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The Spark of Life: 7. Sadie Hawkins Fever
A/N: I was up all day writing over 3/4 of this out. I hope you enjoy it even if it does feel a bit like a filler. There may be a fair amount of writing, but it unfortunately isn't up to my usual standard. I kind of just wanted to get it out since it is mainly just information about Samuel's current situation and setting up a few things for later. ^^; I feel as though the first part could have been it's own chapter, but I already have too many planned out so it isn't really that fleshed out. Still at least it is out and the story is getting closer to the really good parts. (Oh if only I could just get to the third book now. That's where things get really exciting razz )

Chapter 7 - Sadie Hawkins Fever

The next morning Samuel awoke to a hyper Alice jumping on his bed and shaking him awake. He groaned at first, too content in his dream of golden eyes and freezing cold skin, not realizing who was in his room yanking him from his slumber. Slowly he opened his eyes only to be met with a pare of golden eyes that haunted him in his sleep. Blinking rapidly, Samuel tried to figure out if he was still dreaming or not, but the owner of said eye's didn't let him linger of those thoughts long before she was pulling his half asleep self over to the bathroom, down the hallway, and shoving him in there. In his hazed mind he only vaguely registered the small pixy-like girl turning on the taps to the shower and throwing a towel at his head. That is until she started attempting to undress him. This quickly shook him out of his zombie-like state and had him gently trying to lead the girl out of the bathroom so he could undress and have his shower in piece. As he closed the door on Alice he heard her faint giggle heading towards his room. Probably to pick out his outfit for the day, like she had begged him to let her do when he was on the phone to her last night, he thought as he entered the shower. It wasn't for another few minutes that the thought of how she even managed to get into his room occurred to him. That question was answered shortly after he exited the bathroom, clean and wrapped in his towel, when he heard Alice and Charlie talking downstairs. He must have let her in when Samuel was still asleep. He did faintly recall Alice threatening to chuck him out of bed and throw him into the shower herself if he wasn't up by the time she came over to pick him up. Well at least that taught him to never underestimate Alice's threats in the future. When Samuel walked downstairs, dressed in the clothes Alice had laid out for him on his bed, he saw Charlie laughing at something Alice had said and felt happy that his friend was accepted so easily by his guardian. They quickly said goodbye to Charlie, with Bella nowhere in sight, and left in Alice's car.

Alice mentioned that Rosalie and Esme had agreed to meet them at the shops in Port Angeles, so it was just the two of them for the journey there. Something that Samuel would never say no to. On the way to town, Alice told Samuel all about the plans she had for his wardrobe and how excited she was to be going shopping with a willing boy since all the others always opted out of shopping when the topic was brought up. Samuel laughed at that not sure if Alice even had the fainted idea of just how far he was willing to go for her if she simply asked. Such as before when she practically begged to buy him a new wardrobe when they went shopping. After a moments hesitation he agreed on the condition that she would happily accept any gift he may get her when he gets a job or when his inheritance kicked in. Whatever one came first. He had a feeling it was the same for Jasper as well. All they had to do was say the word and Samuel would be there. It had only been a few months and already Samuel couldn't picture life without them in it. Their presence alone had made this whole ordeal so much easier for him. Samuel knew it was pointless, that nothing more than friendship could come of his feelings towards them, but he couldn't help how he was drawn to them. It was almost as though it were more instinct than anything that drew him towards them and it frightened yet exhilarated him at the same time.

When they arrive at the shopping center a young woman Samuel could only guess is Esme, simply due to the fact that he recognized Rosalie, hugs him upon meeting. She gushes for a while with Alice about how adorable he is and how much fun they will have picking out clothes for him to try on. Rosalie seems to smirk at that as though she expects him to hate it. Samuel meets her eyes as if to accept the challenge. After Esme calms down she takes the small box that Rosalie is carrying out of her hands and passes it over to him. He is confused at first until she explains how she had made too many cupcakes for her family and they are the extras. He thanks her for them and places the box inside Alice's car to try later and share with Charlie and Bella. Esme seems pleased with the mention of others trying them if the widening of her smile and the sparkle in her eyes are anything to go by. Rosalie looks reluctant to even be there and he guessed by the strong looks Alice and Esme shoot her throughout most of the day that it is probably true. She must have put up a fight before arriving, he figures. She is unpleasant to be around as all three force Samuel from one shop to another, trying on more and more clothes to see if they will suit him or not. For the most part they do, causing his collection of shopping bags to expand, except for the rare occasion where the girls seem to put him in some ridiculous garb simply for their amusement. He doesn't mind too much since it brings a smile to Alice and Esme. He swears he once even saw Rosalie laugh at one of the outfits they managed to put him in.

