Halloween 2009 : DemonBusters
J lends his assistance to The Benevolent Order, or B.O.O team. to defend Gaia from the forces of darkness. But continues to try to keep his low profile by standing by Edmund on the "neutral" team.

Summer 2010 : Frontier Skies. The ever long battle against vampires takes to the skies. Boarding ships and trying to procure a small vessel of his own to track down any vampires he can. Art and mock trail guide selection by TEZU

Xmas 2011 Carol of Old Pete Pete recalls and tries to repay J for once being kind to him.

Valentine's Day 2012: returning thank you notes and a valentine photo.

Rejected Olympics 2012 Lifting things! for team Gambino.

Sample of a Valentine's day Card handed out

turned in to a fluff.

If there was a vampire hunting shooting game..
J Lone Wolf · Thu Jul 05, 2012 @ 10:07am · 0 Comments |