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im hpeless
wat should i do with my love life?
XBasic Character Information X

Full Name: Kishima Senju
Nicknames: Slug Princess
Age: 47
Birth date: 12/10
Gender: Female
Relationship Status: Single
Clan: Senju
Family: None
Ninja Type: Medical Specialist
Rank: Anbu Leader (Sanin)
Village: Leaf
Likes: Sweets, Life, Painting, Animal, treating the weak
Dislike: Ignorence, Foul sluts, Pervs
Nindo: Keep on living for yourself


XCharacter Data X

Summoning/s: Slug, Weapons
Bloodline: Senju
Chakra Elements: Water,Earth,Fire,Boil,Wood
Strength: Close range, Long range
Weakness: Sound,Blaze,
Weapon of Choice: Katana,Senbon,Scapel
Special Ability: Regeneration

- Senbon,Scapel
- Medical Kit,Scrolls
- Katana

Stastistics (Be truthful.)
¤ Ninjutsu: ■■■■■
¤ Taijutsu: ■■■■□
¤ Genjutsu: ■■■□□
¤ Intelligence: ■■■■□
¤ Force (Power): ■■■■■
¤ Speed: ■■■■□
¤ Stamina (Chakra Amount): ■■■□□
¤ Seal Knowledge: ■■■□□
¤ Weapon Skill: ■■□□□


X Jutsu List X


-Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Jutsu)
-Kawarimi no Jutsu (Substitution Jutsu)
-Bushin no Jutsu (Clone Jutsu)

- Genjutsu: Unknown Fire
This genjutsu is cast by pointing at the target and a fade purple wave is released from the finger that when it reaches the target, causes them to see a ring of blue fire around them and then see themselves ignite with blue flames.


-Forbidden Secret Technique: Reaper Death Seal
Is a seal which invokes the power of a spectral entity known as the Shinigami that can only be seen when it grasps one's soul. When summoned, the Shinigami hovers behind the user to wraps prayer beads over the summoner's arm as a seal appears on the stomach. The soul of the summoner is then partially separated from the body and restrained by the Shinigami's hair as it thrusts its arm into the user's chest to grab the soul of its target. At the user's command, the Shinigami then performs the sealing by dragging the target's soul into the user whose stomach is branded with the seal's mark. However, the sealing is double-edged as the user's soul is devoured by the Shinigami along with the target's, both souls trapped for all eternity within the fiend's stomach.It is also possible for the user to seal multiple targets through the use of shadow clones.

-Sealing Technique: Spirit Sealing
This technique requires a scroll to be performed. It allows the user to seal a soul from a Corpse inside the scroll.

-Sealing Technique: Three Directions Seal
The user along two shadow clones creates a triangle seal around the opponent. Then a tetrahedral form of light traps and sends them up in the sky, leaving a large hole in the ground.Used to keep Large Object, Large groups of people in another dimension/Area

-Five Elements Seal
This technique produces a powerful seal that is used to block or disturb the flow of chakra in a target. Once the seal is completed, the target will become unconscious and unable to fight for a short time.

-Five Elements Unseal
This technique is used to remove seals of up to equal power, like the Five Elements Seal.

-Four-Corner Sealing Barrier
This technique was designed by Kishima for the purpose of sealing a tailed beast. The technique is performed with four separate scrolls and a sample of blood similar to a Summoning Technique. Good chakra control and concentration are needed to perform the sealing technique. To use this technique, a scroll is needed to seal the numerous amounts of chakra.If capable the user can just use tags instead of multiple people to perform this. This technique can seal Tailed Beast in its own dimension, permanently. This technique has three stages:
"Search": the barrier is erected to locate the target.
"Bind": the barrier is then stretched out above the target.
"Lock": the barrier is lowered and the sealing begins.

