweet pain and mystery mixing together in his body. Not even registering that it was a dear friend who was molesting him in the shadows of a club.
"Where Pen...."Saint's voice was deep,Soothing. It caused goosebumps to ride up Pen's neck. When had he been pulled into Saint's lap? How had they gotten pulled so that they where facing the wall? Where nobody could see them unless they looked for them. It was so hot. so damn hot.Something touches Pen's cheek making him flush,"Saint...I...feel funny...." shivering and feeling dizzy Pen mewed gently trying to make sense of what was happening, Saint's palm cupping his face as the red head leans forward.His eyes looked so bright in the darkness, the green being vivid and burning like Pen's body felt like right now.Wt heat kisses the side of Pen's ear accompanied by Saint's purr and voice,"You're so ******** hot and hard right now." he said biting Pen's neck. The sudden brilliant pain sobering Pen up enough to make a feeble attempt to get away. Saint was touching him more then what he liked, Something wasn't right. Saint would never say something like that too him, where was his gentle Saint? Pushing at the red heads shoulders meekly Pen gasped and cried out softly feeling sick and afraid.
"S-Stop....Ugh..." Pen suddenly became aware of the situation he had allowed to start. Saint pressed against him and pulled him into a kiss. His tongue sliding into Pen's mouth with bruising force,Exploring his mouth and claiming it despite any struggles from the blond,"Saint S-"
Another kiss cutting off the protest. Sweat sliding off his body Pen started to cry. Scared and drunk being tainted by his best friend.
"Shhhh...You'll felt good, It's alright." Saint growled biting Pen's lip and continuing to touch him though Pen sobbed softly, Saint's finger undoing his pants and shoving his hand down the front to grab him.
"Saint....please...." hiccuping softly Pen grabbed Saint around the shoulders confused. He always ran to Saint when he was scared, not run from him. What was happening. Why was it happening?
It stopped suddenly, the hot air that had been pinned to them because of Saint being so close escaping as the red head was pulled away and punched across the room. Someone touching Pen's face and trying to get him to uncurl and stop crying.
"Pen....Pen look at me..." the Blond's eyes snapped open looking into gray as Todd cupped his face. His leather shirt ripped off his shoulder and bouncers taking interest and making there way over though a somewhat stunned crowd of dancers looking at him."Are you okay?" Pen looked past Todd and at Saint, sitting across the room with a look on his face of shame and confusion. His lip bleeding as he tried to stand, scratches down his arms and back.
"Todd....Saint....I..." Crying Pen wrapped his arms around Todd's neck. Not caring anymore and needing comfort. Glaring over his shoulder at the red head Todd picked the boy up and carried him out of the club,pushing Past Saint as he tried to touch Pen's head.
"Go home and Sober up Boy." Todd said shoving his shoulder against Saint's before leaving,"I'll handle this."

Todd had taken Pen home and been gentle with him. It was confusing to have the roles switched. Todd was never this gentle and it made Pen Jumpy,"Hush Kid...Just let me see alright?" Running his finger over Pen's split lip from Saint biting Him too hard Toss whistled and dabbed a wet wash cloth at it as they sat in the bathroom of the rented apartment.Pen looked at the floor as much as he could, Still feeling like he was going to cry the moment he tried to speak. Todd sat there quietly re-wetting the towel as needed and dabbing at the little bites and bruises that covered Pen's neck and lips. Some of them bleeding from Saint's canines.
"You shouldn't be mad at him.." Todd finally said after a few moments as he wrung out the extra water before placing it to Pen's eyes-Trying to clean his face off and reduce the redness from crying,"He just...lost himself is all..."
Pen started to cry again leaning against the shower trying to get away from Todd and the memories of Saint touching him.
"******** that Fairy Fagot! ******** all of you ********! I hope you all Die!" Pen chocked hyperventilating with his conviction.
"Shut it." Todd said firmly pulling Pen too him, holding hid hands and pulling them over his neck so that Pen as around his neck,"You ******** enjoyed it till it got out of hand. So Shut the ******** up you ******** princess." Pen looked at Todd dumbfounded a moment trying to pull a hand away to slap him but not finding the strength to do so.
"He loves you.He just had a few too many just like you." angry gray eyes stared into tear stained blue ones for what seemed an eternity,"You have a right to be upset but you don't have the right to hate everyone because of it." blinking Pen started to cry again and pulled Todd close.
"Alright...Alright...Stop crying Babe-You need to clean yourself up and talk to him about it alright?" smoothing back Pen's hair Todd cooed and rubbed the blond's back hoping to make him feel more comfortable.
"How Can I?" Pen hiccuped softly, nuzzling into a firm shoulder,"I...He..."
"Babe-" Tilting up Pen's face and wiping his tears away Todd smiled,"Tell me truthfully. Did you like what he was doing to you? Before you told him to stop?"
Pen nuzzled back into Todd's shoulder not wanting to answer, a blush creeping into his face.

