The White Strike
Birth date: July/7
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Rank: Raikage
Shinobi Profession: Taijutsu Ninja
Nindo: "Never forget who you really are, fight for what you believe in!"
Major Shinobi Information:
Bloodline: N/A
Current Bloodline/Demon/Curse Mark Stage: His former clan rank was second in command, though it has been given to another after his acceptance of the Raikage position.
Chakra Color: White
Chakra Element: Lightning
Sub Chakra Element: Water
Chakra Pool: Kage 500 - 100 (Taijutsu Ninja) + 25 (Ninjutsu Class) - 17.5 (Taijutsu SubClass) = 407
Battle Strength:
Hand to hand combat, Agile, Simple to Semi complex hand signs
Battle Weakness:
Complex hand signs due to his scorched left hand, Weapons that require two hands
Shinobi Class - Main: Ninjutsu
Shinobi Class - Sub: Taijutsu
Summoning Information:
Summoning Type: Foxes
Boss Summoning:
Chikyū the Grand Earth Fox [Element: Earth] Male
Mizu the Grand Water Fox [Element: Water] Female
Shinobi Equipment Information:
Headband Location: Upper Left Arm
Headband Style: Armband
Headband Color: Black
Flak Jacket Style: Sleeveless
Flak Jacket Color: Black
Ninja Tools:
5 Kunai
3 Shuriken
2 Bombs
Kunai Holster Location: Wrist Cuff on Right Arm
Kunai Holster Color: Black
Shuriken and Bomb Holster Location: Top Armband and Bottom Armband on Right Arm
Shuriken and Bomb Holster Color: Black
Contents of Backpack: Fresh bandages for his arm, small amount of money
Backpack Color: Black
Backpack Style: Small Satchel hidden in his scarf
Squad Number/Squad Name: N/A
Squad Members: N/A
Technique List:
1. Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique
2. Bushin no Jutsu - Clone Technique
3. Kawarimi no Jutsu - Substitution Technique
4. Ayatsuito no Jutsu - String Reeling Technique
5. Nawanuke no Jutsu - Escaping Skill
6. Lightning Release Shadow Clone [-75 per clone]- This technique allows the user to make a shadow clone infused with lightning. Because it is a shadow clone, it is able to perform techniques and interact with the environment due to it having physical substance; and also evenly distributes the user's chakra to each clone. If the clone is injured, it will revert to its natural lightning-state, at the same time electrocuting whatever it is touching.
7. Lightning Release Lightning Rod [-100]- After coming into physical contact with the opponent, the user raises their arm into the air, generating a powerful bolt of electricity which travels through their body into the body of the opponent.
8. Chidori [-150]- channels lightning chakara to the hand. It is highly concentrated and visible to the naked eye. It can also be heard as a thousand birds chirping. The channeled chakara is then thrust into the target at a high speed. This causes a tunnel vision of sorts for the user. Due to the high concentration and amount of chakara used it is very limited in amount of times it can be performed.
9. Kirin [-300]- An extremely powerful, one-shot, lightning technique. Natural lightning directly from thunder clouds to supplement the power of the strike and control it with chakra. Unlike most techniques, which are based on the user's chakra, this one uses natural lightning. However, the preparation time required also decreases the technique's efficiency. Once a lightning source has been acquired, shaping and guiding the lightning to the target requires very little chakra. In addition, usage seems to disperse the thunder clouds as the sky cleared up of clouds after use. As such, this technique can only be used once in a fight. The technique can completely obliterate a small mountain.
10. Water Release: Water Whip [-75 to activate, -50 per post it's activated] - The user creates a whip made of water that can wrap around the opponent. The user can also channel lightning chakra to shock anyone wrapped in it.
1. Zeus- The technique consists of striking the opponent into the air with a Lightning Release infused uppercut palm attack.
2. 10 Hit Combo- The user punches the foe until striking the foe into the air with a Lightning Release infused uppercut then jumping above the foe with amazing speed and punching the foe until finally striking the foe down into the ground with Lightning Release infused blow to the stomach.
