My name is Click.
I am 20 years old.
I am 5'6"
I am known to be rather touchy when it comes to anyone other than Flick. I am mean and a bit mischievous. I am also the most tomboyish of the group. I like video games and food. *wink**wink*
I have short black hair that I keep mostly tucked into my hat. My hat, as you can see, covers my eyes (I wear glasses too, if you wanted to know) and I keep two white pins by the black band. I'll wear anything that is blue but it has to be baggy (mostly 'cause I'm always cold, which explains the puff of breath).
Flick is my best friend.
Mick and Slick annoy me like no other.
My art:
My name is Flick!
I am 20 years old.
I am 5'2". (I'm not short! I'm fun-size!)
I am bubbly and happy pretty much all the time. Click and I like to cause trouble (even when we know we'll get caught). I like bright colors and shiny things! My hobbies are hanging out with my friends and talking. I looooooove talking!
I have pink hair that is short in the back with two long bang pieces that touch my tummy. My hat covers my eyes but, just so you know, I have really pretty green eyes. My clown lips and nose are kind of my signature looks! They just look so cute! Give me cute, vibrant clothes and accessories and I'm happy!
Click is my bestie but I love Mick and Slick too!
My art:
Good day.
My name is Mick.
I am 20 years old.
I am 5'4".
I am kind of a crybaby and really shy. Lots of things scare me so I stick to my books. I guess that makes me sort of a nerd. Slick teases me a lot about how easy I am to scare and about my books. I enjoy reading, regardless of Slick's teasing.
I have long brown hair that I like to keep in pigtails. My cat hat hides my eyes, which is good because I'm shy. I have a big bosom, which Slick likes to poke. Its really embarrassing! I enjoy my ripped jeans and I like to look nerdy too.
Slick, even though she's mean to me, is my best friend. Flick is nice too but Click is meaner than Slick!
My art:
My name is Slick~
I am 20 years old.
I am 5'6"
I am super flirty and kind of perverted. If I can touch without getting yelled at, I will. (*wink**wink*) I like to draw and read manga (but keep that quiet; Mick would be mad if she knew I read since I make fun of her). I am the girliest of the group.
I have short blue hair that pokes out of my hat at the front. My hat covers crystal blue eyes and sometimes I like to pull my hat up to my forehead. I like my scarf a lot because its a vibrant blue and pink (my two favorite colors). Put me in something frilly and cute and I'm happy!
Mick is my bestie (though some think I'm in lesbians with her). Click is just plain mean. Flick won't let me touch her boobies so that makes me sad. :<
My art: