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Notes From Gaia
Random thoughts from inside Gaia
So long, and thanks for the fish!
Quick update: Hey, just wanted to address some stuff.

It is not some evil plot that the company cannot talk about individual or cases. These are standard privacy rules for all companies.

That it was an execution. I think people are getting confused by the term that's used for it, but it's like "garbage collection" or "killing an object" -- sounds much worse than it is. Standard protocol for companies over a certain size is to get everyone affected into one room, everyone else into another. Nothing evil about it. I mean, it's not pleasant for anyone involved, but it's standard operating procedure.

Now: do you let people get closure with their friends afterwards at work? Usually not. I personally think Gaia is the exception, but they chose not to do it that way for whatever reason -- which is their perogative, it's the safe default.

Why doesn't Gaia say something? They just want to get the messaging right -- I mean, everyone needs to come up to speed on the new plan and get coordinated and whatnot. Give 'em a little bit.

Any bitterness? No, absolutely not. It's bittersweet: I loved working with the Gaian community, but I'm also really looking forward to something different. I have many friends still working at Gaia, and hope the best for them, and I'm sure that they'll do a swinging job at the new strategy.

If you want to do anything for me, you can leave a comment on this journal entry, and make this my most commented journal entry ever. biggrin


As always, I can be a little more honest and forthright in my journal, and I wanted to thank the community for the chance to interact and work with you over these past years.

Yes, another layoff -- bunch of senior people, bunch of artists, and probably the least important, me! Bunch of secondary stuff as a result, but I'll let the company make whatever announcement it deems fit on that.

It's part and parcel and endemic to this industry, unfortunately; the trials and tribulations of the technology sector, especially the social networking sector, mean that while you might continually have a job, it almost certainly will not be the same job.

Having been on both sides of this at various times, it's hard either way. On the one hand, you have people that are suddenly worrying about how they're going to make the rent (and, while CEOs might get the cushy layoff packages, the rank-and-file do not), and on the other hand you end up having to go to work and feeling a bit of survivor guilt and wondering whether it might not be time to look around.

It's sad leaving -- the people at Gaia are very special; to give you an example, during the last few layoffs, when everyone was told and the people that were staying were given the option to leave, many people stayed to help their friends through a difficult time. That's really unusual and really gives you the sense of the Gaia "family." (Unfortunately, for whatever reason, they did it this time with what we in the industry call the "gas chamber" method, which details I will not go into but should be pretty obvious).

The company is bound by privacy laws, and they can't legally talk about anyone that has left; anyone that gives specific details doesn't know what they're talking about (or is being really unethical, I guess) -- it's one of those things you just don't do. Like most industries, the ratio of pretentious blowhards to people that know what they're talking about is about 10 : 1, hah!

My big regret is not making it a user meeting, in all the years; I've had such great relationships with so many different people, it's really a pity that I didn't get a chance to meet you guys face-to-face.

And I'll miss especially working with the mods -- I didn't have a chance to do it recently, but I'll tell you that sitting in the Gaia #mod channel and reading their conversations is something that should be experienced by everyone at least once. You guys only see the tip of the iceberg for the work that our volunteer mods do -- they do 10x behind the scene, and they do it with a style and a passion and a sense of humor that is amazing.

However, you guys have made this place great (well, great any time I wasn't reducing gold payouts), and it was amazing to work someplace where we could push something and get feedback in 5 minutes.

You may still see me on occasionally -- I am going to wait for my few MCs to appreciate and then I will spend my golden years commissioning art, because while I have neither the funds nor the family nor the fancy monocle to be a patron of the arts in reality, I can definitely do it on Gaia!

But in the now, as I type this: I am sitting across the table from gracewar7 while drinking coffee at Paris Baguette in Palo Alto. I'm trying to block the sweet smell of carbs while we are planning out our new company and a new (educational) iPad app. Long shot? Definitely. Scary? Yeah. Will I be homeless after it fails? Potentially! But, it's something that maybe could take off, and maybe do some good for disadvantaged or disabled children, and doesn't that seem worth a risk? Life is short -- so why not take chances while you can? Why not try to change the world for the better?

