Color: Dark maroon coating , Grey mane/tail streaked with dark red
Eyes: Dark Red
Cutie Mark: An Open book (no words).
Orientation: Strait
Physique: He is relatively tall, and skinnier than most stallions out there.
He has two nubs of horns peering besides his horn.
Personality: At first glance he is very quiet, and soft-spoken. A very awkward pony to meet. Passive, but he is not a total wimp, he will rarely resort to direct confrontation, relying on tricks like tripping and mimicking them behind their back. Once you get a closer look at him he is still the awkward pony to know, he starts to open up, being a sarcastically humorous and tending to forget his volume or language until noticing it.
He has some magical potential. Worked out a pair of wings once actually.
He's not a go-getter, he would need encouragement to do something he wants in most cases. Low self-esteem. When times come where he could do something he can't bring himself to do it. Having forgotten most of Equestrian laws leaves him bewildered on places and on certain laws of the land. The things he learned previously still affect his attitude despite not remembering them. He feels sad when he's alone or with someone who reminds him of his old life and would be reluctant to talk of it. His strange appearance is enough to keep most from approaching him and sometimes scares little colts and fillies.

He wears silver bracelets around his hooves and legs. He has 5 rings with a crystal hanging off each of them pierced down either side of his body. He will usually have some sort of satchel to carry his notebook and anything else he happens to have on him. A cutie mark that will soon adorn his flank will be a book,open and wordless. He will soon come to write down what he learns and sees.
Personality (Examples): He is very articulate, which tends to fool some into thinking he will be very stern or serious. The opposite is almost true he can't take most things seriously, he is the forgiving type (after some payback.)
He can be very curious at times, if he sees a cutie mark he is particularly interested in he will be inclined to ask, ignoring his slight fear of talking to new people. If he sees a creature that he does not know, he will follow and chase after it forgetting dangers and embarrassments he might fall into until it hits him.
He can be polite to what sometimes would be a fault with pony he doesn't know well. He can be impatient in some situations and very patient in others. He hates explaining things in great detail other repeating himself. He doesn't enjoy dense people or ponies unless he is especially fond of them or their stories. He isn't too fond of arrogance and might tire of their stories sometimes, even when in a situation where he starts to be really impatient, he can almost never bring himself to interrupt or object, instead he might feel some negativity towards whatever caused him annoyance and would "retaliate" in his own little ways to make them pay for it. When it comes to things like food and stories he could wait a content century waiting for it.
He was born a in Manehatten, to an average family, only thing not average would be his nubs, a pretty rare feature, appearing in very few for reasons little understood. Ponies stayed away for the most part so he came out with a lowered self esteem. He hung out with few people; his younger brother, and his best friend are the two he would miss the most. They were his best friends, but he slowly thought himself a tad jealous of their cutie marks, his brother was good at everything he taught him (except magic of course, pegasi and unicorns still have their differences.) He wanted to get his cutie mark so he had taken up studying magic. Learning what he could from books he grew tired of his 'blank flank'. He thought one day watching his brother fly next to him that he would try that, his brother called him an idiot and laughed, merely teasing of course. He has started to look for wing spells, and he found very little material on the matter, most were very high-leveled spells and pretty complicated, even for temporary wings. He wished for a shortcut, maybe something to make it easier. He decided to take this and magic much more seriously and went to learn anything he possibly could about magic, this is overwhelming work for one pony, but he still tried none the less. He had has some rings piercing their way along his back. He wanted to enchant them to put less strain on himself.
He was laying on the ground scared out of his mind. He looked around, He looked over and there was a hut. He looked at his hooves again, "Ugh, where am I?" he walked in circles for a bit. He had looked around for a bit picking up twigs and such, trying out his magical power seeing if it still worked. He looked back at the hut. He wondered on what to do, he was starting to get hungry. "I must not have kept anything in my stomach" A few hours had passed and he just laid on the ground. "I'm going to do it!" he started to trot towards the hut, but the closer he got, the slower he went, until he had stopped all together. He wondered if she was even home. so he began to toss pebbles at the door. A few seconds had passed "Hmm, no one was ho-" The door opens "Who's pebbles were thrown, Go on, make yourself shown!" He slowly comes out of the bushes, "Me, I did... I guess."
Community Member
You just gave me the idea to divide mine into strengths/weaknesses, though.