Gaia Spirit Week ish finally here!
Anyway onto the pre-planned outfits... (Haha totally didn't wear any of these, I tweaked most of them.)
(End of Days Day) Romantically Apocalyptic I
(End of Days Day) Romantically Apocalyptic II
(End of Days Day) Romantically Apocalyptic III
(I Am Day) Skelly Time~
One Word Story Round 1
~ Cid likes stuff called sonic peachy butts and.... can't remember. Was laughing too hard... so he shot rockets at Maharani's face... (something something)... she kissed Anta rudely...
~ Child cartwheeled over to Mordor but couldn't stop farting like elephants. So Neon, unfortunately died 72 years after Nicki Minaj licked her cute, hairy, unclean starship engines. However they cried loudly at....--
~ Once upon a moonlit night dead undies flew across cloudy sky onto Bella's alien Rhubarb, so she casts heal spells....--