But, if you're in the Bay Area, and see a homeless person, be extra nice to that homeless person: that homeless person might be me. biggrin

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:16pm

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:21pm
We are all so stunned and sad to see you guys go, as you must know by now. Thank you for speaking to us about the situation. Gaia simply won't be the same without you and JK. sad

We wish you the best of luck with your new endeavor. 3nodding

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Yen Quest
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:22pm
Aw, dammit Pan! crying

I guess things such as these are expected to happen when a business grow to be this huge, and then there's the other monster such as irl economy and new trends out there competing alongside with you (or against you)... stressed

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:25pm

I hope everything goes well with your new company and iPad app! emotion_hug
It's a shame this has happened. emotion_8c

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:28pm
This news really sucks.

I hope you and those affected by layoffs find something better in the future...

Gaia won't be the same without your brain lurking from behind the screens. OK it might be the same but it won't feel the same.

btw if you ever need/want some research articles pertaining to education in a specific area I can look some up for you, if you're interested in reading up on some theory/empirical evidence about specific learning development concepts.

Good luck with the future man. You have done a lot for us and for Gaia and we really appreciate all your guys' hard work and dedication.

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:32pm
I have always held high respect for you Sir Pan! m(_ _)m *bows head to floor*

I remember how meticulously detailed all your journal/staff updates were!!!

Your act will be a tough one to follow!

The best of luck to you!!! I have no doubts of your success! heart

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Samuel Elias Carswell
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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:33pm
Oh, Pan. ... I'm so sad. I hope things go well in your new endeavor. We'll miss you...

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:33pm
No man, no emo
Wish you luck in your future efforts.

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Izzy Derp
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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:34pm
Hi pan I have never been close to you or spoke to you. But I am a semi old gaia and know of the stuff you have done. I wish you best of luck in the feature course of your life. heart
And I am very sad too see you go. Thank you for all your hard work to make gaia what it is. And the effort you have put into fixing our fish tanks and all the other stuff.
And so I don't cry worse or make this along vent.. Good bye old non official friend. And Hope you stay around gaia so that maybe I can at least know the person that so many people look up too.

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:45pm
ah this really sucks man emo you will be greatly missed, and HoC wont be the same without you

Solomon Hellwing
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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:45pm
Sucks to see yah go man. sad Appreciate all you did with keeping in touch with the community. Goodluck on future projects.

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:46pm
Man, good luck! I don't know what more to say.

Gavyn the Mighty
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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:48pm
It's not just the users that will miss you, Panagrammic. There's also those of us in the office that will miss you. It was great working with you, and hopefully, we can do it again sometime in the future. After all, the valley is not that big!

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:49pm
Aw, Pan, I wish I was in the Bay Area so I could give you a big fat hug. Best of luck on your app and remember, we love you! heart

Emerald Green Skyline
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Mage The Red
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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 05:50pm
This is beyond saddening. I can't even believe this, personally...

Good luck, man. I'm gonna miss seeing your feedback posts.

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 06:01pm
Angry and upset this happened far too suddenly. sad that you won't be around? Hope you come and visit often. OFTEN I tell you! I hate when those that left never are heard from again.

Good luck with your new endeavors. And thank you for everything.

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pretty in tease
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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 06:17pm
I don't know you but know of the happiness you brought Gaia. If ever in NC, I got a room! Haha. Good luck and best of luck to you all!

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 06:21pm
I've got TWO free rooms here in South Texas.
Can't beat that! <3

I wish you nothing but much luck in the real world;
it's inspiring to see you have not given up on it c:
I hope everything works out sooner rather than later emotion_bigheart

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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 06:23pm
Its a shame to see you go Pan, you will be greatly missed as a developer by the community. I wish you the best with your career and hope your new endeavors work out for you. Glad to hear you'll still be kicking around the site, sad that you have to do it as one of us regular users now. Especially since you were the one dev that would actually give us straight answers on what you could. All the best!

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 06:29pm
Crying manly tears here for you.

Godspeed and good luck to your future endeavors, Pan.

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Arcarius Tesfa
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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 06:31pm
Take care of yourself! If I see you in Palo Alto, I'll buy you a drink as a thank you for all the hard work you done.

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 06:31pm

Darien S.
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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 06:39pm
It's so sad to see one of the most hardworking people of the Gaia staff being let go. I wish you the very best in whatever you may do in the future.

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 06:43pm
Next time in the Bay area if I ran into you and somehow knew it was you i'd treat you to lunch, whether you're homeless or not.

