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Star's Writings
Whatever I want to put up here, they'll be here.
Chrone's Meme 1
1. Let’s start by introducing your character! Their name, birthday, ethnicity, and position in Temperance sounds like a good way to begin.

Chrone: Um... Well I guess names are a good start. I'm Chrone Steyzo Aefent, born on October 19th sixteen years ago, so I'll be turning seventeen soon. I don't know what I am exactly, though from skillful deduction of my late-Kamin-nee, she says I'm mostly Chinese, part Vietnamese, and part German which is where I get my odd eye color. *points to blue eyes* I'm only a Potential at Temperance and brand new to things, but I could swear I had a dream where I could use magic.

2. Why did you pick their name? Did it influence their character design at all?

Chrone's name is sort of put together from my other characters, though there is a relation between her and her first/last name. Chrone is a variation of "chron", meaning time in which the past has lived on in her and the Book she has. Aefent is a shortened version of "aefentid" meaning "evening" and has an Anglo-Saxon origin (hence part of her German heritage). Chrone has a bit of a wandering problem, but I should have mentioned that it mostly occurs at night when she sleepwalks, which rarely happens since she's alert most of the time. As for character design, her name had minor influences.

Chrone: I always thought that the reason why my last name was "Aefent" was because of my hair.

No, it's genetically that way. Black hair genes from your ancestral mother.

3. Your character got their position for a reason. Why did they choose their occupation (or why were they forced into it?)

Chrone: Well of course. I had tested for the Spark and gained admittance, didn't I? I'm still a Potential so I've got a lot to learn. Kamin-nee's last words to me were to go to Temperance, but I know she would have said it was up to me whether or not to go if she hadn't passed away. Besides, my family said I should get used to fresh faces.

4. That’s cool, I think. Okay, okay! So let’s talk about specialties. As the creator you gave your character some specialties and areas they struggle in. What are these areas and why did you pick them for your character?

Chrone: I don't know why exactly I'm in Spells and Summons, but you can ask my Creator as to why I'm in there.

Chrone has a tendency to wander quite a bit, and because she enjoys and is in tune with nature overall, it allows for the natural flow of the Spark inside her and thus be channeled into Spells. As for Summons, she already has a connection with the birds. Plus, she isn't someone you want to catch for very long. She has this thing where movement in an open space allows her to get a feel for her surroundings. The more natural it is, the stronger her spells can get. That's why she avoids DVs and Operations. Technology isn't a strength of hers because it isn't exactly "nature-made" and Operations would restrict her on what feel natural to her. If she's forced to do something that isn't part of her natural flow of Spark, then the end result is a short on her ability to complete the job.

5. Everyone should have a spell that’s specific to them! Talk about or make up a spell your character would use as their ‘signature’. Describe this kick-a** spell!

Chrone's third natural ability (yes she has two that are more prominent than this one) is to combine two or more elements to create projectiles that can burn/crush/drown/suffocate an enemy. It requires either of two things: deep concentration or unconscious movement. The more elements in the spell, the more concentration required.

Chrone: I don't like to use it often since it does drain a lot of energy at once. I can recover it, but the sudden depletion is a wear on my body.

6. Now, does your character specialize in offensive, defensive, strategic (traps, energy zappers, etc) or healing spells?

Chrone: Actually I don't really have a strength over any specialties, but I have a very weak healing spell that can only heal cuts the size of a scrap or paper cut. I'm not too big on binding folks in place, but if I do end up using multiple spells in a row, it will put them in a tight situation. Mostly offensive and defensive though.

7. On that vein, describe your character’s elemental alignment. (And it doesn’t have to be specific like air, earth, fire, etc. There are specific elements like “northern sky” or “ocean waters” or “swamp” if you’re inclined. Be creative. :3).

Chrone: I just fight with what I can think of in nature. They're your basics: water, fire, earth, wind, life, and death. It's trickier trying to manipulate death since it's the existence of the non-existent. I like wind the most though.

Because Chrone likes to wander so much and her eyes are always to the sky, she would very much enjoy being in the air and feeling the wind. It's the most natural occurring to her and also something that can be created with anything, even breathing. It also gives strength to fire which requires oxygen for combustion, erodes the earth to create dust storms, and even shape the waves of oceans. It's a driving force behind a majority of the spells she does which is why she can use almost any element, provided that she has some form of wind to help her out.

8. As their graduation present, your OC receives a BRAND NEW dual vehicle and it’s the DV of their dreams. Name it, categorize it (bike, car, tank, flyer, watercraft, aircraft, etc), and describe it.