Snippet 2
Curling up close to the warm body next to him Pen sighed taking a deep breath of the cool summer air that weaved in through the window, hinting softly over Saint's shoulder. Listening to Saint's evening breathing Pen closed his eyes unable to sleep but too comfortable to move. The scent of aftershave and vanilla emitting off of the other man. Pen had always slept with Saint, ever since he was small. It was just what they did. Being left alone Pen tended to have nightmares,Bloody phantoms of the past racing up behind him so that he would pace at nights just to avoid confronting his fears. The red head seemed to chase all of these unpleasant thoughts away when he was near. May it be the fact that he was so simple and childish during the day or that Pen felt safe he would never know. Laying his head down on the pillow Pen sighed again feeling Saint's arms slide around him and hold him close muttering something in Gaelic in his sleep as he pulled the blond so close all Pen could breath was Saint's heat.Afraid to move for a moment Pen looked up and saw Saint staring down at him with lidded eyes, His green pools staring back listlessly in as sleepy glance.
"Why are you still up?" He asked sliding his hands over Pen's back in a soothing manner. His palms soft and supple against Pen's skin.
"Saint, I'm fine. Go to bed will yas?" Pen spoke gently moving red bangs out of Saint's face making the man smile and lean into the affection.
"You're not my mother." he muttered softly letting himself relax. Pen loved when Saint was sleepy, his guard came down and the other boy would act more like the man he really was,he stopped pretending he was innocent and was just himself."I don't have to if I don't want to." pulling Pen close again the red head purred softly running his hands over Pen's shoulders, rubbing them softly as if the warm the boy up. His light touches sensitive to Pen's reactions. The blond's skin rough under his palms as he ran his hands up and down slowly,His thumbs stopping to massage at the top of Pen's shoulder. Blushing softly Pen buried his face into Saint's chest refusing to admit anything even if Saint wouldn't remember,"Saint?"
"Hmm?" his voice deep and calm Saint cupped Pen's face, Tilting his chin towards him delicately."What is it Pen?" caressing over his cheek as he looked into his blue eyes Saint smiled softly. His expression gentle and inviting.
"It's...nothing..." Pen muttered not even noticing that he was pressing against that hand. Begging for more affection which Saint was gladly giving. Running his fingers tenderly over tight muscles in Pen's neck massaging and rubbing the tension out of them.
"Nothing from you is a bad thing." Leaning lightly back against him and pulling the boy close again Saint purred and kissed Pen's earlobe nuzzling against his neck causing the younger man to whine softly, his hands pressing against the red head's chest as he blushed unsure on how to react as usual to wanting affection but shying away from it as well.
"Saint....Do you really love me?...." Pen asked knowing full well the answer but never asking Saint when he was coherent enough to say it to his face like Pen wished he would.
"Mmmmm" Snuggling onto the top of pen's head and breathing softly Saint cooed and held Pen close again not letting him push away,"Silly Kid." he sighed softly nuzzling against his partner's cheek and chuckling smoothly,"You know the answer to that....The real answer is if you return those feelings back." His chest rising and falling rhythmically as he sighed once more Pen nuzzled close feeling Saint falling asleep holding him tightly. His chest aching from the confusion building up inside him."Saint?" licking his lips Pen tried to slip the rest of the question in before Saint fell asleep fully,"How do you love me?" Saint's breathing stayed the same. His heart beating

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