MY SHOW IS OUT FOR YOUR SOUL!!!! Ok listen Up. I have this show that plays at a building called the Factory every tuesday night at 7:00 pm up until... well when ever the people start to leave... or run away screaming.
Every one Is welcomed to join us!!! the show is called " MY SHOW IS OUT FOR YOUR SOUL!!! we have music from live bands. stand up comedy, scitz and what ever else my co host Jamie feels like doing. he's weird Like that.
Im the host. My name is Roo. I like football partys, Ice skating playing hocky and dirty dancing... and I dont mean the movie
sweatdrop .
and this is my co-host ( not co piolet) Jamie Normal. hes not normal. He wears funny clothes.
Jamie and I will combine our powers to bring you mindless entertainment, 1 night a week for how ever long you can manage to sit still ... We promise it.