Nickname: Dante
Age: Appears around 19 years old.
Height: 6ft 3in
Build: He is built he has a six pack and very defined muscles.
Personality: Normally he is a fun loving little freak who has an enormous curiosity in Human Souls. He will often be seen asking questions about the Human world.
But in the arena he is a ruthless killing machine who is void of any emotion.
Bio: Dante is the son, and as his father puts it biggest headache, of one of the Demon Noble Beelzebub. Dante spurred the wrath of his father when he mouthed off in front of the demon king. As punishment for his behavior he was forced to join the coliseum as a gladiator.
Naturally Dante refused, but refusal is not an option in the Coliseum so he is forced to wear a mask that strips away his free will leaving him with nothing but blood lust and the instinct to fight. Dante hates the arena but is forced to fight whenever there is an event. He is the strongest of the demon gladiators and as such he leads them not in the coliseum, but in a secret group that hopes to one day take down the coliseum.
Appearence: (from left to right) Cloaked, Gladiator, normal

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