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the dark ages
Kazuma Ichimaru

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► Personal Information

        Full Name: Kazuma Ichimaru
        Nickname/s: Hebi-ou Maoh (demon serpent king)
        Famous Title: [[ Needs to be earned ]]
        Gender: Males
        Ethnicity: Japanese
        Physical Age: 21
        Real Age: 153
        Height: 6'1
        Hair Colour: Green
        Eye Color: Gold

        Biography: Though not much is truly known about Kazuma except that he is, well, eccentric (I.E. he's just plain creepy), even when attending the shinigmi academy he had few friends due to the fact that he seemed to gather a great deal of information out of the people he who spoke to him while they would learn nothing about him, which caused the people to disassociate with him, though there were some who didn't mind that and decided to hand around him.

        Though Kazuma has no idea who his biological parents are he was raised by a small noble family. Though not related by blood the family thought it best not to mention it thus Kazuma had no idea that he isn't related to anyone but he had a really close relationship with his younger sister Ranko (she knowing full well that they aren't related by blood) though from anyones perspective Kazuma is more than likely to be forced down by Ranko

        On the note of eccentric Kazuma has a younger sister, Ranko. She's a little off to say the least. During the future plans survey administered to shinigami her 1st priority was and I quote "to marry onii-chan". "She is dubbed to have Yandere like tendencies when it comes to Kazuma.

        Though Kazuma has an abnormal life style he seems too be quite trust worthy albeit a tinge to sarcastic
        Personality:Calm, caring, sarcastic, cunning, mysterious- constantly wears a smile though he can be lazy (possibly an influence from Rangiku)
        Sexual Orientation: Hetero-sexual
        Likes: His younger sister and comrades
        Dislikes: nothing really
        Family / Bloodline: • Gin Ichimaru (ancestor/dna donor)
        • Rangiku Matsumoto (ancestor/dna donor)
        Ranko(sister/ not blood related)

        Affiliation: [Gotei 13 // Royal Guards etc. ]]
        Division: 3
        Rank: Captain

► Attributes

        Offense: 100
        Defense: 80
        Intelligence: 100
        Reiatsu : 100
        Physical Strength: 65
        Agility: 105
        ► Total:550

► Zanpukuto

        Zanpukuto Name:Ouroborosu
        Type: (Poison.)
        Unreleased form : User Image
        Zanpakuto Spirit User Image

        Human form (how she appears to Kazuma
        User Image
        Zanpakuto Spirit Personality: Each of the heads have their own name as well as their own personality
        Uyamau- Respectful
        Ronri- logical
        Omoide- wise
        Banken- protective
        Okotaru- lazy
        Rikoteki- self-centered
        Okuyukashii- elegant
        SUki- loving
        Though when they are in the human, they have a flirtatious personality referring to Kazuma as there beloved, due to his serpent tendencies


        Release Command : Devourer
        Shikai Appearance : Uroborosu
        Physical Changes : none
        Battlefield Changes : none
        Shikai Boosts: Speed and offense
        Shikai Abilities : Yodoku (poisonous)- A poison used by combining Kazuma's own reiatsu and blood with Uroborosu, Kazuma can control whether or not the poison is administrated
        -Yudoku no te (poisonous touch): if the zonpakutou's chain so much as grazes the opponent then a light poison will be administered to the person, the person's reaction time will be rather sluggish(lasting 2 post, a 25 percent decrease in speed). While if the head bites the person then a lethal dose will be administered, this poison can be fatal if not treated and if bitten then unless the person has a way to counter-act it then they can die

        Yamata no Orochi- Allows the original head to multiply, allowing it eight heads of equal size all connected to one chain, each head controlled by Kuzama, though each of the heads does have it's own consciousness and act accordingly.

        Mugen kusari (infinite chain)- Though unlikely, the chain that connects Uroboros' head to the tail (the blade) can seemingly go on forever

        Regenerative- If a head is destroyed, then the chain where the head was removed will regrow,

        Maku (coil) a defensive tactic; Uroborosu surrounds Kazuma engulfing him in chains that protect him from reiatsu based and physical attacks to a certain extent (last one post with a 1 post cool down, unless chained) (2-3 heads = 3/5 4-6 heads=4/5 and 7-8 heads is equal to 5/5)
        -Toumin (hibernate); Can be chained from Maku, while in Maku Kazuma can be slightly healed but it's main purpose it to gather reishi (last 2 post)
        -Haru Ichiban (First storm of spring) After the charge up in Toumin the eight heads of Uroboros shoot out an erie green blast of energy in an omnidirectional assault (8/10 x the number of heads)

