Check all these images here; apd-blog Oldest to Newest. Click image to enlarge.
NOTE; I can't smob. It seems like zOMG! does not run well on OSX. So sorry if I decline your invites (Though I can try, but I might lag hard :c )
Before I created this entry, I encountered someone who is really cool! Her name is Janeth (:
I guess I actually know how to smob. Somehow, I felt like I got rejected. xD
Background information; Artistiic asked me if I wanted to smob and I told her that I didn't know how to. She thought I was trolling, but told her I was on a 2 year hiatus, so I don't remember much. Then she told me to learn how to do and so I did (which is shown here). But I guess, I pretty much know how to do it, so.... > w>
zOMG! IS SUCH A GOOD GAME. (read chat)
The Struggle. (read chat)
Guess I made a new friend c:
people from the rally are here. (gaia avatar stereotypes) xD