Full Name: Jeannette Elizabeth Jacks
Nickname: Jay, Jeann, The Last to Fall
Age: Over a millennia old, not only was she the last to fall, but she was one of the first to be created.
Birth Date: September 16th
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 116. 8 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Jeannette has a slightly athletic build, above that she's very skinny yet slightly broad shouldered.
Tattoos/Scars/Other Marks: She has the normal thin scars on her shoulder blades where her wings would be, and where they come out from. She's also got a stab scar in the middle of her back and scars all over her fingers. On her leg she's got a nasty scar running from her ankle to her knee. She has a circular seal under where the circle on her shirt is that holds Chaos inside her
Character Description: Jeannette stands at a pretty normal five feet four [ 5'4" ] and has long, tail bone length brown hair and crystal blue eyes. She has always worn clothes that covered her body up, in recent times she has worn clothes similar to this. She wears a hooded black jacket with a blue, light admitting, zipper and pockets. Under that she wears a dark grey short sleeved shirt with blue light admitting slash marks on it and a blue light admitting circle between her shoulder blades. She wears darker grey skinny jeans with blue light admitting cross scraps and stripes across the thigh. On her feet she has high top back converse with white toes and blue laces that also admit light. She also wears a necklace on her neck. It's a complicated piece of work, made of many pieces of metal and light sapphire mixed together that glows lightly on it's own, pulsating lightly with Jeannette's heartbeat. She also wears a bracelet, it has an appearance that it's three instead of just one, but it it's black, and is hinged so it moves separately as well. Her wings, when they span, are over three yards long and are about three feet thick, and the color spans from white at the top by the main bone, to a vibrant golden color. this color range is found in every feather on the wings. Each feather is normally shaped, with a thick down at the end, which repeat for every feather, but gets lesser as they reach the top, and then get thicker by her wings.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual [ Straight ]
Personality: Jeannette's a very sullen character, but that's to be expected from someone who can never go home. She tried her best to act cheerful and happy however, and is always generous. When she's working, as an assassin to save people, she's cold hearted, quiet, and cruel. She puts a mask over herself and blocks everyone and everything out.
Personal Goals: Jeannette really doesn't have any goals for herself. It used to be to get back to heaven no matter what it took but then Ryan came around and changed that so if she has any goals it's to keep him happy.
Relationship Status: Taken.
Personal Skills: Jeannette doesn't really have any personal skills beyond drawing, which she is extremely good at. She's a moderate cooker and an okay baker, she can sew and create clothes, and play some instruments, but that's about it. She isn't extremely talented, though she is good at fighting, which is important to her at least.
◣ Angelic Data ◥
Wing shape: [ x ]
Wing color:[ x ]
Abilities: Teleportation, Telepathy, Empathy, Psychokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Psychometry, Sedation, Invisibility, Shadow-blending, Supernatural perception, Dreamwalking, Electrokinesis, Destructive White Light, Superhuman strength, Banishing, Weather manipulation
Race: Fallen Angel
Rank: Seraph
Aura Color: Light light blue
Close Family: Uriel, Cassiel, Michael, Raphael, Namiel
Stein [ Close friend, almost like a brother ]
Hountei [ Close friend, Rival, Almost like a sister ]
Ryan [ Soulmate ]
Weaknesses: Lightning, Chaos, Ryan, Hountei, her low self esteem, fear of pure darkness
Strengths: Fighting, Enokian sigils, close combat, her strong will
Fears: Thunderstorms, complete darkness, Llamas, centipedes, being poisoned
Traumas: Afraid of darkness from being trapped in the void for five and three fourths of a year. Afraid of thunderstorms/lightning from getting in Raphael's way while he was in a fight with Michael. Afraid of being away from Ryan for too long after her death and their separation. A fear of losing him to Hountei from Ryan's and her's past relationships. A fear of Abaddon from when he tortured her in the void.
