{ This is my belief of how vampires are, so don't take offense if you don't agree. I am capable of playing other 'races' of them. I just don't want to}
{ If you have any issues, just PM me.}
Code Vampires:¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
1. Drink other things besides blood.
Code Vampires can drink other things and eat pureed drinks with a 'smoothie-like' consistency. Their stomachs are not able to properly digest anything besides fluids; or they will get physically sick. Obviously blood is as important as water is for us, so they must drink blood, but they can have other things Just not solid foods.
2. Can go outside in the sunlight.
However the day hours are not their natural time...Imagine having all your senses amplified. Your eyes are sensitive to light, your skin easy to burn, and your extremely susceptible to vibrations of every kind. (So sound -in the right pitch and intensity- can bother you. For example a bomb going off nearby). Would you want to go outside knowing the kind of migraine/sunburns your going to get? I sure wouldn't...
3. Have babies.
But it is extremely difficult. Unless the female is in heat ( its not an uncontrollable urge peoples) She can't get pregnant, and a woman generally goes into heat once or twice a year. So there are no 'one night stands' where pregnancies happen except if she is in heat, and even then... Say there was a lottery and there are are two million tickets. If you only buy a hundred...what are your chances of winning? Making babies takes a lot of time and patience. Unless your a natural born vampire. (I'll get into that later) you'll have less of an ability to conceive than regular born vampiresses do...Course the male's fertility does significantly raise or lower your chances. If the male is natural born, you may get lucky. If its two 'altered' vampires making love your chances are nigh impossible of conceiving more than once. If you mate like rabbits. Which we wont be doing here...So that is why vampires usually have three brides, to increase one's chances of procreation. They cannot breed with humans...
4. Are not completely dead.
They age one year for every ten, but by the time they reach the physical age of around thirty, they stop physically aging. How would you like to live six hundred years instead of sixty and never have to worry about wrinkles? Code Vampires have an extremely faint heartbeat, flowing blood, they can get pregnant, and are living beings. Just like werewolves. They can also breathe (otherwise how would they talk?), but can hold their breath for up to a month or two at a time. As their bodies prefer the toxic air found deep under the earth in the place of our oxygen, Code vampires stay underground when they sleep to refill their lungs with the necessary chemicals, or they burn a particular moss found underground like a joint or in a cigar/cuppa tea, to get that chemical filled. Which explains why vampires are often seen near fog.
6. They can sleep for months at a time.
Usually in intervals of five/six months per every five-six months. They can 'nap' during the sunlight hours, but its not enough to be fully rested and healthy. Unless drugged or recuperating, they usually don't sleep longer than that. Four or five years usually tops.
7. Fly.
Wings have two uses. As an altered vampire you can form wings to fly that form very similar to a bats wings. Conjoined between the arm and the sides. As an altered vampire, however, it takes a great deal of energy to form them, and is incredibly painful. Short bursts, in emergency situations, are usually all that can be handled at one time. For example: from the bottom of a skyscraper to the roof) The other reason would is for carrying a baby in the pouch between your wings (Which is formed while your pregnant ladies). To have wings capable in the bone structure to fly for weeks at a time and never grow weary, and stand up to almost any kind of pressure, you would need to be a natural born vampire. Which is why transforming into a bat is the most preferable form of travel. It takes a little while to transform, ten to fifteen minutes, and you can last until your too weary to continue traveling. (They have wings because in their old dimension the would have them out all the time.)
8.They are not invincible.
They can speak telepathically, read auras, sense presences nearby, and listen to sounds that human ears cannot hear. In some cases, they can move things, start fires, or create a fog with their mind. As they can 'feed' off of emotions and the auras of others, Vampires have 'psychic-powers.' and although they are stronger and -after training- can run faster than a human can, unless you work out and train you can get lazy and sluggish( muscle-wise.)
9. Are not intoxicated by garlic.
unless your vamp has a food allergy to it, Garlic will only give you bad breath. As harsh chemicals are actually good for Vampire skin/health, accidentally swallowing poison wont do anything besides making them look nicer or (Cyanide) make them drunk. Wine is very good for vampires. But of course, blood is the very best thing to have, or flesh and blood properly chewed or mashed in the blender. Assuming you know how to chew...you shouldn't have any problems.
10. Crosses/Holy water do nothing.
Unless you stab them with one, they wont do anything but perhaps emotionally intimidate them and getting holy water in your eyes, given the oil (methinks) could burn, but that would effect anybody. Vampires usually detest crosses because of being hunted for so many centuries by those who sport the symbol around their necks.
11. They do have 'magical powers'.
Vampires have to use powers to have their wings rip out from their spine. Yes. Its painful; but as vampires regenerate very quickly, that's not too much of a problem if you keep your wings out all the time.(hardly something we would notice X3 *sarcasm*) Which is why changing into a bat is preferable. No pain, and its easy to go undetected. Magic is also used to help with fertility, shape-shifting, and stealth. Other vampires can sense you if your not well hidden, but if your using stealth magic a human generally wont be able to discover your hiding spot. Besides, Vampires consider magic under the same category as mental powers, so its not the 'hocus pocus' kind of magic.
12. Are venomous.
Only those 'older than puberty' can change a human into a vampire. The most popular methods are either biting them, extracting their venom and forcing it down their throat, shoving a syringe with it in your body or... Because venom is secreted out of glands beside (and inside)their fang teeth, making out too much with a vampire will change you. In their excitement, they secrete the venom during kissing and if you swallow enough of it you will change. It is, after all, the venom that changes you not the bite. But the 'biting' is ceremonial, and is traditionally always done. Kids and toddlers only secrete venom when they are scared or stressed, and like black widows/scorpions(I believe) their venom is so concentrated as a protection against harm that it will kill you instead of change you, and temporarily injure other vampires.
(You know how bubble-soap looks in the water? Its clear but its colorful in the light? Well that's similar to what their venom looks like. Unless they spit in the sunlight, they aren't going to give themselves away. (And even then, its hardly noticeable.)
13. Can enter mirrors.
As Vampires came from another dimension called: The Void, They can enter it through any reflective surface big enough for them to fit through. Unfortunately, a vampire must have permission to use mirrors as a form of travel, because of a curse, but it only effects mirror travel, they don't need to ask permission to enter a house.
14. Can feel temperature.
Adding this because there seems to be some confusion in this regard, Vampires have a much colder internal body temperature than humans do. (Well obviously) Or sunlight, fire, would not be quite so damaging to their bodies. So what is cold to us, would be perfectly warm and cozy to a vampire. For example...you wouldn't want your vampire going into a hot tub. If it is close to burning human skin, imagine how painful it will be to a vampire. Like I said earlier, going outside on a hot summer's day in Nevada is practically suicide. If at all possible, Vampires choose to sleep the five-to-seven months of rest during the summer months, or they leave the country for cooler places. Preferably deep underground.
Side-note about werewolves: Werewolves can change whenever they want to, not strictly at the full moon. Wearing silver does nothing, but if silver gets in contact with a wound or in your bloodstream you will die a slow and painful death.
((If you think I left anything out involving vampiric lore you like that I forgot to mention. Please pm me))