Old News
Oh goodness, I've been called in on. rofl And for one of the silliest reasons, too. A customer that was upset, to say the least, that she could not use her coupon, was leaving, and I heard her grumbling as she passed. It was my fault, I really did know better, but I went ahead and wished her a good day. She fixed me with one of the meanest looks I have ever seen, prompting me to say 'It'll get better.' She turned around and went out of the door, and I heard her telling her friend that she 'hates smart asses'. I would have been hurt, if it wasn't such a weird situation that was more amusing than anything. Later on, I heard that she indeed had made a call to the district sales manager, and had mentioned me. Apparently, the only thing I did wrong was using wording that sounded like it was our fault. Like I said, weird. I have also had a very strange encounter. I was taking my break in front of the store, and a man I had never met before came up to talk to me. He told me, among other things, that God had told him to tell me that I should enroll in a real estate class. He said that the work would be hard, but it would pay well. I wasn't sure of what to make of that, but I think about it every now and then. What about you? Have you ever taken unsolicited advice from a stranger before?