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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 06:56pm
Manly tears. Best of luck on your new company.

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 07:08pm
This fairly massive layoff has shaken the community, it still is shocking, Developers, Artists, Admins, so many people gone now.. I'm at a loss for words, just you better not end up being homeless!

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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 07:08pm
Points, Pan, in all seriousness, for looking at the bright side realistically and looking ahead. Good luck on your new ap, hope it is effective and successful!

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 07:12pm
I'm stunned. I just... Of all most I'll miss is your good nature and humor.

...speaking of which make an app teaching how to be funny like you, that'll sell or at least I'll buy it :U

Anyway, when I grow up, bless me if that ever happens, I wanna be at least half as cool as you are. Thankyou for your hard work. Best of luck in all your projects.

Keep on fighting the delicious carbs User Image

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 07:17pm
I remember how I used to look forward to reading your Dev Alerts because they were always so incredibly interesting and well written. I will miss you. This news made me cry.

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 07:23pm
Wow, and here I was joking about it. I guess I never thought Gaia would lay-off lead developer for HOC (least I thought you were). Never knew Gaia had employed that many people that they could do lay-offs 'gas chamber' style. That's just really crazy. As users we tend to forget how people actually depend on Gaia as a place of employment since we are just here for fun or boredom, I know I am. I did spend money on HOC to support ya'll, as did many others, guess it wasn't enough. Its always sad when someone is laid-off and there is a possibility that person could potentially be homeless one day. Just know you are not alone. Many people have gone through that process, as did i, and have come out of it on top. It is scary but with hope you can overcome it. I truly wish you the best in your future projects. Take care man and thanks for all your hard work you put into Gaia.

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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 07:27pm
Noooo crying Not fair.

Take care of yourself Pan, you're a great person. I live in a studio (and er... in NH) but if you were ever in the area and homeless you'd have a place to stay anyhow.

Anyway, thank you for all the hard work you've given the Gaia community. You've been amazing to us <3

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 07:50pm
Sorry to see you go Pan. Good luck with the app. I hope fortune favors you.

Rogue Phoenix Fire
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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 07:53pm
Well, this makes zero sense.

When it comes to companies such as Gaia, Neopets or just roleplay / casual forums in general, I think the employee should get to stay around to build up their business skills and then resign voluntarily, not be laid off without reason. I was wondering why a different developer made the announcement, now I realize it was tied to this.
Which is just stupid and heart aching.

A lot of developers, artist, and mods never return to Gaia as simply members due to this type of business behavior.

Anyway, you will be missed, no doubt about that.

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 07:57pm
baaaawwww! oh pan. who will i ever message now to nudge about things. thanks for putting up with me and thank you for allowing i and many others to work with you. dang it i'm gonna miss all your nerdyness too. like when the community had to try and crack your code for an achievement. good times.



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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 08:05pm
So basically what you're saying is that the staff won't tell us ANYTHING about what just happened because the company has tight privacy laws? Well, that's just great. Hopefully the site isn't hurting. Aside from the agony of losing so many wonderful staff members. You are among the ones who will be sorely missed. Good luck on your new endeavor!

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 08:06pm
It's honestly kind of crazy how IRL sad I am over news of you leaving. Seriously. I'm honestly really sad to see you go, man.

Good luck in the future. You probably have no idea who the hell I was before this comment, but I'm going to miss the hell out of you.

Bleeding Apocalypse
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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 08:22pm
Pan, I am truly sorry to hear this news and unbelievably sad that you are no longer with Gaia. While we've debated some of the Gaian issues in the past, and I admit I haven't always agreed with you, I've always held the deepest respect for your integrity and honesty.

I sincerely hope that your new venture is a rousing success, or at least that some other company in the Bay Area sees how valuable you are and snaps you up in a hot second.

If I still lived in the Bay Area, I'd definitely offer to buy you a cup of coffee mrgreen yum_tea

Best wishes to you, and please stay in touch.

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 08:32pm
Oh my god crying
I wish you good luck with everything in the future and thank you for all that you have done for us throughout the years. :c heart heart heart heart

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Seasoning Salt
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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 08:34pm
Aw I'm so sorry to hear that Pan.
I'll miss the feedback replies and the Pan Summon crying

I wish you a ton of luck for your future and you better not go Homeless :U


commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 08:40pm
Pretty far from tampa! So I can't help a fellow out eek
Maybe in another life time! In the mean time, do your best! cool

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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 08:41pm
Irrepressibly charming and a class act to the very last. We'll miss you, Pan, I wish you and the others all the luck in the world.