        Ikorose (skewer that punk/ shoot to kill)- Each head on Uroborosu fires at the opponent at high speed but retract just as fast if they come in contact with an physical object (8/10 if not chained, 6/10 if chained: last one post with cool down of one post)
        - Butorenjin- While being shot towards the opponents instead of retracting upon contact the heads instead assault the target in a barrage of attacks (lethal poison cannot be administered) (2-4 heads is equal to 8/10, 5-8 heads is equal to 9/10) (last one post with a cool down of three post)

        Hebi no shukufuku (A stance that follows suit to a range of attacks)- A stance where the heads of Uroborosu are retracted to Kazuma's back
        - Shunsogeki- After Hebi no Shukufuku, Kazuma dashes towards his opponent while the heads of Uroborosu attack in an omnidirectional assault (8/10 if not chained, 6/10 if chained) (last one post with a cool down of 3 post)
        - Senkon Meiraku (Dark Branding of Thousand Souls)- The strongest attack in shikai, by continuously coiling around the opponent engulfing them in a cage of darkness much like in Maku except the opponent is inside, while the opponent is engulfed, the heads constantly attack, the chains that each head is attached to creating pillars decreasing the space for moving. (last 2 post, afterwords automatic shikai seal for 6 post) (10/10)

► Bankai

        Bankai Command : Sekai de kasekika shimasu (petrify the world)
        Bankai's spirit appearance :User Image
        Bankai Appearance : It's sealed appearance except the blade omits a eerie green aura
        Physical Changes : none
        Battlefield Changes : none
        Bankai Boosts: same as shikai
        Bankai Techniques : Bashirisuku no mi (eyes of the Basilisk) in giving up the most potent of poison in shikai, but in it's place Kazuma can temporarily paralyze his opponent (as well as allies) through eye contact and if he gaze is reflected on anything that acts as an exert of one's reishi/reiatsu it will not be able to use any reiatsu based ability (This last for three post.)

        Hebi no koiru
        (serpent's coil)- a ring of energy orbits Hazuma at a 3 foot radius, if the opponent get's inside the field (i.e the ring) then their reiatsu will start to drain (it decreases there reaitsu by 20 percent, lowering the next attacks power level by 1/10, this applies every time one enters the ring per post, so it can stack)

        Regeneration- Kazuma will automatically heal minor injuries and slowly heal slightly major injuries
        -Dappi (peeling)- Allows Kazuma to shed his skin, healing his injuries, (can only be done once per battle or 5 post after use)

        Dokuchi (poisonous blood)- If Kazuma's blood were to touch an object (outside of himself or his zonpakutou), then the object will either; melt if it has no reiatsu, improper reishi/reiatsu flow if it is an exert of one reiatsu (an example would be if the Kazuma's blood were to touch an barrier then the barrier will weaken, the more blood the weaker the barrier until the barrier is shattered), temporarily reishi/reiatsu halt making the opponent unable to use there reishi/reiatsu (so long as the blood makes skin-contact) (last 4 post)

        Hebi no ki
        - Kazuma is able to create phantoms of snakes that wield the same capabilities as the chain does in shikai, note he can maintain eight heads total

        Inheritance- maintains the attacks from shikai as well as most abilities without any drawback


        Jayoku Hōtenjin (Snake Wing-Collapsing Heaven Blade)- by slicing vertically a thin tower of energy shots from the ground at a high speed reaching the heavens, this attack can be preformed at any distance so long as the person omits reiatsu, if made contact then it will be as if touched by the zonpakutou, can be used continuously, (up to eight times as well as being used if Kazuma only slices once) (maximum 3 time use per battle) (8/10)

        • Shin Senkon Meiraku (True Dark Branding of Thousand Souls)- By manifesting the serpent form of Uroboros (shikai, it's considered an extension of Kazuma) and continuously coiling around the opponent engulfing them in a cage of darkness much like in Maku except the opponent is inside, while the opponent is engulfed, the heads constantly attack, the body that each head is attached to creating pillars decreasing the space for moving but since it is physical it can be injured but not destroyed. The body possess a extreme form of Dokuchi making it so the opponent cannot recover reiatsu and unless they receive the counter venom from Kazuma their reiatsu may permanently be hindered. (the counter venom will restore a person to there original reiatsu but leaves them paralyzed for 3 post and afterwards they are unable to fight for 7 post) (last 3 post, can only be preformed once per battle or 12 post after use) (10/10)

        Hebimegami no yoroi (Serpent Goddess' Armour) By manifesting Daihebimegami Uroboros and by oral contact Kazuma and Daihebimegami Uroboros temporarily fuse causing Kazuma's skin to turn into a snake like pattern much like Daihebimegami Uroboros. Also Kazuma omits a venomous aura that drains reiatsu at an accelerated pace (so let's say 30 percent which it equal to about lowering the power level by 2/10 points). The venomous aura also gives Kazuma the ability of Dokuchi through physical contact without any bloodshed and last so long as Kazuma is in this form (last 8 post, can only be preformed once per fight or 10 post after use)

