I meant to have this as Mo doing stuff at home & getting attacked/injured but A) doesn't layer here right, B) its not on the right side, the bandaid on Mo's arm is on the wrong side & the blood puddle doesn't match up.
What, you mean Idiot went over her limit again with Lightning Blade? Well yeah, or just some other injury xD it looks better on tektek except tektek you cant sit/stand & you cant move the arms
You were gonna do that scythe drawing with Mo too right? You got alot of drawings you wanna do. Aye, also gotta plan the c# thing for Boss. And that last tutorial. & the program. gotta figure out what the hell a toe chart is...
Check Lingos too. Don't even need to bother with Dmath yet. Although that won't be any trouble. Jeopardy soon. I need to figure out how to do stuff with salmon in a pan. But for now pizza. Then I wanna make Misty's present but I need to get to that store in White Plains.
Unless Bus, good luck with that. Unless 'Zuli's master is home sometime this week, but she probably still won't wanna go all the way up there. She probably won't like my idea anyway. But I wanna help make Misty feel better & I loved her present, I wanna make her something just as nice like that too! <3
Y'know, I didn't think it'd get here this fast, I mean I've been to her area, & it's not entirely far away...I guess air mail. Aye... Have to go sit on Waluigi & study his ears, or a bunch of Google searches. Y'know Google Translate came in handy today? I had some random # from around here text me earlier, It was in a different language, not even German either. According to Google it was Danish o.o but I used Google & said "Wrong Number" in Danish the person was all "Good job! Very creative!" I told them thanks, it was really all Google though n_n;;
Interesting enough... and was our area right? Yea- ... No... 7 at the end instead. Nearby maybe, but dunno where that is.
7? ... That's the burrows. it's one of the codes for general our state, mostly the burrows. ... Yeah but Bronx is 718. Isn't Brooklyn 212?
I'm saying you idiot, it's used everywhere for the burrows along with the regular ones. & no, 212 is Manhattan. You want Brooklyn ask Luigi. Brooklyn's-a 347. They-a also use 718 like-a the Bronx, or-a the one you got. Huh.. Interesting. I guess we just the one right?
Yeah. But ours is the whole county, not just where we are. O.O WAIT what the hell are you doing here?!?!
-Shrugs- It's-a my day off. Snow too. Oh...so... Mario off too?
Si. He's-a busy banging Peach. OI! Language! -Staaaaaaaares at him- Um... A simple Si would've sufficed man. And what? It's not like Luigi said "he's-a busy ******** Peach" Nor did he go into the details.
You too Outlier! Would you-a like-a me to? -Coughs up Carrot juice everywhere- ack
NO!! Um...That's just fine Luigi. I don't really need to know
how he's screwing her... Nor do I really wanna ask how you know.
-Shrugs- Because-a he-a never shuts up about it...
... ... Yeah... And that's probably why I live alone. Poor you.
-Finally a bit pink- Uh... I uh...I kinda wanted to talk-a to you about-a that...I mean... Since-a your alone now... M-more alone... And-a we're-a officially adopted... Merda. -can't finish- -Recently adopted them as siblings, & was adopted as their "sister" in return- ... I'm not gonna kill you ya know. Even though you were digging a nasty hole for a second. & you have a key don't you? 'Nuff said
-Adds this to the end cause he doesn't feel like making a new entry-
I'll move it later... I do need to come back here
& back to back the drivers stood,
They may not make it out alive,
But they'd be damned if they ever gave up.
Wherever you go, may you bee safe in your travels
The Grasshopper Express will always hop to it
to get you to your destination.
~Bus Driver Anon~