What really grinds my gears #3
You know what really grinds my gears? Its gotta be when someone here on gaia insults your look and its not right that you can't really afford your dream avi right off. I mean really just because I look poor you gotta insult me? Yeah that's a bit low I'd never insult you or the way you look is it my fault that I don't waste money that I need for my family on a fake site like gaia?! Um, no its not and I tend to not even waste my time to even wanna spend money on here Idk why you have to look a certain way any how its silliness I'm over here pinchin every penny and you pick on me about not lookin cool? Like I really care that I look cool I look normal so have fun with that info because last I checed I didn't join gaia to look cool and s**t and have others judge me by the way I dress nor did I join to get insulted or any other bullshit that you kids give me I dress how I want and if that's a issue well go get a tissue because I'm NOT here to wow you I'm here to have fun and make friends so its best to not say s**t to me about my look when I can turn that against you. That's what grinds my gears!! evil