► Shinigami Abilities

        Reiatsu Color: Green
        Kido : Hadō (8/10):
        4 - Byakurai (白雷, Pale Lightning)
        31 - Shakkahō (赤火砲, Red Fire Cannon)
        32 - Ōkasen (黄火閃, Yellow Fire Flash)
        33- Sōkatsui (蒼火墜, Blue Firefall)
        58 - Tenran (闐嵐, Swelling Storm)
        63 - Raikōhō (雷吼炮, Thunder Roar Sear)
        73 - Sōren Sōkatsui (双漣蒼火墜, Twin-Wake Blue Firefall)
        88 - Hiryūgekizokushintenraihō (飛竜撃賊震天雷炮, Flying Dragon Marring Heaven-Shaking Thunder-Sear)
        Bakudō (8/10):
        8 - Seki (斥, Repulsion)
        9 - Hōrin (崩輪, Disintegrating Circle)
        30 - Shitotsu Sansen (嘴突三閃, Beak-Thrust Tri-Flash)
        39 - Enkōsen (円閘扇, Round Lock Fan)
        61 - Rikujōkōrō (六杖光牢, Six-Staff Light Prison)
        62 - Hyapporankan (百歩欄干, Hundred-Step Rail Parch)
        63 - Sajō Sabaku (鎖条鎖縛, Chainlink Chain Bond(s))
        75 - Gochūtekkan (五柱鉄貫, Five-Post Iron Weights)

        Other Abilities: Shunpo (瞬歩, Flash steps) - a movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. The focal point that determines the basis of this technique is speed. As speed is the main point of the technique the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps.

        Senka (閃花, Flash Blossom) - A special Shunpo technique where one moves behind the opponent to directly attack and seal one's "Saketsu (鎖結, Chain Binding)" and "Hakusui (鎖結, Soul Sleep)" in two rapid attacks.

        Way of Onmitsu, 3rd of the Shihō (隠密歩法 四楓の参, Onmitsu Shunpo Shihō no San) - Utsusemi (空蝉, Cicada, referencing their molting): It allows for a movement at great speed leaving an afterimage behind. The afterimage may even appear to have taken damage.

        Kurōn Gijutsu (クローン技術) - This technique is able to create at least 15 clones of oneself at once using Shunpo, similar in principle to Zommari Rureaux's Gemelos Sonído.

        Hakuda (白打, "Hand-to-Hand Combat"; lit. white hits) a close-combat style of fighting in which one is unarmed and uses only ones body, and is one of the four basic fighting styles of the Shinigami.

        Zanjutsu (斬術, Swordsmanship; Viz "Art of the Sword"; Cutting Technique) is the fighting style for the Zanpakutō, (i.e. sword fighting) and is one of the four basic fighting styles of the Shinigami

        Sentan Hakuja- a technique utilizes the use of the long, white piece of cloth that is spun around to incorporate targets within its coils. The cloth tightens before, with a white flash, it then teleports the targets to another location

        Hakufuku- When this technique is used, the target sees the illusion of purple cherry blossoms falling around them. Their vision then begins to blur and becomes unfocused as their consciousness becomes muddled, disoriented, and confused. Shortly thereafter, the target blacks out altogether, losing consciousness, only to awaken with an unclear memory of what occurred. (8/10)

► Hidden Information // Secrets

        Secret Ability: Hebi semsakusuru (prying snake) Kazuma has the ability to put a spirit snake on a person that will be undetected by anyone other then those who have a stronger spiritual awareness then the person it is planted on and meld itself with the host's reiatsu. This snake can be used to spy on others as well as gather intel

        Heni no mi (serpent eyes) Kazuma is able to find his opponent no matter how well hidden or how they mask their reiatsu

        Secret Background: Though unbeknownst to Kazuma is that he is actually a clone who was originally under the Super Shinigami project, a project that under the previous Captain Commander's order and ran by the Captain of squad 13, the project was to create powerful shinigami that would act as leverage in case Seireitei need it. The Dna was taking from Captains, lieutenants and specific shinigami but success was far from them. The first batch wouldn't form past the fetal stage, thus a male and female pair of Dna was to be formed before anything. With that success clones began advancing past the fetal stage but as they grew and became conscious of there surroundings, psychological problems began to manifest and self-destruction was normally the case, this problem was worked out by only combining DNA with a 98% or higher compatibility rate, thus five babies were born but with those five came an end to the project. The project was abandoned due to the lack of need for super shinigami so for this the Captain Commander placed the five children in noble families, giving them the chance to live out there lives. So far the only information that is known, is only known by the current Captain Commander and that is the name of each baby for they were named after their dominant DNA donor, those names being Ichimaru, Kyuchiki, Unohara, Hitsugaya, and Fong (Feng)

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