3. Shadow of the Dancing Leaf- A technique where one follows the opponent, closely matching his or her body's movement, just like a leaf that dances in the air is followed by its shadow. The technique is usually preceded by a swift upper kick that will launch the target into the air. It is mainly used to position an opponent into a vulnerable aerial position. This move by itself is harmless, but it is usable as a stepping stone for a great many powerful techniques like Front Lotus and the Lion Combo. That being said, it also has a rather high degree of difficulty.
4. Rising Wind- This technique uses the entire body as a spring, by amassing power through taking a posture where the back of the body falls down. With this powerful taijutsu, the user kicks just above the head. Because the power of the kick from the ground is instantly converted into a blow, the enemy hit with this attack will be launched high into the sky.
5. Great Whirlwind- This technique is a series of kicking attacks, starting from a low kick and linking into a middle kick and high kick then finishing off with a heel drop. As the rotation speed picks up the user gains buoyancy, which they use to shift into gradually higher attacks.
6. Gale- This technique is a good example of how even simple taijutsu can become a pre-eminently destructive, lethal technique. The attack is a simple rear spinning low kick, but a strong enough user can send a large adult flying as if they weighed nothing. The goal is to throw the enemy off balance, and deal damage to the lower half of their body.
7. 100 Metre Punch- A shorter version of the 1000 Metre Punch. The user concentrates their chakra into their fist and lands a devastating blow on the opponent, flying to at least 100 metres away from where the user is.
8. Wild Body Strike- The user concentrates their chakra into one point in their body. They use that point of their body to strike their opponent, causing severe damage. A chance of confusion also might be effected on their opponent because of the damage they have taken.
9. Rising Bombardment- The user charges lightning-natured chakra through their arm, and runs towards the opponent in a similar manner to Lariat.
10. Guillotine Drop- Jumps into the air above the opponent and performs a downwards kick, using the momentum of the fall to increase the power behind the attack.
Personal Shinobi Information:
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 185 lbs
Personality: Jun is a very caring person despite his loner body language and strictness. He is also very modest, so much that on occasion he is known to plush under his scarf. When he is frustrated he becomes sarcastic. He only keeps a few people close, but watches over everyone that he can. He lets even fewer people see his true self. He has a fondness for sharp objects, women, and strawberries, among other things. If he is not in his quarters then he can often be found in high places, deep in thought, watching over his people. Thieves and dishonesty rank as filthy scum of the Earth to Jun and are cause for punishment. Because of how he feels about thieves, he is not very kind to the clan that he belonged to before he became Raikage. Neither is he kind to anyone who steals and is dishonest. He also does not fond well with people who are cruel.
Personal Shinobi Skill: N/A
Favorite Food: Strawberries
Favorite Drink: Anything with Strawberry Flavor
Least Favorite Food: Chocolate
Likes: Storms, High Places, Sharp Objects, His People, Women
Dislikes: Seeing People in Pain, Needless Fighting, Thieves, Dishonesty, Cruelty
Village: Jun lived wherever the clan had set up camp.
Family: Father - Not Known/Deceased
Mother - Not Known/Deceased
Siblings - Not Known/Possible Deceased
Uncle - Kyoh Ohmiya
Background History:
Jun's mother died giving birth to him on July 7th. It was a night of thunderstorms, lightning, and deceit. His father took him after he realized his wife had passed. He regrettably left his wife in the shed that they had been hiding in to take his son somewhere safe for surely someone had heard the woman's screams as she gave birth. The man had not shed a tear as he ran in the rain with the white haired baby. He knew that to cry would cause his vision to be even less than what it was in the rain. The man was stopped and killed, his son taken from him. In his last breath he said the babies name, Jun.