As they traveled from shop to shop, Samuel tried to hand in his resume to most of them, but in the chaos of the day for Alice seemed to have forgotten about his job searching, pulling him from the buildings too fast for him to even pull one out of his bag, until they came across a high-class french restaurant where she insists he wear some of his new clothes and hand in his resume. He agrees without complaint, just glad that she remembered for once, and within a matter of minuets after getting changed he is escorted into the building by Alice. Rosalie and Esme instead go back to the car to drop off their bags. The place screams wealth and class more so than Samuel's previous workplace where he served as a waiter in one of his father's friend's restaurants. As they walk in they are greeted by a smart looking waitress dressed in fine suit and led to the manager at Alice's request. With Alice by his side, Samuel confidently greets the store manager and hands over his resume with a kind smile. They exit with grace and Alice tells him not to worry about applying anywhere else for this one screamed him more than any of the others. He trusts her judgement and they meet back up with the girls. But as they pass by an arguing couple Samuel stops. The girl is screaming and crying while the man yanks on her arm, pulling her away from the crowed that simply walks by as though this is a natural occurrence. But Samuel can't just stand there and ignore it. He had seen it happen too many times before where people just turn a blind eye to the evils of the world and he knew he couldn't do the same. He glances down at his partner only to see Alice looking back up at him in determination. She seems to understand his intentions and isn't going to stop him which he is grateful for. So as he lets go of her hand and marches up to the man she doesn't stop him, but instead chooses to follow along with a panicking Esme and a curious Rosalie.

"Let go of her." He says with more confidence than he feel. The man just glares at him and continues dragging the woman behind him. Samuel feels a hot rush of anger and yanks the young woman's arm away from the man's grasp and moves her behind him where she promptly runs away in terror. The man quickly turns on him, clenches his hand into a fist and aims directly at Samuel's face. Samuel stands there, willing to take the blow for he knows he can't take on the man alone when suddenly he is yanked out of the way by a freezing, strong, yet small grip on his hand. With his body out of the way the fist hits air and the force behind it makes the man stumble and fall forward. Not wanting to face the rest of his wrath, Samuel leads Alice, Esme and Rosalie away from the onlooking crowd, simply wanting to put the incident behind him. They seem to let him for the moment. That is, until Alice turns on him and yells at him for risking his new clothes like that. Samuel raises his trademark eyebrow and stays silent, as if willing Alice to continue on how what he did really had anything to do with risking his clothes and not his neck. She crosses her arms and looks at him expectantly. Caving in to those beautiful eyes, he apologizes, satisfying Alice for now.

When he arrived home that night and showed Charlie and Bella the cupcakes they all tried one for desert. They all loved them, especially Samuel who devoured the first one only to quickly grab his second one before Charlie could close the lid and ran into his room with it. Soon after his mobile rang. He answered it to discover that he had an interview at the restaurant in Port Angeles the next day at 7p.m.. That day Bella took her cupcake with her for lunch, but Samuel swiped it from her, giving her a cheeky grin before taking a large bite out of it and moaning. The entire table burst out laughing at Samuel while Bella playfully glared at him although secretly glad he was eating more lately, even if it was just sweats. He even saw the Cullen/Hale table stifling their laughs, surprisingly including Rosalie and Edward. He wore the same outfit that Alice made him wear yesterday when he handed in his resume for the interview that night. He was hired then and there since the owner simply wanted to get a feel for his personality after the shining recommendation Samuel received from his previous boss. Samuel was asked to start that Thursday where he was given the restaurant's uniform that looked more like a suit than anything else and shown around. The owner quickly took a shining to Samuel and asked him to work most nights and weekends. Bella now drives him to the town's only bus stop after school for his usual shift that finishes at 9p.m. or he walks there by 6p.m. depending on his shift so he can get there on time, unless Charlie has offered to take him that day. On his late shifts he always catches the last bus back at 11:30p.m. and falls asleep as soon as he is home.


The next few weeks were uneasy, tense and at first embarrassing... for Bella. Tyler Crowley was impossible, following her around, obsessed with making amends somehow. For the first few days he had followed Bella like a lost puppy, opening any and every door she needed, begging to carry her things until she finally relented, even going as far as to attempt doing Bella's homework for her until Bella noticed and snatched it back off of him. She kept on insisting there was nothing to make up for since nothing happened, but Tyler didn't see it that way. His insistent following of her between classes was annoying Mike and Eric who weren't too happy with him. This kept up for a few weeks until one late Thursday evening, when Bella had enough, she shouted at Tyler in front of others in a crowded hallway. But all this did was to make Tyler change his tactics a little. A month and two weeks after the incident the girls choice spring dance was to occur. So Tyler took it into his own hands to ask Bella out to the dance, believing it to be the best way to make it up to her. This only managed to provide more entertainment for Samuel who was enjoying watching Bella squirm. Even her loud rants in the car or at home weren't enough to dampen his mood.