-Thirty-Six Layer Self-Repairing Barrier
A team of ninja, linked together by their chakra, will create a thirty-six layered barrier which if damaged, will constantly repair itself with said chakra that emanates from their bodies. The barrier also prevents those outside of it from sensing anything inside it through traditional methods.It can stop and contain any individual jinchūriki, and it proved to be strong enough to take a direct Tailed Beast Ball , with only nine of the thirty-six barriers shattering. However, If another jinchūriki helped push the ball through, shattering it, showing it could not withstand the assault of two jinchūriki.

-Chakra Chains Barrier
Using chakra chains, the user can erect a barrier that is strong enough to prevent anyone or thing from neither entering nor leaving the perimeter defined by the chains. The barrier is very resilient, There is nothing anyone could do to interfere with what he user were doing after reaching its boundaries.


-Medical Mode
This mode envelops the user in a flowing blue chakra and allows them to constantly heal themselves in the midst of battle while at the same time boosting their strength and speed. Over time, this mode consumes the user's chakra until it finally wears off by itself, though the user can cancel it whenever they wish.

-Chakra Scalpel
This medical technique forms one's chakra into a small, sharp blade. This can then be used for highly accurate incisions necessary for surgeries and anatomical dissections. Unlike regular scalpels, the chakra scalpel can actually make cuts inside the body without actually creating an open wound, limiting the risks of an infection.The chakra scalpel can also be used offensively, although it requires great precision to be effective. Because of this requirement, using the chakra scalpel offensively is highly unusual. In heated combat, even the greatest medical-nin won't be able to exert the precision needed to make fatal cuts, but it can still effectively cut muscle tissues and tendons, rendering the target immobile

-Mystical Palm Technique
This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by sending chakra from their hands into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it highly useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique. You can use it a short distance away from the target instead of through direct contact.By sending an excess amount of chakra into the patient's body, the user can overload the patient's normal circulation, trapping them in a comatose state

-Body Pathway Derangementing
An extremely high-level technique, used as a medical ninjutsu. The human body is controlled with electrical signals from the brain, but a person who had those electrical sls cut off with this technique will become unable to make their body move as they want. By transforming the chakra within one's body and giving it the properties of electricity, one creates an electric field. As soon as a strike of the hand lands, electricity is poured into the enemy's nervous system, severing the signals and deranging their body control. The target's body moves in any way, except how they want it to move. For the common shinobi, battle, not to mention even just walking, will become impossible. However, the victim can partially overcome the technique if they manage to relearn the connection between their brain and their limbs

-Healing Resuscitation Regeneration Technique
This is a very difficult medical ninjutsu and as such the success rate of this type of treatment isn't very high. Teamwork between the users is more important than anything else for a successful treatment. To begin a large, square seal is drawn on the floor and the patient is placed at the centre. Four medical-nin sit at the corners and one at the head to lead the operation. A portion of an injured individual's body is used as a medium, and its cells are converted to regenerate a missing section of the body. As an agglomeration of cells, even hair is a useful medium. As the medium is converted the missing section of the body is filled up with new cells. Controlling the chakra into matching the proportion of cells is extremely hard, so the treatment requires extended periods of time. The medical-nin on hand actually have to trade places after tiring, indicating just how long it takes.

-Delicate Illness Extraction Technique
When a person has been afflicted by a pathogen or toxin, this medical ninjutsu can be used to draw out the agent and heal the damage. The cause of the illness is first determined by perceiving disturbances in the patient's chakra. Then, using a chakra scalpel, an incision is made near the affected part. Using their chakra, the medical-nin pushes a large volume of a medicinal fluid through the incision. The fluid then draws the poison out of the affected part(s) and serves as a medium through which the poison is suspended and then forced out of the person's body. This technique thus removes the poison, while simultaneously repairing the damage caused by the poison.After the agent is drawn out, it can be used to create an antidote or medicine after it has been analysed. This can then be given to the patient to ensure a complete recovery. This technique requires the utmost care and ability in diagnosis, incising and unmatched chakra control. Therefore, it is considered an extremely difficult technique, even among medical ninjutsu.