The person who killed the man was his own brother, Kyoh Ohmiya. This man took the baby. He decided to keep the name that his brother had given the boy, Jun. The uncle had been plotting to kill his brother for months, only waiting until the baby was born. Of course Jun's father had figured this out and ran with his wife to have their baby in secrecy. This had been only a minor hick-up for Kyoh for he had the entire clan searching for them around time frame that they baby would be due. Why did he have his brother killed? Money. He had planned to take his brother's wife for himself, but he found her unmoving body that night moments after killing his brother and taking the baby. Kyoh then set out to complete the transaction he had proposed to a clan of the Fire Country. He met with the man and instead of giving him the baby, he took the mans money and killed him. Could he have already grown a connection with the boy in such a short amount of time? No one would ever know.
Kyoh raised Jun and never allowed the boy to call him father. Only Uncle Kyoh or just Uncle. When the boy was old enough, he told him that his parents had died from illness. The uncle kept Jun away from the dirty clan and trained him in hand-to-hand combat. When Jun was old enough he was enrolled in ninja school. He excelled in hand-to-hand and learned that his nature was lightning. He passed every test the first time, excelling in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. His uncle was proud of the boy in his own sick way and when Jun became a Chuunin, he introduced him into the clan. Kyoh tricked him into becoming third in command by telling him he was to train with a man. Jun beat him and took his place. If Jun had known otherwise he would not have done it.
Once he became a Jounin, he was appointed second in command of the clan. This was when Jun realized how dirty his clan was and coincidentally when he learned that he had a second nature (water), but he had no other choice but to remain in it for death beseeches traitors in the clan and to leave was considered betrayal. The clan stole, they killed, they raped, they cheated, and they lied. Jun got by in the clan by doing as minimal damage as he could and he hated himself for it because he was good at it. He was strong, agile, and could weave signs with such speed that no one could see his attacks coming. He developed the nickname "The White Strike" because all that could be seen was a flash of his white hair and his attacks were precise and lightning based. But what his clan did not know was that Jun always gave the innocent back what was taken and spent countless hours earning their trust and forgiveness back after he stole from them for the clan. He never killed anyone that was innocent and never raped anyone, although he did lie to his clan and say that he did so that they would not be suspicious. He would always make sure to say that these people were in different countries as to not get caught by his clan. And on one occurrence he refused a mission by them to which beat him and left scares all over his body. They sent someone else to complete the mission, which was to steal the summoning fox scroll from the Earth Country. They succeeded and Jun hated them for it. He believes that summoning animal scrolls are sacred and that the people form bonds with the animals. He vowed to return the scroll somehow, someday.
Then the Raikage died. He had no kin to pass his position down to and no shinobi was capable of stepping up that they knew of. But the people knew of one who would be perfect for the position. It was offered to Jun Ohmiya shortly after the funeral of the past Raikage. Jun was hesitant at first, he did not want his clan to be in power over the entire country if he accepted. He decided to leave his clan and take the title Raikage. They beat him before he became the Rikage, not believing that the title had been offered to him. They almost cut out his right eye, they burned his entire left arm, including his hand. They left him to die in the street. A medic ninja found him right away and was able to heal everything except his arm and scares remained.
Jun's first declaration as Raikage was the disbandment of the Ohmiya clan and the surrender of the fox summoning scroll to the Raikage. The clan, now in fear of what Jun may do to them, agreed, although it is rumored that his uncle plots against him. Ecstatic that he no longer is a part of such a horrible group of people, Jun worked hard on repairing any damage that they had done, though he is now limited by his scarred left arm. He hides it with bandages and the bandages with clothing.. He can be found at times on the rooftops watching over his people, so that no harm may come to them by any clan or any person. He has grown to be a strict Raikage, but deems it necessary in order to protect his people. He still holds deep regret for the things he did in the past and kept his nickname so that he would never forget what he did.
Extra Comments on Character:
He has two decent sized scars on his right arm, one under his right eye, one along his nose, as well as many covered by his clothing. His left arm is completely scorched, though it is covered and few people know about it.
Voice Dameon Clarke as Cell