Hey cuties! I'm actually not ungrounded yet, still grounded and using my school computer till school is out, which is tomorrow. Boo hoo, I just want to pass my finals bro xP
So since we're almost out of school we're almost in summer, but guess what, in the mid-west it's frikkin raining, and raining and these are our last few days of school! Geeze mother nature hates us this year xP
I can't believe it's summer because it's so dreary out :L but my body can! Okay well maybe not, I mean in this weather I feel sick and more tired then usual so xD There are a lot of factors that could be going on right now, I was sneezing so much yesterday, alright...which one of ya'll is talking about me xD
Hehe jk, what also sucks which doesn't really go with weather is our last two days are for finals, so we end the school year stressed outt!!! I mean if you're me:
1. You're a spazz about everything.
2. You get super uber stressed because you're spazzing and making up scenarios that might not even happen.
3. You assume you'll die and start to cry
Hah okay #3 is a little, tini tiny bit over exaggerated but legitimately though. I'm putting so much stress on myself to pass everything. I'm not even kidding a little bit :<
I have to at least get a B on my Geometry final if I want to pass with an A you don't understand how badly I need that A!!!!!
My brain really hurts, I feel like I'm getting gray hair....ouchy >^<
Well after tomorrow I might not see ya'll for a really long time or a really short time....Well erm bye~
~Tiffany o^o
P.S. I got his #!!! >w< ;3 ^o^ (: o3~
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Tiffany's Life
My Life the good parts and the bad, the weird and the 'normal' but whatever you find in this I hope you read it.
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