Age: 14, almost 15
Element: Dark

Animal Form:

Biography: Being born cursed is never easy for any child. Turning into a tiny, hairless, winged creature the first time your father holds you is one of the worst moment of any life. It wasn't bad when Stellaluna was younger, but as she got older, the strain on her parents became more powerful. When she started to ask why she couldn't go to school or play with the other kids, her mother would always lie, but every day her lies got weaker and she got more upset. It was like that until one day, her mother cracked and told her 'if you want to go outside so badly then leave and don't bother coming back'. She ranted about how her love wasn't good enough for her only daughter, her only child. Stellaluna's father finally told her the truth.
Years passed and the family tension stayed high, her mother avoiding talking to her and her father trying to reassure her that everything was okay. Most nights, Stellaluna would sneak out, feeling safer and more at ease in the dark as she wandered the neighborhoods and parks. Now she just can't wait until she can leave home and live her own life.
Occupation: Eight Grade
Crush: She hasn't met anyone to crush on... Yet~
Personality: Stellaluna is hardworking and out to prove she's an independent, normal, kind human being. She hates it when people find out that she's possessed by dark and shadows because they instantly assume she's a bad person or evil. She can be quick to anger and defend her friends and beliefs fiercely. Most days she's quiet and rational, but around the right people she's bound to cause some trouble. This girl is easily influenced and guilt-tripped by her friends but often has good intentions.