i dont know if any of u other than bj and mike have seen me before in school but im kinda diffrent if u go to school with bj ask him wat i mean but not the point back to my journal
this is starting my journal:everbody always asks me why im so gloomy all tha time erspecialy when im at schoolwell ill tell u why right now its beause i hate being diffrent like this cuase every time i go to the store or to school poeple always stare at me and tease me and not just the kids either its the adults to and especialy at school especaily this week they tease me when my freiends arent around like in class then at lunch they come over to our table and start bothering my friends its annoying but aaron says we should b nice to them but its not working if it was my chioce i would punch them or tell the teacher but aaron wont let me yesterday they made me cry and they just walked off luaghing its happened all my lfe but even though all that one ong always kinda brightens up my spirits its a country song called DONT LUAGH AT ME in fact its playing on my computer right now its kinda sad but it helps me alot but sometimes i wish there was a really big intercom thing6y that the whole wworld could hear so i could make them isten to it and see how much they really do hurt and why im so sad most of the time but there isnt a giant intercom system so i cant do that but i wish i could cuase i want to show them just cuase poeple r diffrent it doesnt mean u should tease them about it
ok im dun
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