Two weeks after the first Tuesday of March the dance would commence and so currently most of the school was in a couples frenzy, with almost half of the school having dates already to the dance, since people were already asking others out at the field trip just like Mike and Jessica. So far Samuel had been asked out by several girls and even surprisingly once from Lauren who was lost now that Tyler was practically begging Bella to go with him. At the time he had respectively declined all their invitations, even Lauren's one that he burst out laughing about once she was out of earshot, for he was keeping himself available for Angela if she couldn't bring up the nerve to ask Eric out or if he was stupid enough to refuse her. If all went well then he would just be going as a tag along or accepting any last minute offers for he knew the people he wanted to ask him out couldn't.


After two weeks of working at the restaurant, one Wednesday during lunch, Samuel came across the first instance where he would have to request a day off from work. He desperately hoped that his boss would let him go with such short notice. He was sitting at their usual table eating and chatting away when Bella sat down.

"La Push, baby. Are you in?" Eric asks with a cheesy, suggestive raising of his eyebrows.

"Shouldn't know what that means?" Bella inquired as she started to graze on her food.

"La Push beach down the Quileute Rez. We're all going Saturday." Mike explains upon realizing that there is no way Eric will, since he is too preoccupied by saying 'La Push' over and over again.

"Yeah, there's a big swell coming in." Jessica mentions in an attempt to gain back Mike's attention. It's then that Eric suddenly jumps onto his seat and starts acting like he surfing, with Mike joining in next to Bella and Samuel on his chair.

"And I don't just surf the Internet."

"Eric you stood up once... And it was a foam board."

"But there's whale watching too. Come with us. Even Sam's going to ask for the day off work." Angela begged, making Bella look up at Samuel who just shrugs. It all depends on what his boss says so he isn't getting too excited just yet in case he has to work that day.

"La Push baby. It's La Push" Eric continues once he is sitting back on his seat.

"Ok, I'll go if you stop saying that, okay?" She receives a grin from Eric who immediately shut up and sat down.

"Seriously dude, its creepy." Mike comments as he throws something at Eric. Sam laughs, pulling Mike back down from his seat.


That Thursday Samuel is standing by Bella's truck talking to Eric while waiting for her to get there. When he finally spots Bella, Eric asks to talk to Bella in private. Samuel raises an eye in curiosity, but moves around to the other side of the truck and gets in without bothering to ask. Sitting inside he can faintly hear their conversation and chooses to listen in to pass the time.

"Hey, Eric."

"Hi, Bella."

"What's up?" Bella starts trying to unlock the door not noticing the fact that Samuel had already unlocked it with his copy of the key.

"Uh, I was just wondering... if you would go to the spring dance with me?" Eric's voice breaking on the last word. Samuel doesn't know how to feel about that, but he will not be telling Angela about it, knowing her feelings towards the Asian boy.

"I thought it was girl's choice." Bella comments upon finally realizing the door is already open.

"Well, yeah." Samuel hopes Bella is going to sick with her plans to not attend, because if she goes back on them and accepts Eric's offer he was going to have to comfort Angela and yet somehow try to make sure her and Bella didn't fight and he doesn't want to have to do that.

"Thank you for asking me, but I'm going to Seattle that day." Samuel breaths a sigh of relief.

"Oh, well maybe next time?" He knew he should probably feel sorry for Eric, but he doesn't, too glad that he isn't going to be put in that situation any time soon.

"Sure." At Bella's dismissal Mike slouches off, back towards the school.

Bella slides into the truck and revs the engine deafeningly and reverses out into the aisle. Edward slides out smoothly in front of them, cutting them off and stops there - to wait for his family. Samuel can see the four of them walking this way, but they are still by the cafeteria and a line is beginning to form behind them. He notices that directly behind them, Tyler Crowley is in his recently acquired used Sentra, waving. Bella doesn't acknowledge him, but Samuel waves back, irritating Bella. He sees Tyler getting out of his car, leaving the door open and car running, and walking over to Bella's side of the car. He knocks, making Bella look over in confusion. She attempts to crank down the stiff window, getting it half way down before giving up on it. Samuel knew all too well how difficult the windows of this truck could be.

"I'm sorry, Tyler, I'm stuck behind Cullen." She seems to be getting more and more irritated by the minute at their situation. Samuel is just glad his shift today doesn't start until 6:30p.m. so the wait won't affect him too much and instead just take away some homework time.

"Oh, I know - I just wanted to ask you something while we're trapped here." He grins and Samuel looks on, curious and finding Bella's face paling in dread amusing. "Will you ask me to the spring dance?" Tyler asks with a cocky grin.