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 09:05pm
Best of luck with your future endeavors, Pan. While I do not know you all that much, I know you've done plenty for Gaia that everyone appreciates and applauds you for, It is incredibly sad to see you go, just don't forget us (Not that you would). <3

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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 09:10pm
so.. ah.. hmmm.... i guess [********] THE NEW CEO for firing JK and Pan...

good luck for your future Pan and JK

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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 09:20pm
Girly tears crying Good luck with the new venture. Maybe after that you'd consider taking a page from the biglanky book and become a teacher. That way you'd be helping the chirren from the bottom up, and anybody who can ride herd on the virtual nursery of Gaia can surely manage a classroom full of actual kids. 3nodding

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 09:23pm
Dear Pan,
I'm very shocked we're losing you.
I'll never forget the amazing (and crazy!) job you did when you were promoted as staff spokesperson and assumed this role with such an unprecedented dedication! It must have been a terribly back-breaking experience, yet you've been standing for an impressive time with an admirable - almost superhuman! 0.0- faith.
I must admit I was almost relieved when you backed off as I was afraid you might give your health (or sanity) away in the process. xp
And what about when you worked with the whole aquarium community to guide us through changes, and was always around to collect feedback, correct bugs, discuss... How open and receptive! You were close to us, and with us.
For this reason you'll always keep a special spot in out heart, and you'll always be a Gaia hero!
You can be proud of yourself and the work you accomplished for Gaia during all this time.
I hope you're just moving to brand new, exciting projects and you'll keep being appreciated for what you're worth - both as a dedicated worker and as an amazing individual.
Wishing you the best!

Love and support,

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 09:33pm
It is most definitely sad to see you no longer working for Gaia. You have been a staple of the dev team pretty much as long as I can remember. It seems like every notable layoff has impacted me in some way-- from the major hit CCS took in 2008, to the dev and artist hit in 2010 (kaia was another cornerstone that I still miss), and now this one. It seems like most of the long-standing people in the developer departments end up on the chopping block at some point, and that is disappointing. Like others, I will miss your community interaction, sense of humor, and sincerity.

I can't say that I'm exactly happy with what little I know of how this went down (that is, no notice, basically no info, etc), but I do wish you the best in your current and future endeavors. Fortunately, from what I've seen of your work ethic as a user, you shouldn't have much trouble landing another place of employment, even if your current attempts fall short.

Finally, thank you for the kind word about the moderator team. It really has been some time since we've gotten to interact with you outside of beta testing, but it's always been fun, and it is definitely nice to know that people saw and remembered how much the mods do behind the curtains.

Again, best wishes to you, and I hope we get to see you around the site periodically.

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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 09:59pm
emotion_0A0 crying

I personally will miss you, love the way you use to work about issues and our meetings in chat place were amazing, you seriously gave Gaia that special tender touch.

Feel bad because I couldn't travel to Cali and brought you the special sweets box.
Still, I hope I can make it one day. Also wish the best success that anyone could deserve, the best health and happiness someone could have.

Stay in touch and don't go creepily stalking or lurking, eh?

You are superb, Pan and you will always be remembered!


commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 10:28pm
Very shocked and sad to see you go, Pan. crying You helped open communication between user and staff, which many were shouting for. I wish you luck in your app development and any future endeavors you pursue. You most certainly will be missed.

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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 10:44pm
Oh Pan. sad
It was great working and playing with you all these years.
Good luck on your new venture. Maybe, I get to download that app when it's done. 4laugh

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 10:59pm
I logged onto Gaia this afternoon, followed the usual routine of checking My Gaia to see if anything interesting had happened since I'd last been on, and my heart sank when I read an announcement from a guild I'm in.

Today makes me sad.

It's disheartening to hear that you, and others un-named, are being let go.
I would just like to thank you for all of your hard work and effort over the years. Honestly. I even remember you personally answering questions of mine in Bugs & Glitches.

However I am glad you have some other plans, and I wish you all the luck in the world. Good things come to those who do good.

I Asche I
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