Age: 22
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 175lbs
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 23
Home town: Blackthorn
Personality: Shawn is an eccentric person, hot headed, and above all brave. He’s the type of person who would charge into a battle if challenged, and rarely moves to the defensive. It’s all about the aggressiveness with this one. Shawn, when you put aside his bravado, is kind, generous, intelligent, and charismatic. Not shying away from helping out some one, or taking time out of his schedule to aid another.
Bio: Shawn, young age of 10, was like any other child of Blackthorn City. Madly in love with dragon type pokemon, idling trainers like Lance and his cousin Claire. Wanting to be a dragon master, he took his training in the dragon’s den; instead of setting off to be a pokemon trainer like other 10 year olds. At first he wasn’t welcomed, seen as weak by those who are of the long line of Dragon-type Trainers. Though Shawn is discouraged at first, he insists that he is a natural in dragon training a defeat any of the dragon-type trainers in the Dragon’s Den. Hearing this The Master of the Dragon User Clan, allowed his entry, and welcomed his challenge. Having no pokemon, he was given a young charmander. The charmander, like him, was brave but it also saw Shawn as unworthy. So upon his first battle to prove himself to those within the Dragon’s Den, charmander refused to listen to his commands. Simply scuffing at his orders and picking its nose. His opponent would mock him, and the referee called the match as Shawn’s lost.
Furious at his loss, because of the charmander, who refused to listen, Shawn called out his partner and challenged him. The charmander seemed confused at first but not being able to back down from a challenge, like Shawn, got ready to battle. The Master of the Dragon User Clan watched with amusement, as the two went at it until both were on their backs tired. Shawn looking to the Charmander, as he looked back at Shawn, held their fist out knocked knuckles; as a formal sign of mutual respect. After resting for a while, Shawn humbly asked for a second chance to prove his worth. The Master of the Dragon User Clan accepted his challenge, and when pitted against the same opponent who laughed at him, Shawn with Charmander at his side, wipes the floor with them. After the battle, The Master of the Dragon User Clan told Shawn that he had the blood of Dragon-type Trainer, and could one day be a master.
Ten years later after training hard, he had become a master of Dragon types, but his Charizard, the Charmander he had when he was 10, had been by his side through all his endeavors. The old Master of the Dragon User Clan, had passed away and Shawn had been selected to become the next but humbly declined, seeing that he was far to young at that there were senior members far more deserving than he was. Though this gave him an idea on what he could do with his youth. Teach, so for the next year he would travel to Earl Dervish's Pokémon Academy, to learn more about pokemon, and the ability to teach what he learned. He stayed here untill he was 22, this is when he travelled to Phoenix academy
Any Specialty History: Taught at Shawn, Earl Dervish's Pokémon Academy for two years.
Class taught: Survival Training


Level: 65
Special ability: Blaze
Hidden Ability: Solar Power
Moves: Overheat, Blast Burn, Fly, Heatwave
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Quirk: Will spew fire when irritated

Level: 60
Special ability: Intimidate
Hidden Ability: Moxie
Moves: Hydropump, Dragonbreath, Fly, Protect
Gender: Female
Nature: Serious
Quirk: Tackles trainer on impulse

Level: 60
Special ability: Sniper
Hidden ability: Damp
Moves: Hydropump, blizzard, surf, waterfall
Gender: Female
Nature: Calm
Quirk: Shy

Level: 64
Special ability: Inner Focus
Hidden ability: multiscale
Moves: Hyperbeam, Rainy Day, Thunder, Fireblast
Gender: Male
Nature: Calm
Quirk: Very brave
Level: 55
Special ability: Rivalry
Hidden ability: Unnerve
Moves: Dragon Claw, Guillotine, Earthquake, X- scissors
Gender: Male
Nature: Rash
Quirk: Aggressive