[1]what if I killed myself:
[2]What if I said I love you:
[3]What if I kissed you:
[4]What if I died in your arms:
[5]What if I yelled at you:
[6]What if I Socked you:
[7]What if I said I hate you and always will hate you:
[8]What if I was hospitalized:
[9]What if I ran away from home:
[10]Who are you:
[11]are we close:
[12]how did we meat:
[13]have i ever affected you in any way:
[14]What do you think of me:
[15]Do you love me:
[16]Have I ever hurt you:
[17]hug me:
[18]kiss me:
[19]Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it:
[20]Describe me in one word:
[21]What do you think my weakness is:
[22]What about me makes you happy:
[23]What about me makes you sad:
[24]Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't:
[25]Are we close in the Special way:
[26]What song reminds you of me:
[27]I started smoking:
[28]I stole something:
[29]I ran away from home with you:
[30]Am I sweet:
[31]Am I crazy:
[32]Am I annoying:
[33]On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I to you:
[34]Am I loveable:
[35]What about you makes me sad:
[36]What is my best quality:
[37]Have you ever had a crush on me:
[38]Describe me in one word:
[39]If you could give me anything what would it be:
[40]have you been a b***h to me:
[41]have I ever been a b***h to you:
[42]what if I stole something from you:
[43]I got in a fight and you were there:
[44]I said You're ugly:
Would you ever:
[45]let me kiss you:
[46]watch a movie with me:
[47]take me out to dinner:
[48]Let me take you out to dinner:
[49]dance with me even if i do suck:
[50]buy me a drink to get drunk:
[51]sit in the doctors office with me because I didn't want to go alone:
[52]Hug me if i cried:
[53]Listen to my problems:
[54]Miss me if i was gone:
[55]Tell me the truth no matter what:
[56]Lie to make me feel better:
[57]Hold my hand:
Do you think:
[58]do you think I'm cute:
[59]think I'm cool:
[60]What do you think of me:
[61]What do think of my personality:
[62]think I'm sweet:
[63]do you hate me:
[64]think i'm nice:
[65]will you put your awnswers in your journal to see what I say about you:
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Blood Stained Hurricane
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pm me if you wish, just dont beg for s**t
comment in my profile
pm me if you wish, just dont beg for s**t
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tourmented soul Community Member |
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