Yeah, I know, no pictures in this one. But I do have somethings I would like to say in general.
First off, I finished all the art, and text, for my art book. Printing and binding is all I have left to do, YAY!
I feel as though I've progressed quite a bit, in regards to art. And I'm really enjoying it as a stress relief.
I'd like however to post a few tips to maybe help any of you who actually read this, though I doubt there is may if any.
1. Start small and simple. If ever trying out a new style, don't dive into something hard. Maybe don't even do a person. To get better at shading I found out that doing those fruit pictures for my art book was perhaps the most beneficial methodology to increasing my abilities. Same goes for that spoon I drew, that helped me understand how metal works in art.
2. Take advice. If ever you run across an artist that is kind enough to give constructive criticism, listen. They are likely more experienced in at least the area they pointed out if not in general. Listening to the advice of others can lead to better abilities in that area.
3. Videos. Watching instructional videos helped me a great deal in improving my art. Mark Crilley probably did the most to help me understand.
4. Keep an open mind to style and program. Keep trying out new styles and programs, even if you do find one you like, as your art grows that may change. Keep an ear out for what other artists like, and give it a shot, especially if it is free.
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Artistic Evolution
I suppose this is where I will show the progress I've made since starting with this art stuff, for those who are interested in seeing how the art evolved from what I originally did to current.
Please no stealing art.
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Pixels by yours truly!