Name: Devona Voras
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Age (appearance, not actual): Mid-30s
Species: Talayen
Hair: Chestnut brown, that when loose goes down to the middle of her back, but she usually styles it in some sort of elegant looking up do, her bangs hanging loosely to the sides of her face (usually just brushed out of her eyes) her hair is also straight and smooth.
Eyes: Deep Emerald Green (Set has his mother’s eyes)
Skin-tone: Light peachy tan
Weight: light
Height: she is considered tall but she is shorter than her husband, Thorne, by a good few inches
Body: she is the type of person who has always taken great care of her physical appearance, smooth soft unmarred skin, skinny (but not starve herself skinny, couldn’t handle that kind of pain) always looks stunning
Weapon(s): she may not seem (or look) it, but, she was one of the best swords wielders on Talaya, very few could surpass her skill, but in Death, she now has sunk to throwing whatever she can manage to pick up, usually it is no more than spoons, forks, cups, plates, pillows, stuffed animals (they end up being the most thrown item) we have even caught her once carrying a towel full of ice cubes and she was chucking them at passersby, most would hurl them back at her tho…
Markings: none when she was alive, but in death, the wound that lead to her dying is visible as the nose on your face… it’s still bloody too… (as a ghost she has bloody and irritated shackle markings around both wrists and a hole in her chest where you can clearly see her heart is missing {hmm… wonder how she died ^^; } )
Jewelry: she wears very ornate necklaces and rings, and she will only wear stud or dangly earrings
Clothing styles: she was born of noble blood, married into noble blood, she wears dresses, and nothing but the nicest and fanciest. She has to look good at all times. She wears heels and heeled boots. This is a Sim I modeled after her, on an average day.
Make-up: very basic, she can’t cover up her natural beauty too much you know?
Other form(s): none technically… but you can draw her either living or as a ghost/poltergeist (as a ghost she is slightly transparent)
Turn-ons: Men, mainly helpless men... Blood, the pain of others, torturing ‘prisoners’, when Set was growing up and learning (and getting the hang of) swordsmanship from her, that would turn her on (you know the thought that she had created such a powerful warrior) also her biggest turn on is/was Thorne topless and waiting in bed for her.
Family: Husband: Thorne, Son: Set, Daughter-in-Law: Yamatra (she never truly viewed Yamatra as family, more like Set’s personal/favored servant)
Relationships: Thorne
Personality: when alive she was cool, calculating, mean, spiteful, a b***h if there ever truly was one. She looked down on everyone except Thorne and Set, (neither could do wrong in her eyes, even when Set came back for her life and started cutting her own heart out of her chest, [because he said she never really had one to begin with] she was impressed that he could do something so horrible) she loved to be doted on and the center of attention.
As a ghost she sticks to the attic… preferring her solitude, if anyone but Thorne or Set disturb her (sometimes even if Set does) she screams and howls like a banshee until left alone, she does delight in scaring any one she can, (which when she first arrived wasn’t hard, imagine a woman emerging from a wall with a bloody hole in her chest, wailing at the top of her ghostly lungs, hair blowing wildly in an unearthly wind that only it could catch… yeah…) she will on rare occasion drift down through the rest of the manor, and as long as she behaves, she knows Yoriana won’t try to exorcise her. She does like to cause mischief because she knows that isn’t something (as long as she omits Yori from receiving said mischief) that will get her exorcised either. That is usually the time she throws things like spoons and ice cubes and stuffed animals and pillows…
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