-Healing Chakra Transmission
A combination technique between Kishima and her slug summon Katsuyu, where first, Katsuyu divides her body into several small clones, and then attaches herself to a person/persons. Kishima will then channel her medical chakra through Katsuyu, who in turn transfers it to the wounded person, healing them. This technique allows Kishima to heal an enormous amount of people at the same time regardless of distance, and if she runs out of normal chakra, she can use her special reserves to continue the technique. While using this technique, Kishima is apparently linked with Katsuyu and is able to communicate directly with the slug as well as has a sense of what Katsuyu experiences

-Yin Healing Wound Destruction
A medical ninjutsu where one anticipates the spot the enemy will attack and pre-emptively applies medical treatment to it, reducing damage to a minimum. The user concentrates chakra to that area and begins the cell recreation process even before the targeted area becomes damaged. Using opponent's facial expression and movements, the technique's speed and power, the user analyses everything in an instant and accurately deduces where the attack will land. Even more than accurately predicting the attack or instantly gauging the situation, a great resilience is necessary

-Creation Rebirth
The absolute pinnacle of medical ninjutsu, created by the greatest of medical ninja, Kishima, it is the ultimate regeneration technique. By releasing the great volume of chakra stored in her forehead at once, the body's cell division is forcibly stimulated by proteins, reconstructing all organs and all tissues making up the human body. The technique itself does not regenerate the old cells, rather it hastens the creation of new ones through division. If this technique is used, a body whose vital organs are so gravely injured that it cannot bear it any longer will be instantly restored to its uninjured state. As long as Kishima has chakra it is impossible for her to die by any means, as such she gains a form of "immortality" throughout the duration of the technique.However, a body's cells can only split a certain number of times in a lifetime, and by speeding up this process, Kishima is basically shortening her natural lifespan. To what degree is unknown.

-Strength of a Hundred Technique
This is a forbidden technique that is accessible to those who have mastered the Creation Rebirth technique, and as such, is only usable by Kishima. While very similar in nature to its parent technique — which facilitates the regeneration of injuries through accelerated cell division — it however does not require the use of hand seals, meaning Kishima's wounds begin to heal as soon as they are inflicted, whereas the Creation Rebirth technique needs kishima's input to both activate, any wound sustained while this technique is in effect will begin recovery automatically. The enhanced regeneration granted by this technique is so advanced, that even impalement by a gigantic sword through her abdomen was completely healed in mere moments after the blade's removal.Use of the technique requires the release of the Yin Seal, much like Creation Rebirth, but rather than just covering the face, the markings extend over Kishima's entire body. As a testament to both its power and her confidence in its healing prowess, Kishima has decreed that only medical-nin who have mastered this technique are permitted to break the first three rules that govern their role on the battlefield — which effectively prohibit their direct involvement in any conflict — that she herself established.

XElemental Nature X


- Water Release: Hard Whirlpool Water Blade
The user makes the water under the enemy explode, launching them into the air. Then the user jumps above the enemy and creates a large whirlpool around his arm, striking the enemy with it and creating a large water explosion.

- Water Release: Stormy Blockade
This technique allows the user to summon a massive amount of water from the sky, crashing it onto the opponent. If needed, the user can cancel the technique in an instant.

-Water Release: Black Rain Technique
This technique creates a flammable black mist that forms a small cloud. The user can then move the cloud above their target and disperse it, covering the target in flammable oil.

-Water Gathering Gorgon
This technique will summon a large amount of water that will then be used to strike at the opponent in several versatile ways. It has been known to transform it into a dragon with a gaping mouth to attack. The water used will be stationary till it is sent offensively toward the opponent.


- Fire Release: Demon Lantern
This technique releases many floating fireballs around the user, which take the shape of ghosts at the final stage of the technique. After performing the required hand seal, they attack the opponent in swarms. Each fireball creates a huge flame at the moment of impact.

- Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique
The user compresses a large amount of chakra built up inside their body and changes it into a dragon head-shaped fireball. The user then skilfully manipulates that great fire, and attacks their opponent. Even outside of the attack range, its power and reliability are stressed. The flames have a high temperature, as they can create an upward movement of air currents which in turn can give rise to thunder clouds. A master of this technique can fire off several flames in succession and anyone caught in the technique could potentially be reduced to ashes.

- Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation
A technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire, and then expelled from the mouth in a massive wall of intense flames, which covers an expansive range. This makes the technique extremely difficult to either avoid or contain, with it requiring the combined efforts of several Water Release users in order to extinguish the flames.

-Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique
This technique creates a volley of small fireballs, which are sent flying in an unpredictable manner assaulting the enemy. In addition, the flames are controlled one by one with chakra, so avoiding them all is extremely difficult. Shuriken can also be concealed within the flames, creating an unexpected secondary surprise attack. Like the flames, the shuriken can be controlled with chakra. For the most part, however, this technique is used as a distraction.


-Earth Release: Earth-Style Rampart
This technique makes a gigantic rampart rise up beneath the user's feet, by shaping the ground and increasing the amount of earth with chakra. Depending on what the user imagines, the shape of the rampart can be anything from level ground to a steep, needle-like mountain. If the user increases the volume of earth too much, he can be forced to keep his chakra consumption down.

-Earth Release: Earth Flow River
After forming the needed hand seal, the user transforms the ground underneath their opponent into a river of mud that throws them off balance and away from the user.

-Earth Release: Earth Flow Spears
This technique lets the user condense mud or stone from the ground and shape it into spikes that protrude from the ground in order to skewer the target. The spikes cannot penetrate targets of greater density.

-Earth Release: Golem Technique
This technique allows the user to create a large, humanoid creature composed of rock that can either be expelled from the user's mouth or formed from a nearby, pre-existing source of earth.The size of the golem differs depending on use, but it always possesses an ample amount of brute strength, being able to bite and tear through a White Zetsu clone with ease, using just its mouth and hands respectively. It is also very durable, as it was left almost completely intact after being hit by a powerful explosion, detonating at point-blank range.This makes the golem ideal whether it be serving as additional support or simply as a mobile shield.

X Advanced Nature X

Boil Release

- Boil Release: Skilled Mist Technique
The user creates a cloud of mist which they release it from their mouth. This mist has extremely corrosive properties, capable of melting even the bones of the Uchiha's Susanoo. The technique has an inherent disadvantage in that its effects are indiscriminate, limiting its usage to areas that do not contain allies. In the event that the mist escapes the containment area, the user can adjust the pH level of the mist to safer levels.Though the mist is corrosive to all around it, the user seems to be immune to it, If the user used it in an enclosed area without endangering themselves.

- Boil Release: Sinful Lotus Technique
The user manipulates her chakra to create vapor to be released from the ground that they then causes them to create corrosive explosions at different ranges. the corrosiveness of the technique merely can cause some severe damage to the body of the target but not have full acid properties that could melt them instantly.

XKekkei Genkai X
To be added

X Character Description X

User Image

Headband: Black
Headband Location: Waist
Personality:Quiet but short tempered,she has her sweet moment and aggressive ones
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130lbs
Eye Color: Hazel (Mixture of red,green,black
Hair Color: Black
Your Voice Actor: Yurika Hino
Your Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOQPMrqWNzg&list=PLE5D89CB2B6F61793&index=72&feature=plpp_video


XMissions Done X

S Rank: 14
A Rank: 23
B Rank: 32
C Rank: 45
D Rank: 67

X Background Information X
She is a very demanding woman. She is gifted with lots of abilities to save herself and others. she will risk her life for her village. She was born in the Hidden Leaf village. Her loved ones died. She left the village to train and came back to find the village in great danger. She defeated the enemy and was granted The title of "Sanin" and to lead the Anbu Black opps. To this day she is praised and honored with her two team mates that also share the title of "Sanin", They are unknown. She is not fond of relationships but she will when she finds the one.

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