Biography: Jeannette was one of the first angels to be created, the third one to be exact, and a seraph angel, which makes her stronger than Michael. She spent a good majority of her time watching as the earth grew, as things became extinct and the world started over. She was a good angel, a good little soldier.. that is in till one day, as she was watching earth, she saw a man weeping on a hill, praying for his parents' survival. The angel began to feel something for the man right then, almost confused, she acted on her feelings, and went down to the boy. The boy's name was Leon, and his parents were deathly ill. She told the boy that there was no reason to cry anymore, and that she would help him. And she did. For the next four years she helped the boy by keeping him happy and healing his parents the best she could. But something went wrong when she brought her brother Cassiel down to help with the healing, Cassiel was so much better at it then she was. She was more of the fighting type then the healing type. Little did she know that Cassiel was being forced to kill Leon's parents because God was getting ready to toss the angels from heaven. Jeannette, however, still did not leave Leon, and when the time came for God to cast out the Fallen, Jeannette's name was the last called. God was hoping that she would have seen what was happening and changed her mind... but she didn't. When god called her name for her to choose, she told god to get lost, and she was tossed from heaven with every one else. And as she falled, the archangels went to Leon, and they killed him as well.
When Jeannette finally landed, she was broken, not dead, but damaged. She laid for days as her body healed itself up, and when she could move, she went to search out Leon, to tell him that she chose him over God and that she was back. But when she had found him, all she had found was a burned patch of ground where Leon used to have stood. She cussed at god and revoked him, then tore off her wings in her anger and fell to her knees in agony. She sat in that spot for days, crying bloody tears over her beloved Leon. After she ran out of tears she tried many times to commit suicide but none of the attempts succeeded, she knew god was keeping her alive. So to defy god she did everything an angel shouldn't do. She killed, she burned down cities, she raged on and on for a hundred years... and then she got tired. She began missing her home, began regretting her choices. So once again she prayed to god to forgive her... and this time god listened. God fixed her beautiful wings and gave her a necklace to communicate with. But she couldn't return to Heaven, not yet. She had to protect a city for five hundred years and keep it safe. So she went to the city and began to do so.
On her three hundredth year, she felt Leon's presence again for the first time in four hundred years. Her soul ached and tore at her in till she went to go see where it had come from. When she caught up with the presence, she found a family holding a newborn baby named Ryan. She cried in joy along with the family, her Leon was back.. he had been reincarnated. She had a second chance! But god said no. God said this was a test, and that she would have to ignore him if she ever wanted to go back to heaven. So she did, for what seemed like forever she watched Ryan thrive from a distance, and even though she was happy that he was.. it killed her inside. She watched him be happy with Stein and Hountei.. with his family. One night she ran in to him after he killed a werewolf. From there everything went down hill, but Jeannette got to live with him again. For a year she got to be with Ryan through all of his hardships, but there came the day when the war was coming.. and Jeannette died, sent to purgatory. Purgatory was hell for jeannette. She tried her best to survive, it was kill or be killed, and eventually her mind began to get twisted and altered. She stayed in there for weeks, when suddenly she was pulled out by Chaos to watch the final battle. She watched as Chaos fought Ryan, and when Chaos was thrown off balance, Jeannette took control, and let Ryan kill her. Her spirit said it's last goodbyes, then disappeared to the void.
Abaddon found her there, and began to torture her and twist her further. For five years she endured the torture, waiting for Ryan to come and save her. She knew he would, or that's what she thought. Finally, Abaddon agreed to bring her back if Ryan would take her. So they made their way back to the city, and brought Jeannette back.. only for Ryan to turn her back down. Though Ryan wanted her back, Abaddon made her believe that it was because he had Hountei now.. and he didn't need her. So that day she confronted Ryan through the void, and he told her that he would come for her. A few hours he did, after the Soulmate effect started making him depressed to the point where he almost killed himself, and then Ryan, along with Namiel, brought her back to earth.
◣ Weapon Data ◥
Type: Chakrams
Weight: about 3. 4 lbs
Special abilities: One made from an Archangel blade, the other made from Daemonglass
◣ Other ◥
Other forms:
Fox [ Sealed ]
Pure angel
Forsaken Form
Extra Info: N/A