Character Name:Danny "War" Hakai
Skull Gang:Toxic
Personality:Angry, Blood thirst and always ready to fight, Not very intelligent
Weapons:Plasma Assault rifle/ Grenade launcher ,Plasma Rockets ,and Fist of pain
Weapons Description: Plasma Assault rifle/ Grenade launcher: A military experimental weapon that can ether be a single shot or rapid fire. The Grenade launcher is a weapon attachment which makes the plasma send a blast of plasma that destroy anything.
Plasma rockets: Creates a large form of plasma that can ultimately destroy it can.
Fist of pain: A part of Wars armor that can has hydraulics. making any of his punches( His punch average 500 psi) can enhance it by 10x times.
Special:Generically Created Half Breed Vampire.( Half Breed Vampire Standards: Half Breed Vampire: Blue eyes. Enhanced strength (1000lbs max, but fatigues from lifting to much) and durability. Have extremely enhanced senses that include being able to smell humans and vampires over long distances, and the ability to see in pitch darkness. Have sharp, pointed, retractable, canine teeth. Can infect others causing them to become a half-breed vampire. The blood of a human can heal minor wounds quickly. Major wounds can be partially healed quickly 10%, the rest comes with time and rest. ) in advanced a powerful armor
Bio: Born in the sewers of Tokyo, Wars father a minor use to beat him out of anger. War learn to only be hateful person by this.He took his anger out by beat Animals up for the hell of it, smashing there skulls in with rocks or even his bare hands. War had no friend and use to fight everyone even his own Abusive father. He committed his first brutal murder at the age of 7 killing his mother and brothers. Pestilence found war when he was on the grip of destroying Pestilences lab saying quote"Danny think Machines bad!"He even tried to killing the twisted orphan boy, but pestilence changed his mind and persuade him of the gift of destruction and anger. Now he is the brute war ,and enhanced with half breed vampire in his blood making him stronger.