You and mike were at the movies. You did this every friday night. It was a tradition, even when he was on tour. You would sleep in and wait until he was done playing, and you would each pop a movie into your respective televisions while on a skype call.
He was home right now though, so you were at the local movie theater. You were seeing a new horror movie. You loved horror movies, but it wasn't because they didn't scare you. They made you almost pee yourself sometimes. You're easily startled, you loved the thrill of it though. The thrill of the fright.
Right now you were scared of your mind, you were shaking just a little. Rather then having your hand on the arm rest like a normal person, you had your s=thin fingers clenched on mike's thigh. It probably hurt, but you weren't paying attention the the amount of force you were exerting. On-screen something jumped out screaming loudly, and you jumped grasping hard. You turned into mike's shoulder for a second trying to catch your breath. When you looked down you saw the bulge growing in his jeans. You felt the muscles in his thigh tense a little as you loosened your hold.
You looked up at him a devious grin finding it's way to your face. You forgot about the movie leaning forward and kissing his neck once as you palmed him, squeezing for a second before he took your hand in his, and away from his crotch. He placed a warm wet kiss on the back of your hand, and you felt the warm metal of his piercing against your skin.
You didn't even glance at the movie screen as you took his hand in yours and pulled him out of the theater and out of the lobby. You got outside of the building all together. "What are you doing (y/n)?" Mike said as you pulled him towards the car. "Mike, we need to go home. Now." You said as you handed him your keys. You'd driven there, but you couldn't drive home. You'd be too distracted.
He unlocked the car, and you slid into your seat quickly closing the door. He got into his side. "Okay just because I got a boner doesn't mean we have to leave, all you had to do was loosen your grip, and gave me a second. It would have gone away (y/n)" He said starting the car.
"Why would I want that. I was saving all of the people in that theater from having to watch me rape your fine a** Mike." You said as you put your seat belt on. You reached over, and put your hand on his thigh. He looked over at you smiling now, and then he sped home.
When you got home, you couldn't open the front door fast enough. Your key was sticking, and you were getting frustrated. "God Damn it!" You growled as you tried to turn it again. Mike who was behind you stepped up really close and exxtended his arms around you to take the key in his own fingers. He pulled out just the tiniest bit, and then turned. It worked for him. Of course it did.
You opened the door, and didn't even bother turning on the light. Before you knew what was happening Mike had you pinned against the front door. "Michael, should I feel threatened?" You whispered in the darkness.
"Yes." Was all he said before his lips came down on yours hungry. THat kiss was purely animal as you pushed yourself closer to him. You were pushing against him, and he was pushing you against the door. Your hands clasped behind his neck automatically, as he picked you up. Your legs wrapped around his hips. He kept you there held between him and the door. He kissed your lips, and then your jaw and then your neck halting there the longest as he left deep kisses.
He went to kiss farther down but your t-shirt got in the way. "As much as I like pink floyd, this shirt's in the ******** way." He said. He pulled you away from the door, and into the dining room. There he pushed you onto the table. He pulled the shirt over your head, and then you leaned forward kissing him again.
You wrapped your legs around him again, and pulled him closer. You broke the kiss to peel his shirt off, and then he moved to your neck. His hands snaked up your back to undo your bra. Once it was undone he pulled it off your arms, and started massaging your tits. You moaned into his mouth, and you felt him smile against your lips.
He kept kissing you for a few minutes while playing with your chest, then he pushed you down on the table. He kissed down your torso, and then he pulled off your shorts and panties. He kissed your hood, and then moved down licking up your entire slit, and pushing the tip of his tongue against your c**t."Mike...." You whined as he teased you barely touching your c**t. Then he started sucking on your c**t, and you bucked against him unable to contain it. His tongue lapped against it, and you were squirming and losing your mind.
He brought you to the edge, and then stopped completely. You were clenching, and trembling beneath him. YOur entire body was flashing hot and cold. He backed away from the table, and you shot up. "Michael, just what the ******** do you think you're doing." Mike raised an eyebrow. "Just who the ******** do you think you're talking too (Y/firstname+MiddleName)"
He said as he undid his jeans, and slid them down as slow as possible. He stood there naked, seeing as he wasn't wearing underwear. "I'm talking to my fine a** boyfriend, who should be ******** me right now." You said as you came back to the edge of the table sitting there dangling your feet. You needed him inside you.
He came back to you, and ghosted his hand up your thigh. His hand ghosted down your slit, and then back up again. It went to your c**t and rubbed a really slow hard circle into the swollen flesh.
His mouth claimed one of your nipples, and was sucking on it swirling his tongue around the flesh as his free hand pinched and rubbed the other. The hand between your legs kept up with the hard agonizing slow circles, and then he pushed you over the edge, and you growled his name your voice husky.
He finished it, and you were confused as he made you get off the table, and turn around.His hands grasped your hips firmly, and he picked you up. You extended your hands backwards wrapping your arms around his neck, and then your legs wrapped around his hips behind you. You were literally wrapped around him, and he was holding you up as he slid you down on his c**k.
From that first slow push he hit your g-spot. You screamed already, and he didn't even give you time to adjust. He gave deep hard thrusts hitting your g-spot over and over. You powerless to do anything, but hold on tight and scream your pleasure. "Mike....I'm close again. "
You were tighter now than when he started given you were starting to clench around him. He wasn't quite there but he knew that the extra tightness would get him off. "I know, do it baby." He said as he kept thrusting his pace a little frenzied. His free hand slid down your torso and started rubbing your c**t, and with that you exploded, contracting harshly around him. "God damn it's like you squeezing me." He said as you tightened around his c**k over and over.
Once his climax started he helped you ride them both out slowing his pace at the end. He pulled out and turned you around. You couldn't even stand up on your own. Your knee's were jelly beneath you. He held you up, but instead of just standing there he walking into the living room, and lay you down on the cool wooden floor. He lay down next to you, and rested his head on your tummy. You stroked his hair. "God I love you baby. Nobody get's me off like you do." You said scraping lightly as you played with his hair.
"I'm just glad horror movies thrill you so much. This might not have happened otherwise." He said laughing.