Chrone: I've barely started Temperance and I can hardly work technology, but give me a flyer or aircraft and I'll do anything to learn how to operate it, even if it takes me years! I would love being able to fly in the sky where it's virtually limitless and that way no one has to worry about me getting lost. They can just look up and say 'Oh, there's Chrone.' It can be a simple model or a new one though if the new ones are better suited for movement, it'd be nice to learn how to pilot one of those.

9. AND the DV is in their favorite colors. What’s their favorite color?

Chrone: Either grey-white like the clouds, a deep blue like the sky, or black like the night. *chuckles* Hey, what can I say? I like nature a lot.

Maybe a bit too much...

10. Your character is in a jam! They summon their beast! What is the beast’s name? Write a detailed description of them and their personality. (If your character does not have a common summon, explain why that is).

Chrone: I don't have a summon yet. *is a bit ashamed*

Ahem, technically you do have one already Chrone, since you're in Summons. It's Tsukai, a very large eagle who is very much like an older brother to a sister. He's protective, sharp, strategic, and stubborn as heck which will go far with you, I'm sure. His talons and wings are his pride since the talons are sharp enough for clean cuts and wings that never fail a flight or takeoff.

11. By pure luck you’ve impressed Freya, who opens up her weapon room to your character. They are allowed to take ONE weapon from this room. What weapon did they choose and why?

Chrone: Ugh, I'm horrible when it comes to weapons...

I guess Chrone's type of weapon would be tonfas. As for why they fit her, I'm not too clear on that but she seems to be able to work with them better than other. They protect her arms at the least and she always raises them to protect herself.

12. Okay, so what is their greatest asset? Speed, strength, accuracy, high pain tolerance, strategy, evasion, reflexes, offensive, and/or defensive?

High pain tolerance. She's strong in spells, but if anything Chrone doesn't stop doing what she sets her mind to even when she's unconscious or if she's lost a leg. If her will is stronger than her Spark, it will actually follow her wishes and push her body even if she's taken some pretty bad blows. She'll endure any level of pain to defend or fight for her ideas.

13. Hacking skills are pretty useful but often overlooked. How does your OC feel about hacking?

Chrone: I don't really care if someone tries to hack into my information. There isn't much about me except where I'm from and what I've done. I wish I could hack into my book and find out what's in it!

I don't even know myself what's in it yet. *taps chin thoughtfully*
14. Oh no! Your character is having a terrible nightmare! Describe it for us.

Chrone: *slowly turns sullen, becoming serious and out of normal character* That is not something to be joking with. If not for Kamin-nee's request to have this tattoo embedded on my skin, I think Temperance would have had to seek me out and kill me. It happened a while back, several years ago but I still remember it quite vividly. A group of older teenage boys had been bullying my sister Sika who was too weak to defend herself. I was just tagging along and it had been a scary moment for the both of us. It wasn't until one of the boys pulled a switchblade on her did I lose it. I think the Spark inside me reacted violently and caused a large explosion which ended up having several of the boys dead and Sika gravely injured. *closes eyes, rubbing her forehead and temples slowly* It was a mess, I had nearly decapitated her but because she managed to get behind me a bit, she lost her lower left leg and her entire left arm. I didn't know what happened back then, but all I saw was blood everywhere and dead bodies. The case went to a private court since Kamin-nee didn't want it to get out. She argued my case, saying I was only a child and I had fought out of self defense. It was also recounted by the remaining survivors of the incident and Sika-nee. They left the case as cold since they couldn't imprison me, but as a result I had been tattooed forcefully to keep my Spark under check. *shudders* I swore to myself that I would never do that to the family who'd taken me in and helped give me a place to stay even if we had no blood connection with each other. I'd protect those who are very dear to me and those who show kindness even when they've encountered such.... *pauses* .... such a violent person as me. I guess my greatest fear is pressure of my unconscious mind.

15. Let’s talk about some relationships. List characters your OC has some kind of relationship with, good or bad. Exclude romantic relations.

Chrone: *smiles sheepishly* Vera's my first friend here so far. She's different than how she looks, but I like her attitude. Very bright and perky, but I'm afraid I won't understand her when she talks about DVs. *sweats*

Then there's Kamiko and Shannon. They both seem nice enough, though I have no intention of messing with them. They look like a lovey-dovey couple.

And Torrin.... well, I'm not sure why Torrin hates me... I mean I can't be entirely blamed for not knowing what Simone was. Well, now I do but I'm just being honest! *still doesn't know that Torrin despises her for being dashing*

The others seem pretty helpful or at least understanding. I'm sure I'll meet some more folks in Temperance.

16. Is your character in a partnership/have a girlfriend? If so, who are they and what is the nature of their relationship?

Chrone: *blushes a deep shade of red* Well, I'm not in a partnership nor do I have a girlfriend, but it seems nice to have someone to be with. I'm sure though if they ever find out about my other side, they'll be revolted. Who'd want a murderer for their partner, right?

17. If your character wasn’t/isn’t dating anyone, who do you think they’d be compatible with/attracted to and why?

Chrone: I don't know. Everyone here seems to be in a relationship already. Besides, like I said, who'd want to be with me? I like Vera, but as a friend. No, really! I just like her as a friend!!! *blushes* It can't really be love at first sight, y'know. I just found out a little about her, that's all. I'm dead serious though, I don't know that many people at Temperance yet. Oh come on! I'm just friends with her!!!

18. Alright guys. In the most delicate and tasteful way you possible can, describe your characters sexual style. Are they vanilla sweet? Do whips and chains excite them? *Fans herself* Goodness!

Chrone:*goes an unbelievable shade of crimson as if the blood drained out of the rest of her body into her cheeks and face* I-I-I've.... n-never had a-a-a s-sexual.... encounter... b-before... *goes a deeper red, if that's even physically possible* B-but... Fire-nee.... d-did t-t-tease me...... a-as a joke a-and a d-d-dare... *brushes fingers unconsciously against her neck and shivers, squeezing her eyes shut tightly, trying to speak in a calm voice* I have.... a somewhat sensitive neck.... when it comes to g-gentle touches..... but it did feel good when she bit me.... We never went farther th- of course NOT! It'd be like incest with Fire-nee!! *goes pale at the thought of her sister doing anything more to her*

I did get her back though. *thinks back, chuckling quietly and returning to normal* Hm? You want to know what it is? *raises eyebrow* Well that's for me to know and for you to find out. I may talk a lot but I won't talk about everything. It's not like I'm totally innocent either.

19. Does your character have any scars/tattoos/markings? Talk about their significance/meaning and how they got them.

Chrone: Well, my Creator already explained earlier about my tattoo. It just keeps my Spark in check a majority of the time. It's on my right forearm though, if you must know. Here, you can see it. *shows arm* There's a birthmark on my back though that everyone says looks like a round soul mark. I'm not sure what that is though. It doesn't seem to mean anything important, right?

Not that I know of, no. If it had any significance, I would have remembered it. I think it was a random detail I threw in just now. *chuckles*

20. Every character needs to wear clothes (even if they don’t want to!) why don’t you describe their style and explain why they dress the way they do!

Chrone: Simple and plain. I like dress shirts and shorts, but apparently they're men's clothing. I'm not much of a stickler for girly clothing though, how the heck do you move in those things!? *wonders at that* Well, I guess girly clothes don't fit me too well either, that's according to Fire-nee and Sika-nee. I like wearing a vest from time to time though, it keeps my shirt from getting in the way and they're great in the fall and spring weathers. Shoes? I'm not too keen on what type, but I like moccasins for some reason. If I'm wearing a suit, must be a tie. Since I'll want to look my best if I ever die, heck I'll wear it on the field if I have to.

21. Does your OC have any quirky skills unrelated to Temperance? (Balancing spoons on their nose, juggling, tap dancing, etc)

Chrone: Um... I can.... Well... *thinks* I have pretty flexible feet so i can do all sorts of weird movement with my feet. That counts, right?

22. It’s a perfect day outside so they decide to take a stroll. What time of year is it and what are the conditions of outdoors?

Chrone: *smiles at the question* Spring. Actually the beginning of spring and end of winter. It's just the start of new life, the waking of the earth after a long slumber. It's quite wonderful watching everything come back alive, especially when the birds get to fly again...

23. If your character could be defined as a flower, what kind of flower would they be and why?

I've never thought about it actually... I don't think Chrone is a flower, she's one with nature.

24. Is your character even remotely religious? What deity or god/dess do they serve? (Don’t know any? Make one up~)

Chrone: Nature is what I like and what I respect greatly, and if the gods created this Nature, then I believe in whoever that person is. *overhears Relena* Jasmine? I think I've heard of her before. She's one of the Gods, isn't she? Oh, pardon me, Goddess. Well, if she made Nature, then I believe in her and respect her. I'd be happy to meet whoever created a wonderful planet of life.

25. Create an acronym out of your character’s first and/or last name.


Zoe (Greek origin, meaning life)
Overt (most of the time)

Naughty (deeepeeends really. xD)

26. Tag another CHARACTER. Not a player.

Chrone: *tosses meme questions to Kamiko* Take it, Yuki-nee is too exhausted at the keyboard to give it properly to someone else.

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