- Tulip Fox

Location here?
Inquisitive, intelligent, and always energetic, Tulip Foxes make fantastic
companions for ponies that love to explore.
These creatures have highly sophisticated senses of smell and can often
pick up the scent of rare flowers or blooming fruit trees from miles away.
Winged Rat

Location here?
While one might think a Winged Rat would be a lesser version of a bat,
these Familiars are more like a hummingbird than anything else.
Typically hyper-active, with constantly flapping wings, and a set of
teeth that can gnaw through even the thickest of ropes.
Panda Bird

Location here?
These little guys are adorable -- and they know it.
Panda Bird personalities range from sweet but conceited, to all out vain,
and they tend to mesh well with ponies who agree that they are the best
of the best ... of the best. Also, Panda Birds hate getting their wings dirty!

Location here?
As hunters go, Griffins are right at the top of the list.
Just as fast on foot as they are in the air, with keen eye sight to top it off,
these Familiars are the perfect counterpart for ponies looking to scout the
forests for small prey.
Cloud Bug

Location here?
Flitting about in the air, without a care in the world, is what a Cloud Bug does
best. They are not adept at hunting, or scouting, or preening, or even sniffing
out the best apple on the tree. They simply float about, chirping to themselves,
and rarely do much more than that.
Bunny Thing

Location here?
Cute? Check! Squeaky? Check! Smart? ...... not so much. Only the most nurturing
(and patient!) of ponies should take on a Bunny Thing as their chosen Familiar.
These little creatures are as adorable as they come, but are not the most intelligent
of the bunch. Prone to getting lost and totally forgetting what they've been told.

Location here?
These Familiars are not typical turtles, but they exhibit what's best about the
creature they were modeled after. They are slow to move, slow to make decisions,
but very wise. Turtles tend to be the conscience for the pony that has taken them
in and as such, make great advisers to ponies who tend to act on impulse.
Wine Dragon

Location here?
Wine Dragons may be small, but what they lack in size they make up for in
cleverness. They are the best at working out solutions to problems, or creating
schemes to better their own lives as well as the lives of the ponies taking care
of them.

Location here?
Upon meeting a Snake in the wild, it would be perfectly acceptable for a pony to
assume that it's dangerous or sly. However, these Familiars are actually very
kind and friendly. They love to lounge in the sunshine and, more often than not,
tend to wind themselves affectionately around the legs of their pony caretakers.

Location here?
If a pony might need a little .. assistance, the Faerie is always up to help!
They offer advice (whether it's needed or not) and while they can be a little on
the persistent side, they also are one of the most loyal Familiars a pony can have.

Location here?
Often found in shallow waters, mingling amongst the underwater reeds, Seahorses
make fine sidekicks for ponies that love (or live in!) the ocean. Seahorses feel as
though they are a kindred spirit to the ponies they bond with and, once that bond
has been made, these Familiars become forever attached.

Location here?
Sharks do not, necessarily, feel love for their pony counterparts. But what they do
feel is protective. If a pony is lucky enough to find and gain the trust of a Shark,
they never have to fear the unknown that lurks beneath the surface.

While most ponies prefer to have living, breathing companions, some of the more...
Unique... Ponies are perfectly okay with non-living pets.
Imaginary pets can be anything from a feather to a potato or even a rock or leaf.
Sometimes it's just fun to have a silly pet that you don't have to take care of!