"I'm not going to be in town, Tyler."

"Yeah, Mike said that."

"Then why -"

He shrugs. "I was hoping you were just letting him down easy."

"Sorry, Tyler, I really am going out of town." He looks up at Samuel as though to confirm. Bella sharply turns her head to see Samuel nodding and backing her up. She let her shoulders sag a little in relief before turning back to Tyler. Samuel then notices Alice, Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper walking by, almost at the silver Volvo and waves to them receiving only one in return and a small nod in acknowledgment. He still isn't Rosalie's favorite person and he's yet to even speak to Emmett.

"That's cool. We still have prom." Before Bella has the chance to respond he is walking away and back to his car. Samuel can see the shock on her face as she turns to look forward and glare at the Volvo's main occupant, Edward, who is shaking with silent laughter after witnessing the entire event. As much as Samuel doesn't like Edward, he has to agree that the past scene was hilarious. Bella suddenly revved the engine and for a split second Samuel actually thinks she might bump into the silver car, but they were all in and Edward is speeding away like the devil is on his tail. Bella drives home slowly, muttering to herself the whole way.

Later that night Jessica calls up and Bella passes the phone over to him, too busy focusing on her preparations for dinner. Jessica is still going on and on about her date with Mike for the dance. Samuel is happy for her, but finds it quite sad that all the boys attention seems to be going towards Bella who isn't even interested in any of them, for she has her eyes set on a certain bipolar boy with a family of drop dead gorgeous models. Bella shouts out that Lauren should ask out Tyler and Samuel relays it to Jessica since Bella turned him down today. He notices how absorbed in her thoughts Bella is, but figures some good cooking is probably exactly what she needs at the moment.


The next Friday at lunch Bella enters with Jessica. They grab their food before going to sit down at their table where Samuel is looking over some of Angela's photos.

"Edward Cullen is staring at you again." Jessica comments as they sit down at their usual table. "I wonder why he's sitting alone today?" Bella's head snaps towards Edward at that question. 'Ouch' Samuel thinks, cringing at the sound her neck made. Edward beckons Bella to him using his index finger. "Does he mean you?" Insulting astonishment soaks Jessica's voice. Samuel nudges her leg to get her to be quiet. She has an apologetic expression and shuts up. He had come to realize that Jessica didn't always mean the harsh things she said, it was just part of the way she was brought up, to speak her mind, and Lauren wasn't helping any. So he took it upon himself to let her know in any way he could when she was being a 'condescending b***h' to put it simply.

"Maybe he needs help with his biology homework" Samuel hears Bella mutter. "Um, I'd better go see what he wants." As Bella stands to walk over to Edward, Samuel is highly tempted to grab a hold of her arm to stop her, but thinks better of it, realizing that she can handle herself around a simple bipolar boy that she seems to have a stupid crush on. Everything is fine at first until their conversation turns negative. Samuel contemplates whether or not to go over there and break it up, stand up for Bella or simply punch him for being a jerk to her, when their conversation seems to lighten up. Edward even laughs again, bringing Samuel's thoughts back to more pleasant ones. As the cafeteria begins to empty out, Samuel stays behind, waiting for Bella and Edward to finish up, to make sure she is alright. The warning bell rings and Bella is still talking to Edward, but he doesn't want to leave her alone with him. A few minutes later and Bella comes rushing out of the room. Samuel runs after her, stopping her in the empty corridor.

"Are you alright?" He asks worried if Edward had done anything to her. If he finds out that he has harmed Bella in any way Samuel knew that he would unfortunately go to extreme measures to protect her, but hopes that it won't come to that.

"I'm alright. Just running late to class." Samuel breaths a sigh of relief, his shoulders visibly relaxing.

"What about Edward?"

"He isn't going to class." Oh so Mr. Bipolar skips classes as well? Nice to know, Samuel thinks with a laugh.

"Oh okay. Well I'll walk you to class. I'm already late so I may as well enjoy it." Bella laughs at that and nods in agreement. "So you and Edward ha?" He joked, nudging her.

"Ah yeah. He's taking me to Seattle the day of the dance." Samuel raised an eyebrow in question, but didn't bother her about it, knowing she could handle herself and would let him know if he ever needed to become the over protective cousin.

Okay the next chapter will be about La Push where Samuel will meet some of the soon to be wolf pack. Hope you enjoy!

Quick note. Ok I just re-read it and I don't think it's as bad as I first thought. I've made all minor changes that I felt were needed, so I don't think I'll be changing it any time soon. ^^

Okay. This is where I am up to date with what I have on my Fanfiction.net page. If you wish for me to continue posting any of these on here, then I need reviews. Hope you enjoyed. <3

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